429 research outputs found

    Parallel architectures and runtime systems co-design for task-based programming models

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    The increasing parallelism levels in modern computing systems has extolled the need for a holistic vision when designing multiprocessor architectures taking in account the needs of the programming models and applications. Nowadays, system design consists of several layers on top of each other from the architecture up to the application software. Although this design allows to do a separation of concerns where it is possible to independently change layers due to a well-known interface between them, it is hampering future systems design as the Law of Moore reaches to an end. Current performance improvements on computer architecture are driven by the shrinkage of the transistor channel width, allowing faster and more power efficient chips to be made. However, technology is reaching physical limitations were the transistor size will not be able to be reduced furthermore and requires a change of paradigm in systems design. This thesis proposes to break this layered design, and advocates for a system where the architecture and the programming model runtime system are able to exchange information towards a common goal, improve performance and reduce power consumption. By making the architecture aware of runtime information such as a Task Dependency Graph (TDG) in the case of dataflow task-based programming models, it is possible to improve power consumption by exploiting the critical path of the graph. Moreover, the architecture can provide hardware support to create such a graph in order to reduce the runtime overheads and making possible the execution of fine-grained tasks to increase the available parallelism. Finally, the current status of inter-node communication primitives can be exposed to the runtime system in order to perform a more efficient communication scheduling, and also creates new opportunities of computation and communication overlap that were not possible before. An evaluation of the proposals introduced in this thesis is provided and a methodology to simulate and characterize the application behavior is also presented.El aumento del paralelismo proporcionado por los sistemas de cómputo modernos ha provocado la necesidad de una visión holística en el diseño de arquitecturas multiprocesador que tome en cuenta las necesidades de los modelos de programación y las aplicaciones. Hoy en día el diseño de los computadores consiste en diferentes capas de abstracción con una interfaz bien definida entre ellas. Las limitaciones de esta aproximación junto con el fin de la ley de Moore limitan el potencial de los futuros computadores. La mayoría de las mejoras actuales en el diseño de los computadores provienen fundamentalmente de la reducción del tamaño del canal del transistor, lo cual permite chips más rápidos y con un consumo eficiente sin apenas cambios fundamentales en el diseño de la arquitectura. Sin embargo, la tecnología actual está alcanzando limitaciones físicas donde no será posible reducir el tamaño de los transistores motivando así un cambio de paradigma en la construcción de los computadores. Esta tesis propone romper este diseño en capas y abogar por un sistema donde la arquitectura y el sistema de tiempo de ejecución del modelo de programación sean capaces de intercambiar información para alcanzar una meta común: La mejora del rendimiento y la reducción del consumo energético. Haciendo que la arquitectura sea consciente de la información disponible en el modelo de programación, como puede ser el grafo de dependencias entre tareas en los modelos de programación dataflow, es posible reducir el consumo energético explotando el camino critico del grafo. Además, la arquitectura puede proveer de soporte hardware para crear este grafo con el objetivo de reducir el overhead de construir este grado cuando la granularidad de las tareas es demasiado fina. Finalmente, el estado de las comunicaciones entre nodos puede ser expuesto al sistema de tiempo de ejecución para realizar una mejor planificación de las comunicaciones y creando nuevas oportunidades de solapamiento entre cómputo y comunicación que no eran posibles anteriormente. Esta tesis aporta una evaluación de todas estas propuestas, así como una metodología para simular y caracterizar el comportamiento de las aplicacionesPostprint (published version

    Scheduling Heterogeneous HPC Applications in Next-Generation Exascale Systems

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    Next generation HPC applications will increasingly time-share system resources with emerging workloads such as in-situ analytics, resilience tasks, runtime adaptation services and power management activities. HPC systems must carefully schedule these co-located codes in order to reduce their impact on application performance. Among the techniques traditionally used to mitigate the performance effects of time- share systems is gang scheduling. This approach, however, leverages global synchronization and time agreement mechanisms that will become hard to support as systems increase in size. Alternative performance interference mitigation approaches must be explored for future HPC systems. This dissertation evaluates the impacts of workload concurrency in future HPC systems. It uses simulation and modeling techniques to study the performance impacts of existing and emerging interference sources on a selection of HPC benchmarks, mini-applications, and applications. It also quantifies the cost and benefits of different approaches to scheduling co-located workloads, studies performance interference mitigation solutions based on gang scheduling, and examines their synchronization requirements. To do so, this dissertation presents and leverages a new Extreme Value Theory- based model to characterize interference sources, and investigate their impact on Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) applications. It demonstrates how this model can be used to analyze the interference attenuation effects of alternative fine-grained OS scheduling approaches based on periodic real time schedulers. This analysis can, in turn, guide the design of those mitigation techniques by providing tools to understand the tradeoffs of selecting scheduling parameters

    Achieving High Performance and High Productivity in Next Generational Parallel Programming Languages

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    Processor design has turned toward parallelism and heterogeneity cores to achieve performance and energy efficiency. Developers find high-level languages attractive because they use abstraction to offer productivity and portability over hardware complexities. To achieve performance, some modern implementations of high-level languages use work-stealing scheduling for load balancing of dynamically created tasks. Work-stealing is a promising approach for effectively exploiting software parallelism on parallel hardware. A programmer who uses work-stealing explicitly identifies potential parallelism and the runtime then schedules work, keeping otherwise idle hardware busy while relieving overloaded hardware of its burden. However, work-stealing comes with substantial overheads. These overheads arise as a necessary side effect of the implementation and hamper parallel performance. In addition to runtime-imposed overheads, there is a substantial cognitive load associated with ensuring that parallel code is data-race free. This dissertation explores the overheads associated with achieving high performance parallelism in modern high-level languages. My thesis is that, by exploiting existing underlying mechanisms of managed runtimes; and by extending existing language design, high-level languages will be able to deliver productivity and parallel performance at the levels necessary for widespread uptake. The key contributions of my thesis are: 1) a detailed analysis of the key sources of overhead associated with a work-stealing runtime, namely sequential and dynamic overheads; 2) novel techniques to reduce these overheads that use rich features of managed runtimes such as the yieldpoint mechanism, on-stack replacement, dynamic code-patching, exception handling support, and return barriers; 3) comprehensive analysis of the resulting benefits, which demonstrate that work-stealing overheads can be significantly reduced, leading to substantial performance improvements; and 4) a small set of language extensions that achieve both high performance and high productivity with minimal programmer effort. A managed runtime forms the backbone of any modern implementation of a high-level language. Managed runtimes enjoy the benefits of a long history of research and their implementations are highly optimized. My thesis demonstrates that converging these highly optimized features together with the expressiveness of high-level languages, gives further hope for achieving high performance and high productivity on modern parallel hardwar

    ERASE: Energy Efficient Task Mapping and Resource Management for Work Stealing Runtimes

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    Parallel applications often rely on work stealing schedulers in combination with fine-grained tasking to achieve high performance and scalability. However, reducing the total energy consumption in the context of work stealing runtimes is still challenging, particularly when using asymmetric architectures with different types of CPU cores. A common approach for energy savings involves dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) wherein throttling is carried out based on factors like task parallelism, stealing relations, and task criticality. This article makes the following observations: (i) leveraging DVFS on a per-task basis is impractical when using fine-grained tasking and in environments with cluster/chip-level DVFS; (ii) task moldability, wherein a single task can execute on multiple threads/cores via work-sharing, can help to reduce energy consumption; and (iii) mismatch between tasks and assigned resources (i.e., core type and number of cores) can detrimentally impact energy consumption. In this article, we propose EneRgy Aware SchedulEr (ERASE), an intra-application task scheduler on top of work stealing runtimes that aims to reduce the total energy consumption of parallel applications. It achieves energy savings by guiding scheduling decisions based on per-task energy consumption predictions of different resource configurations. In addition, ERASE is capable of adapting to both given static frequency settings and externally controlled DVFS. Overall, ERASE achieves up to 31% energy savings and improves performance by 44% on average, compared to the state-of-the-art DVFS-based schedulers

    A hardware runtime for task-based programming models

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Task-based programming models such as OpenMP 5.0 and OmpSs are simple to use and powerful enough to exploit task parallelism of applications over multicore, manycore and heterogeneous systems. However, their software-only runtimes introduce relevant overhead when targeting fine-grained tasks, resulting in performance losses. To overcome this drawback, we present a hardware runtime Picos++ that accelerates critical runtime functions such as task dependence analysis, nested task support, and heterogeneous task scheduling. As a proof-of-concept, the Picos++ hardware runtime has been integrated with a compiler infrastructure that supports parallel task-based programming models. A FPGA SoC running Linux OS has been used to implement the hardware accelerated part of Picos++, integrated with a heterogeneous system composed of 4 symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) cores and several hardware functional accelerators (HwAccs) for task execution. Results show significant improvements on energy and performance compared to state-of-the-art parallel software-only runtimes. With Picos++, applications can achieve up to 7.6x speedup and save up to 90 percent of energy, when using 4 threads and up to 4 HwAccs, and even reach a speedup of 16x over the software alternative when using 12 HwAccs and small tasks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The home-forwarding mechanism to reduce the cache coherence overhead in next-generation CMPs

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    On the road to computer systems able to support the requirements of exascale applications, Chip Multi-Processors (CMPs) are equipped with an ever increasing number of cores interconnected through fast on-chip networks. To exploit such new architectures, the parallel software must be able to scale almost linearly with the number of cores available. To this end, the overhead introduced by the run-time system of parallel programming frameworks and by the architecture itself must be small enough in order to enable high scalability also for very fine-grained parallel programs. An approach to reduce this overhead is to use non-conventional architectural mechanisms revealing useful when certain concurrency patterns in the running application are statically or dynamically recognized. Following this idea, this paper proposes a run-time support able to reduce the effective latency of inter-thread cooperation primitives by lowering the contention on individual caches. To achieve this goal, the new home-forwarding hardware mechanism is proposed and used by our runtime in order to reduce the amount of cache-to-cache interactions generated by the cache coherence protocol. Our ideas have been emulated on the Tilera TILEPro64 CMP, showing a significant speedup improvement in some first benchmarks

    LoGPC: Modeling Network Contention in Message-Passing Programs

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    In many real applications, for example those with frequent and irregular communication patterns or those using large messages, network contention and contention for message processing resources can be a significant part of the total execution time. This paper presents a new cost model, called LoGPC, that extends the LogP [9] and LogGP [4] models to account for the impact of network contention and network interface DMA behavior on the performance of message-passing programs. We validate LoGPC by analyzing three applications implemented with Active Messages [11, 18] on the MIT Alewife multiprocessor. Our analysis shows that network contention accounts for up to 50% of the total execution time. In addition, we show that the impact of communication locality on the communication costs is at most a factor of two on Alewife. Finally, we use the model to identify tradeoffs between synchronous and asynchronous message passing styles. 1 Introduction Users of parallel machines need good performa..

    A new generation of task-parallel algorithms for matrix inversion in many-threaded CPUs

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    We take advantage of the new tasking features in OpenMP to propose advanced task-parallel algorithms for the inversion of dense matrices via Gauss-Jordan elimination. Our algorithms perform a partitioning of the matrix operand into two levels of tasks: The matrix is first divided vertically, by column blocks (or panels), in order to accommodate the standard partial pivoting scheme that ensures the numerical stability of the method. In addition, depending on the particular kernel to be applied, each panel is partitioned either horizontally by row blocks (tiles) or vertically by µ-panels (of columns), in order to extract sufficient task parallelism to feed a many-threaded general purpose processor (CPU). The results of the experimental evaluation show the performance benefits of the advanced tasking algorithms on an Intel Xeon Gold processor with 20 cores.This research was sponsored by projects RTI2018-093684-B-I00 and TIN2017-82972-R of Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; project S2018/TCS-4423 of Comunidad de Madrid; and project PR65/19-22445 of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft