4 research outputs found

    Protecting Against Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) Compromises and Return-to-Libc Attacks Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Writable XOR eXecutable (W XOR X) and Address Space Layout Randomisation (ASLR), have elevated the understanding necessary to perpetrate buffer overflow exploits [1]. However, they have not proved to be a panacea [1] [2] [3] and so other mechanisms such as stack guards and prelinking have been introduced. In this paper we show that host based protection still does not offer a complete solution. To demonstrate, we perform an over the network brute force return-to-libc attack against a pre-forking concurrent server to gain remote access to W XOR X and ASLR. We then demonstrate that deploying a NIDS with appropriate signatures can detect this attack efficiently

    Towards Systematic Signature Testing

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    Abstract: The success and the acceptance of intrusion detection systems essentially depend on the accuracy of their analysis. Inaccurate signatures strongly trigger false alarms. In practice several thousand false alarms per month are reported which limit the successful deployment of intrusion detection systems. Most today deployed intrusion detection systems apply misuse detection as detection procedure. Misuse detection compares the recorded audit data with predefined patterns, the signatures. These are mostly empirically developed based on experience and knowledge of experts. Methods for a systematic development have been scarcely reported yet. A testing and correcting phase is required to improve the quality of the signatures. Signature testing is still a rather empirical process like signature development itself. There exists no test methodology so far. In this paper we present first approaches for a systematic test of signatures. We characterize the test objectives and present different test methods. Motivation The increasing dependence of human society on information technology (IT) systems requires appropriate measures to cope with their misuse. The enlarging technological complexity of IT systems increases the range of threats to endanger them. Besides preventive security measures reactive approaches are more and more applied to counter these threats. Reactive approaches allow responses and counter measures when security violations happened to prevent further damage. Complementary to preventive measures intrusion detection and prevention systems have proved as important means to protect IT resources. Meanwhile a wide range of commercial intrusion detection products is offered, especially for misuse detection. Nevertheless intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are not still deployed in a large scale. The reason is that the technology is considered not matured enough. Lacking reliability often resulting in high false alarm rates questions the practicability of intrusion detection systems The security function intrusion detection deals with the monitoring of IT systems to detect security violations. The decision which activities have to be considered as security violations in a given context is defined by the applied security policy. Two main complementary approaches are applied: anomaly and misuse detection. Anomaly detection aims at the exposure of abnormal user behavior. It requires a comprehensive set of data describing the normal user behavior. Although much research is done in this area it i

    Intrusion alert reduction based on unsupervised and supervised learning algorithms

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    Security and protection of information is an ever-evolving process in the field of information security. One of the major tools of protection is the Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). For so many years, IDS have been developed for use in computer networks, they have been widely used to detect a range of network attacks; but one of its major drawbacks is that attackers, with the evolution of time and technology make it harder for IDS systems to cope. A sub-branch of IDS-Intrusion Alert Analysis was introduced into the research system to combat these problems and help support IDS by analyzing the alert triggered by the IDS. Intrusion Alert analysis has served as a good support for IDS systems for many years but also has its own short comings which are the amount of the voluminous number of alerts produced by IDS systems. From years of research, it has been observed that majority of the alerts produced are undesirables such as duplicates, false alerts, etc., leading to huge amounts of alerts causing alert flooding. This research proposed the reduction alert by targeting these undesirable alerts through the integration of supervised and unsupervised algorithms and approach. The research first selects significant features by comparing two feature ranking techniques this targets duplicates, low priority and irrelevant alert. To achieve further reduction, the research proposed the integration of supervised and unsupervised algorithms to filter out false alerts. Based on this, an effective model was gotten which achieved 94.02% reduction rate of alerts. Making use of the dataset ISCX 2012, experiments were conducted and the model with the highest reduction rate was chosen. The model was evaluated against other experimental results and benchmarked against a related work, it also improved on the said related work

    The Effect of Identifying Vulnerabilities and Patching Software on the Utility of Network Intrusion Detection

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    Vulnerability scanning and installing software patches for known vulnerabilities greatly affects the utility of network-based intrusion detection systems that use signatures to detect system compromises. A detailed timeline analysis of important remote-to-local vulnerabilities demonstrates (1) Vulnerabilities in widely-used server software are discovered infrequently (at most 6 times a year) and (2) Software patches to prevent vulnerabilities from being exploited are available before or simultaneously with signatures. Signature-based intrusion detection systems will thus never detect successful system compromises on small secure sites when patches are installed as soon as they are available