3 research outputs found

    Visualisierung biochemischer Reaktionsnetze

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Anforderungen an die Darstellung biochemischer Reaktionsnetze untersucht und die Netze unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Visualisierung modelliert. Anschliessend wird ein Algorithmus zum Zeichnen biochemischer Reaktionsnetze entwickelt und analysiert.In this dissertation we investigate the requirements for the visualisation of biochemical reaction networks. We compose a model for these networks that lends itself to visualisation and develop and analyse an algorithm to create drawings of the networks

    The Drawing of Configurations

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    The drawing of configurations and other linear hypergraphs is discussed. From their historical and geometrical context it is quite natural to denote hyperedges of vertices as lines, i. e. to position the points (vertices) in the plane such that those points which form hyperedges are collinear in the plane ( or as close as possible ). This is a new concept in the area of hypergraph drawing. However, in mathematics it has been used for more than 100 years. The exact drawing of configurations is mainly based on the realization of matroids and techniques in computer algebra