116,211 research outputs found


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    Taken literally, the concept of "Information Society" means considering information as the fulcrum of everyday activities and implies attention to a number of factors, including: the volume of information available today; the variety of information content, information formats and vehicles of distribution; the prevalence of information-intensive activities, strictly based on lifelong learning attitudes; the massive fruition of information, i.e. information as a mass phenomenon.The combined effect of these factors results in a diffuse disorientation with respect to the current formidable supply of information. Therefore, a minimum set of competencies is widely required in order to improve the ability to dominate the multiform (print, electronic, local, online, networked, multimedia) universe of information available. Mastering this set of competencies is what is here assumed to be the purpose of information literacy (hereafter IL).Further, there is a great gap between USA-Australian and European approaches to IL. In fact, while in the USA and Australia IL is a national policy issue, in Europe it has been developed only in the form of episodic and fragmented initiatives.In view of the above, the EnIL (European network on Information Literacy) project started in 2001 by initiative of the Institute for Studies on Scientific Research and Documentation of the Italian National Research Council with the following aims: Establish a network of excellence made up by European IL experts (the EnIL network); Produce a report on the state of the art of IL in each of the EU-15 Member States; Agree among the EnIL members a common research agenda and the condition under which share methodologies, tools and results gained by the single Countries; Evaluate the feasibility of a European Information Driving Licence (EiDL), analogously to the European Computer Driving License; Start a pilot project of EiDL in Italy.Information literacy, European Union, lifelong learning, European network on Information Literacy (EnIL project)

    From learning to use towards using to learn : About lessons to be Llearned from ICT-education in the Netherlands

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    Implementing ICT in secondary education and teacher training is not a complete success story in the Netherlands. One of the reasons is that for a long time the focus was on the system and learning to use the machine. By introducing the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) and it’s educational variant in the 1990’s the focus remained on the machine and the use of general applications we know from MS-office. Although a lot of effort is put in the training of teachers still less than 50% of the secondary school teachers in the Netherlands use ICT in there lessons. On the basis of the experience of more then 20 years of ICT implementation and research in cognitive learning theory, it is possible to give an account of this. Using to learn seems more and more a condition for learning to use.2nd IFIP Conference on the History of Computing and EducationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Zenseact Open Dataset: A large-scale and diverse multimodal dataset for autonomous driving

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    Existing datasets for autonomous driving (AD) often lack diversity and long-range capabilities, focusing instead on 360{\deg} perception and temporal reasoning. To address this gap, we introduce Zenseact Open Dataset (ZOD), a large-scale and diverse multimodal dataset collected over two years in various European countries, covering an area 9x that of existing datasets. ZOD boasts the highest range and resolution sensors among comparable datasets, coupled with detailed keyframe annotations for 2D and 3D objects (up to 245m), road instance/semantic segmentation, traffic sign recognition, and road classification. We believe that this unique combination will facilitate breakthroughs in long-range perception and multi-task learning. The dataset is composed of Frames, Sequences, and Drives, designed to encompass both data diversity and support for spatio-temporal learning, sensor fusion, localization, and mapping. Frames consist of 100k curated camera images with two seconds of other supporting sensor data, while the 1473 Sequences and 29 Drives include the entire sensor suite for 20 seconds and a few minutes, respectively. ZOD is the only large-scale AD dataset released under a permissive license, allowing for both research and commercial use. More information, and an extensive devkit, can be found at https://zod.zenseact.comComment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202

    Electrification of Urban Freight Transport - a Case Study of the Food Retailing Industry

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    Decarbonisation is a major challenge for the coming decades, for all industries, including the transport sector. Battery electric vehicles are a potential solution for the transport sector to reduce its carbon impact. Asides from the question whether there is sufficient supply of electric vehicles for freight transport, it is also unclear whether battery-powered trucks meet the practical requirements, especially in terms of their driving range. To investigate this, synthetic tours were generated by solving a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). This also generates the fleet size and composition depending on a set of different vehicle types. The network with underlying traffic conditions comes from an publicly available transport model. The generated tours are then simulated with an open-source transport simulation (MATSim), for both diesel and battery electric vehicles (BEVs). In a sensitivity study, two different purchase prices were considered for calculating vehicle costs. The case study uses a model of the food retailing industry for the city of Berlin. 56% of the tours can be driven without recharging. When recharged one time, 90% of the tours are suitable for BEVs. The costs for transporting the goods will increase by 17 to 23% depending on the assumption for the purchase prices for the BEVs. Using a well-to-wheel calculation, the electrification of all tours leads to a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 26 to 96% depending on the assumed electricity production.DFG, 398051144, Analyse von Strategien zur vollständigen Dekarbonisierung des urbanen Verkehr

    Distributed control in virtualized networks

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    The increasing number of the Internet connected devices requires novel solutions to control the next generation network resources. The cooperation between the Software Defined Network (SDN) and the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) seems to be a promising technology paradigm. The bottleneck of current SDN/NFV implementations is the use of a centralized controller. In this paper, different scenarios to identify the pro and cons of a distributed control-plane were investigated. We implemented a prototypal framework to benchmark different centralized and distributed approaches. The test results have been critically analyzed and related considerations and recommendations have been reported. The outcome of our research influenced the control plane design of the following European R&D projects: PLATINO, FI-WARE and T-NOVA

    Security Analysis of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET)

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) has mostly gained the attention of today's research efforts, while current solutions to achieve secure VANET, to protect the network from adversary and attacks still not enough, trying to reach a satisfactory level, for the driver and manufacturer to achieve safety of life and infotainment. The need for a robust VANET networks is strongly dependent on their security and privacy features, which will be discussed in this paper. In this paper a various types of security problems and challenges of VANET been analyzed and discussed; we also discuss a set of solutions presented to solve these challenges and problems.Comment: 6 pages; 2010 Second International Conference on Network Applications, Protocols and Service
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