1,427 research outputs found

    Virtual assembly rapid prototyping of near net shapes

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    Virtual reality (VR) provides another dimension to many engineering applications. Its immersive and interactive nature allows an intuitive approach to study both cognitive activities and performance evaluation. Market competitiveness means having products meet form, fit and function quickly. Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing (RP&M) technologies are increasingly being applied to produce functional prototypes and the direct manufacturing of small components. Despite its flexibility, these systems have common drawbacks such as slow build rates, a limited number of build axes (typically one) and the need for post processing. This paper presents a Virtual Assembly Rapid Prototyping (VARP) project which involves evaluating cognitive activities in assembly tasks based on the adoption of immersive virtual reality along with a novel non-layered rapid prototyping for near net shape (NNS) manufacturing of components. It is envisaged that this integrated project will facilitate a better understanding of design for manufacture and assembly by utilising equivalent scale digital and physical prototyping in one rapid prototyping system. The state of the art of the VARP project is also presented in this paper

    From 3D Models to 3D Prints: an Overview of the Processing Pipeline

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    Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being invented at an impressive speed. Each single step, in particular along the Process Planning pipeline, can now count on dozens of methods that prepare the 3D model for fabrication, while analysing and optimizing geometry and machine instructions for various objectives. This report provides a classification of this huge state of the art, and elicits the relation between each single algorithm and a list of desirable objectives during Process Planning. The objectives themselves are listed and discussed, along with possible needs for tradeoffs. Additive Manufacturing technologies are broadly categorized to explicitly relate classes of devices and supported features. Finally, this report offers an analysis of the state of the art while discussing open and challenging problems from both an academic and an industrial perspective.Comment: European Union (EU); Horizon 2020; H2020-FoF-2015; RIA - Research and Innovation action; Grant agreement N. 68044

    Second order surface analysis using hybrid symbolic and numeric operators

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    Journal ArticleResults from analyzing the curvature of a surface can be used to improve the implementation, efficiency, and effectiveness of manufacturing and visualization of sculptured surfaces. In this paper, we develop a robust method using hybrid symbolic and numeric operators to create trimmed surfaces each of which is solely convex, concave, or saddle and partitions the original surface. The same method is also used to identify regions whose curvature lies within prespecified bounds

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe medial axis of an object is a shape descriptor that intuitively presents the morphology or structure of the object as well as intrinsic geometric properties of the object’s shape. These properties have made the medial axis a vital ingredient for shape analysis applications, and therefore the computation of which is a fundamental problem in computational geometry. This dissertation presents new methods for accurately computing the 2D medial axis of planar objects bounded by B-spline curves, and the 3D medial axis of objects bounded by B-spline surfaces. The proposed methods for the 3D case are the first techniques that automatically compute the complete medial axis along with its topological structure directly from smooth boundary representations. Our approach is based on the eikonal (grassfire) flow where the boundary is offset along the inward normal direction. As the boundary deforms, different regions start intersecting with each other to create the medial axis. In the generic situation, the (self-) intersection set is born at certain creation-type transition points, then grows and undergoes intermediate transitions at special isolated points, and finally ends at annihilation-type transition points. The intersection set evolves smoothly in between transition points. Our approach first computes and classifies all types of transition points. The medial axis is then computed as a time trace of the evolving intersection set of the boundary using theoretically derived evolution vector fields. This dynamic approach enables accurate tracking of elements of the medial axis as they evolve and thus also enables computation of topological structure of the solution. Accurate computation of geometry and topology of 3D medial axes enables a new graph-theoretic method for shape analysis of objects represented with B-spline surfaces. Structural components are computed via the cycle basis of the graph representing the 1-complex of a 3D medial axis. This enables medial axis based surface segmentation, and structure based surface region selection and modification. We also present a new approach for structural analysis of 3D objects based on scalar functions defined on their surfaces. This approach is enabled by accurate computation of geometry and structure of 2D medial axes of level sets of the scalar functions. Edge curves of the 3D medial axis correspond to a subset of ridges on the bounding surfaces. Ridges are extremal curves of principal curvatures on a surface indicating salient intrinsic features of its shape, and hence are of particular interest as tools for shape analysis. This dissertation presents a new algorithm for accurately extracting all ridges directly from B-spline surfaces. The proposed technique is also extended to accurately extract ridges from isosurfaces of volumetric data using smooth implicit B-spline representations. Accurate ridge curves enable new higher-order methods for surface analysis. We present a new definition of salient regions in order to capture geometrically significant surface regions in the neighborhood of ridges as well as to identify salient segments of ridges

    Workshop on the Integration of Finite Element Modeling with Geometric Modeling

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    The workshop on the Integration of Finite Element Modeling with Geometric Modeling was held on 12 May 1987. It was held to discuss the geometric modeling requirements of the finite element modeling process and to better understand the technical aspects of the integration of these two areas. The 11 papers are presented except for one for which only the abstract is given

    Direct modeling techniques in the conceptual design stage in immersive environments for DfA&D

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    Due to the fast – growing competition of the mass – products markets, companies are looking for new technologies to maximize productivity and minimize time and costs. In the perspective of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP), companies want to optimize fixture design and assembly planning for different goals. To meet these demands, the designers' interest in Design for Assembly and Disassembly is growing considerably and is increasingly being integrated into the CAPP. The work described in this thesis aims to exploit immersive technologies to support the design of mating elements and assembly / disassembly, by developing a data exchange flow between the immersive environment and the modeling environment that provides the high – level modeling rules, both for modeling features and for assembly relationships. The main objective of the research is to develop the capability to model and execute simple coupling commands in a virtual environment by using fast direct modeling commands. With this tool the designer can model the coupling elements, position them and modify their layout. Thanks to the physical engine embedded in the scene editor software, it is possible to take into consideration physical laws such as gravity and collision between elements. A library of predefined assembly features has been developed through the use of an external modeling engine and put into communication with the immersive interaction environment. Subsequently, the research involved the study of immersive technologies for workforce development and training of workers. The research on immersive training involved industrial case studies, such as the projection of the disassembly sequence of an industrial product on a head mounted display, and less industrial case studies, such as the manual skills development of carpenters for AEC sectors and the surgeon training in the pre – operative planning in medical field

    The Meta-Model Approach for Simulation-based Design Optimization.

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    The design of products and processes makes increasing use of computer simulations for the prediction of its performance. These computer simulations are considerably cheaper than their physical equivalent. Finding the optimal design has therefore become a possibility. One approach for finding the optimal design using computer simulations is the meta-model approach, which approximates the behaviour of the computer simulation outcome using a limited number of time-consuming computer simulations. This thesis contains four main contributions, which are illustrated by industrial cases. First, a method is presented for the construction of an experimental design for computer simulations when the design space is restricted by many (nonlinear) constraints. The second contribution is a new approach for the approximation of the simulation outcome. This approximation method is particularly useful when the simulation model outcome reacts highly nonlinear to its inputs. Third, the meta-model based approach is extended to a robust optimization framework. Using this framework, many uncertainties can be taken into account, including uncertainty on the simulation model outcome. The fourth main contribution is the extension of the approach for use in integral design of many parts of complex systems.

    A Concept For Surface Reconstruction From Digitised Data

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    Reverse engineering and in particular the reconstruction of surfaces from digitized data is an important task in industry. With the development of new digitizing technologies such as laser or photogrammetry, real objects can be measured or digitized quickly and cost effectively. The result of the digitizing process is a set of discrete 3D sample points. These sample points have to be converted into a mathematical, continuous surface description, which can be further processed in different computer applications. The main goal of this work is to develop a concept for such a computer aided surface generation tool, that supports the new scanning technologies and meets the requirements in industry towards such a product. Therefore first, the requirements to be met by a surface reconstruction tool are determined. This marketing study has been done by analysing different departments of several companies. As a result, a catalogue of requirements is developed. The number of tasks and applications shows the importance of a fast and precise computer aided reconstruction tool in industry. The main result from the analysis is, that many important applications such as stereolithographie, copy milling etc. are based on triangular meshes or they are able to handle these polygonal surfaces. Secondly the digitizer, currently available on the market and used in industry are analysed. Any scanning system has its strength and weaknesses. A typical problem in digitizing is, that some areas of a model cannot be digitized due to occlusion or obstruction. The systems are also different in terms of accuracy, flexibility etc. The analysis of the systems leads to a second catalogue of requirements and tasks, which have to be solved in order to provide a complete and effective software tool. The analysis also shows, that the reconstruction problem cannot be solved fully automatically due to many limitations of the scanning technologies. Based on the two requirements, a concept for a software tool in order to process digitized data is developed and presented. The concept is restricted to the generation of polygonal surfaces. It combines automatic processes, such as the generation of triangular meshes from digitized data, as well as user interactive tools such as the reconstruction of sharp corners or the compensation of the scanning probe radius in tactile measured data. The most difficult problem in this reconstruction process is the automatic generation of a surface from discrete measured sample points. Hence, an algorithm for generating triangular meshes from digitized data has been developed. The algorithm is based on the principle of multiple view combination. The proposed approach is able to handle large numbers of data points (examples with up to 20 million data points were processed). Two pre-processing algorithm for triangle decimation and surface smoothing are also presented and part of the mesh generation process. Several practical examples, which show the effectiveness, robustness and reliability of the algorithm are presented

    Feature-Based Models for Three-Dimensional Data Fitting.

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    There are numerous techniques available for fitting a surface to any supplied data set. The feature-based modeling technique takes advantage of the known, geometric shape of the data by deforming a model having this generic shape to approximate the data. The model is constructed as a rational B-spline surface with characteristic features superimposed on its definition. The first step in the fitting process is to align the model with a data set using the center of mass, principal axes and/or landmarks. Using this initial orientation, the position, rotation and scale parameters are optimized using a Newton-type optimization of a least squares cost function. Once aligned, features embedded within the model, corresponding to pertinent characteristics of the shape, are used to improve the fit of the model to the data. Finally, the control vertex weights and positions of the rational B-spline model are optimized to approximate the data to within a specified tolerance. Since the characteristic features are defined within the model a creation, important measures are easily extracted from a data set, once fit. The feature-based modeling approach is demonstrated in two-dimensions by the fitting of five facial, silhouette profiles and in three-dimensions by the fitting of eleven human foot scans. The algorithm is tested for sensitivity to data distribution and structure and the extracted measures are tested for repeatability and accuracy. Limitations within the current implementation, future work and potential applications are also provided

    A virtual engineering framework to support progressive interaction in engineering design

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    Engineering design encompasses a series of non-trivial decision making phases in generating initial solutions, developing mathematical models, performing analysis, and optimizing designs. Engineering analysis and optimization are the phases that often significantly slow down the design process. Thorough designer exploration on the solution space increases the likelihood of determining the most feasible solution but, at the expense of longer lead times. The exploratory capabilities of the designer could be enhanced by creating an interactive virtual engineering framework. This research presents progressive interaction with the designer-in-the-loop whose intelligence is blended with the computational power to suitably control the optimization. Progressive interaction is a human-guided preference articulation method where the designer intelligence continuously controls the engineering analysis and optimization by visualization, modification and controlled re-optimization. Based on the designer\u27s knowledge and the knowledge available from the interaction system, the designer preferences can be modified anytime to expedite optimization. Progressive interaction not only helps the designer discover the hidden relationship between the decision variables but it also uncovers the implicit constraints and other performance limitations of the design. In summary, this research work proposes human-guided, progressive interaction as a solution to complex engineering optimization problems. The proposed solution is demonstrated using three test cases: (1) Interactive image segmentation and optimization, (2) Designer interaction to support shape optimization of a finned dissipater, and (3) Interactive analysis, optimization and design of hydraulic mixing nozzle