787 research outputs found

    An Upper Bound on Multi-hop Transmission Capacity with Dynamic Routing Selection

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    This paper develops upper bounds on the end-to-end transmission capacity of multi-hop wireless networks. Potential source-destination paths are dynamically selected from a pool of randomly located relays, from which a closed-form lower bound on the outage probability is derived in terms of the expected number of potential paths. This is in turn used to provide an upper bound on the number of successful transmissions that can occur per unit area, which is known as the transmission capacity. The upper bound results from assuming independence among the potential paths, and can be viewed as the maximum diversity case. A useful aspect of the upper bound is its simple form for an arbitrary-sized network, which allows insights into how the number of hops and other network parameters affect spatial throughput in the non-asymptotic regime. The outage probability analysis is then extended to account for retransmissions with a maximum number of allowed attempts. In contrast to prevailing wisdom, we show that predetermined routing (such as nearest-neighbor) is suboptimal, since more hops are not useful once the network is interference-limited. Our results also make clear that randomness in the location of relay sets and dynamically varying channel states is helpful in obtaining higher aggregate throughput, and that dynamic route selection should be used to exploit path diversity.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Data Aggregation and Packet Bundling of Uplink Small Packets for Monitoring Applications in LTE

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    In cellular massive Machine-Type Communications (MTC), a device can transmit directly to the base station (BS) or through an aggregator (intermediate node). While direct device-BS communication has recently been in the focus of 5G/3GPP research and standardization efforts, the use of aggregators remains a less explored topic. In this paper we analyze the deployment scenarios in which aggregators can perform cellular access on behalf of multiple MTC devices. We study the effect of packet bundling at the aggregator, which alleviates overhead and resource waste when sending small packets. The aggregators give rise to a tradeoff between access congestion and resource starvation and we show that packet bundling can minimize resource starvation, especially for smaller numbers of aggregators. Under the limitations of the considered model, we investigate the optimal settings of the network parameters, in terms of number of aggregators and packet-bundle size. Our results show that, in general, data aggregation can benefit the uplink massive MTC in LTE, by reducing the signalling overhead.Comment: to appear in IEEE Networ

    Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Networks under Spatially and Temporally Correlated Interference

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    We analyze the performance of an interference-limited, decode-and-forward, cooperative relaying system that comprises a source, a destination, and NN relays, placed arbitrarily on the plane and suffering from interference by a set of interferers placed according to a spatial Poisson process. In each transmission attempt, first the transmitter sends a packet; subsequently, a single one of the relays that received the packet correctly, if such a relay exists, retransmits it. We consider both selection combining and maximal ratio combining at the destination, Rayleigh fading, and interferer mobility. We derive expressions for the probability that a single transmission attempt is successful, as well as for the distribution of the transmission attempts until a packet is transmitted successfully. Results provide design guidelines applicable to a wide range of systems. Overall, the temporal and spatial characteristics of the interference play a significant role in shaping the system performance. Maximal ratio combining is only helpful when relays are close to the destination; in harsh environments, having many relays is especially helpful, and relay placement is critical; the performance improves when interferer mobility increases; and a tradeoff exists between energy efficiency and throughput

    Capacity of Cellular Wireless Network

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    Earlier definitions of capacity for wireless networks, e.g., transport or transmission capacity, for which exact theoretical results are known, are well suited for ad hoc networks but are not directly applicable for cellular wireless networks, where large-scale basestation (BS) coordination is not possible, and retransmissions/ARQ under the SINR model is a universal feature. In this paper, cellular wireless networks, where both BS locations and mobile user (MU) locations are distributed as independent Poisson point processes are considered, and each MU connects to its nearest BS. With ARQ, under the SINR model, the effective downlink rate of packet transmission is the reciprocal of the expected delay (number of retransmissions needed till success), which we use as our network capacity definition after scaling it with the BS density. Exact characterization of this natural capacity metric for cellular wireless networks is derived. The capacity is shown to first increase polynomially with the BS density in the low BS density regime and then scale inverse exponentially with the increasing BS density. Two distinct upper bounds are derived that are relevant for the low and the high BS density regimes. A single power control strategy is shown to achieve the upper bounds in both the regimes. This result is fundamentally different from the well known capacity results for ad hoc networks, such as transport and transmission capacity that scale as the square root of the (high) BS density. Our results show that the strong temporal correlations of SINRs with PPP distributed BS locations is limiting, and the realizable capacity in cellular wireless networks in high-BS density regime is much smaller than previously thought. A byproduct of our analysis shows that the capacity of the ALOHA strategy with retransmissions is zero.Comment: A shorter version to appear in WiOpt 201