2 research outputs found

    The Fundamental Role of Hop Distance in IEEE802.11 Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks

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    In wireless networks, it is well understood what throughput can be achieved by nodes who can hear each other (i.e. nodes within a single cell)[1, 3]. The effects of nodes beyond the sensing range (known as hidden nodes) on a sender are complicated and difficult to analyze. Consequently, how to analytically model multi-hop adhoc networks, specially networks based on the popular IEEE802.11 standards remains largely open. In a recent paper [2], the throughput of a particular wireless network topology (linear network with a given number of hidden nodes) has been derived analytically. In this paper, we unify previous results on single-cell models, and results characterizing different types of hidden node interference and the analysis of [2], to derive a general solution for throughput given a linear network of arbitrary density and transmission distance between source and destination nodes. An important insight from our model is that there is a certain transmission distance, which is less than the maximum transmission distance, that optimizes throughput in such networks. This result is verified using ns-2 simulation with both single as well as multiple flows

    Réseaux de communication et applications de contrôle-commande

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    Cette thèse se situe dans le domaine des Systèmes Commandés en Réseaux, systèmes pluridisciplinairesqui connaissent un grand développement dans le contexte technologique actuel etqui introduisent de nouveaux problèmes de recherche, en particulier, pour les communautés Automatiqueet Réseau de Communication. L objectif est de montrer l intérêt de considérer un lienbidirectionnel entre la Qualité de Contrôle (QdC) (stabilité et performance des applications decontrôle-commande) et la Qualité de Service (QdS) (retards dans les transmissions) en se focalisantsur les réseaux locaux et plus particulièrement sur l ordonnancement des trames dans la souscouche MAC où on considère des protocoles MAC de type CSMA.Notre travail se situe tout d abord dans le cadre du réseau CAN où nous faisons trois propositions.La première proposition consiste en des solutions de QdS pour des applications decontrôle-commande sur la base du concept de priorité hybride, pour l ordonnancement de trames,dans laquelle nous définissons une partie priorité dynamique qui dépend d un paramètre de QdC.Ceci permet de réaliser une relation QdC->QdS. La deuxième proposition consiste en des solutionsde QdC par une méthode de compensation de retard (maintenance des pôles dominants)ce qui permet de réaliser une relation QdS->QdC. La troisième proposition consiste à réaliserune relation QdC QdS qui assure lors de l implantation de plusieurs applications, une propriétéd équité comportementale. Nous abordons ensuite le cadre particulier des réseaux locaux sans filoù, d une part, nous définissons des protocoles MAC de type CSMA sans collision sur la basede priorités et, d autre part, nous montrons la faisabilité des idées développées dans le cadre duréseau CANThis thesis is in the field of Networked Controlled Systems, which are multidisciplinary systemsand which experience a great development in the context of the current technology andintroduce new research problems, particularly for the communities of Automatic Control andCommunication Network. The aim is to show the interest in considering a bidirectional link betweenthe Quality of Control (QoC) (stability and performance of process control applications) andQuality of Service (QoS) (delays in the transmissions) and to focus on Local Area Networks and,more particularly, on the scheduling of frames in the MAC layer in which we consider CSMAMAC protocols.Our work first concerns a CAN network where we have three proposals. The first proposalconsists of solutions for QoS, for process control applications, which are based on the conceptof hybrid priority for the frame scheduling in which we define a dynamic priority part which dependson a QoC parameter. This allows to implement a relation QoC->QoS. The second proposalconsists of QoC solutions by using a compensation method for time delays (maintenance of dominantpoles) which allows to implement a relation QoS->QoC. The third proposal consists inimplementing a relation QoS QoC that ensures, for the implementation of several applications,a fairness property. We then discuss the specific context of Wireless LANs, where, on the onehand, we define collision-free CSMA MAC protocols on the basis of priorities and, on the otherhand, we show the feasibility of the ideas developed in the CAN networkTOULOUSE-INSA-Bib. electronique (315559905) / SudocSudocFranceF