5 research outputs found

    The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for computing 11th11^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbols in the cyclotomic field Q(ζ11)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_{11}), where ζ11\zeta_{11} is a primitive 11th11^{\mathrm{th}} root of unity. It extends an earlier algorithm due to Caranay and Scheidler (Int. J. Number Theory, 2010) for the 7th7^{\mathrm{th}}-power residue symbol. The new algorithm finds applications in the implementation of certain cryptographic schemes

    Subgroup membership testing on elliptic curves via the Tate pairing

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    This note explains how to guarantee the membership of a point in the prime-order subgroup of an elliptic curve (over a finite field) satisfying some moderate conditions. For this purpose, we apply the Tate pairing on the curve, however it is not required to be pairing-friendly. Whenever the cofactor is small, the new subgroup test is much more efficient than other known ones, because it needs to compute at most two nn-th power residue symbols (with small nn) in the basic field. More precisely, the running time of the test is (sub-)quadratic in the bit length of the field size, which is comparable with the Decaf-style technique. The test is relevant, e.g., for the zk-SNARK friendly curves Bandersnatch and Jubjub proposed by the Ethereum and Zcash research teams respectively

    Primary Elements in Cyclotomic Fields with Applications to Power Residue Symbols, and More

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    Higher-order power residues have enabled the construction of numerous public-key encryption schemes, authentication schemes, and digital signatures. Their explicit characterization is however challenging; an algorithm of Caranay and Scheidler computes pp-th power residue symbols, with p≤13p \le 13 an odd prime, provided that primary elements in the corresponding cyclotomic field can be efficiently found. In this paper, we describe a new, generic algorithm to compute primary elements in cyclotomic fields; which we apply for p=3,5,7,11,13p=3,5,7,11,13. A key insight is a careful selection of fundamental units as put forward by Dénes. This solves an essential step in the Caranay--Scheidler algorithm. We give a unified view of the problem. Finally, we provide the first efficient deterministic algorithm for the computation of the 9-th and 16-th power residue symbols

    The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol

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    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for computing 11th-power residue symbols in the cyclo-tomic field ℚ(ζ11),Q(ζ11), \mathbb{Q}\left( {{\zeta }_{11}} \right), where 11 is a primitive 11th root of unity. It extends an earlier algorithm due to Caranay and Scheidler (Int. J. Number Theory, 2010) for the 7th-power residue symbol. The new algorithm finds applications in the implementation of certain cryptographic schemes

    The Eleventh Power Residue Symbol

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