9 research outputs found

    Android Based Smart Speech Recognition Application to Perform Various Tasks

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    A smart speech recognition application is theorized in this paper. User can control a variety of applications on an android based platform, which include native applications as well as user installed applications with voice commands. These include - calling, texting, switching on and off sensors (Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth),setting alarms. The application provides online as well as offline services. The application also applies machine learning concepts to identify usage patterns and create an environment which anticipates user requirements. The tasks being performed repetitively are automated. Services of activity recognition, recognizing nearby friends using Bluetooth are performed. The importance of the project is that it provides visually challenged people as well as the general population an alternate and a very easy way to control applications on android smart phones

    The Calorie Burning Calculation System in Jogging Using a Thresholding-Based Accelerometer Sensor

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    Jogging has benefits for burning calories as well as for losing the weight of the body. However, the reality that often happens is that sportsmen overwork their body in exercising so that it has passed its normal threshold. This causes over or lower calorie burning in these athletes. To overcome these problems, we need a device that can later monitor calorie burning. This device is created on an Android-based platform using an accelerometer sensor. Using this sensor, the system can count the number of a person’s steps previously obtained through the threshold value as the threshold value to determine the steps. Calculation of calorie burning uses a formula that involves the number of footsteps, time, and weight of the user. This application testing involved 15 participants by comparing the calorie burning results through the application and manual calculation, so that the overall error percentage of 0.60% was obtained, so it can be concluded that 99.40% of the calorie burning calculation system in jogging using a thresholding-based accelerometer sensor is appropriate for athletes to provide information of their calories burning in jogging


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    The numbers of smartphone users are increasing day by day. One of the popular operating system used to power the smartphone is Android. Android is maintained and developed by Google which they are providing Android SDK that contains the tools and API needed to develop a custom application. By manipulating the capability to access built-in sensors and reading of the smartphones such as touch screen, phone orientation, accelerometer and GPS, a custom presentation remote controlling application can be developed. This will be proven useful as the users will not have to buy extra remote devices to assist them when they are doing presentation as they can install this application directly to their phones. The application will be designed and develop using Android SDK and coded in Java programming language. Result shows that by manipulating the available sensors on the smartphones, we can utilize the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functionality of the smartphones to connect with remote computer thus communicating with it. The application will send the data based on user input which then will be interpreted by the server application on the remote computer to control the slide presentation. The elements in this report contain introduction, problem statement, objectives, literature review and methodology which are used to develop the application. The discussion of the obtained results will be looked further in this project

    Cooperative home light: assessment of a security function for the automotive field

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    Crime and feeling of security are omnipresent and can be influenced by lighting conditions. However, lighting improvements are generally concentrated on street lighting. Meanwhile, a vast variety of new technologies, including innovative lighting systems and connected mobility, are entering into the automotive field. Hence, opportunities are not limited only to provide traffic improvements, entertainment features or driver assistance functions but also measures to tackle (vehicle-related) crime and to increase feeling of security. In this paper, we suggest a security function, namely the cooperative home light (CHL), which makes use of new technologies and has the potential to tackle crime as well as to increase drivers’ feeling of security. We also provide an overview of an implementation. However, because of the underlying challenges, the main focus of this paper is to assess the CHL. Therefore, we introduce our three-steps approach consisting of a transfer of related work, a customer survey and results from our proprietary simulation environment in order to assess the CHL


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    The numbers of smartphone users are increasing day by day. One of the popular operating system used to power the smartphone is Android. Android is maintained and developed by Google which they are providing Android SDK that contains the tools and API needed to develop a custom application. By manipulating the capability to access built-in sensors and reading of the smartphones such as touch screen, phone orientation, accelerometer and GPS, a custom presentation remote controlling application can be developed. This will be proven useful as the users will not have to buy extra remote devices to assist them when they are doing presentation as they can install this application directly to their phones. The application will be designed and develop using Android SDK and coded in Java programming language. Result shows that by manipulating the available sensors on the smartphones, we can utilize the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functionality of the smartphones to connect with remote computer thus communicating with it. The application will send the data based on user input which then will be interpreted by the server application on the remote computer to control the slide presentation. The elements in this report contain introduction, problem statement, objectives, literature review and methodology which are used to develop the application. The discussion of the obtained results will be looked further in this project

    Pedometri per smartphone: analisi, implementazione e confronto dei modelli proposti in letteratura

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    Il presente elaborato è stato realizzato per fornire un'analisi dettagliata degli studi relativi all'implementazione di pedometri realizzati tramite l'utilizzo dei sensori presenti all'interno di smartphone Android. La ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di fornire un riassunto di tutte le possibili scelte implementative proposte all'interno di questi studi, confrontandole tra loro ed evidenziandone le ridondanze, e fornire un'analisi sull'effettiva efficacia di ognuna di esse. Per ottenere questo tipo di informazioni è stato eseguito un lavoro diviso in quattro differenti fasi. Durante la prima fase è stata realizzata un'approfondita ricerca dei principali studi relativi all'argomento appena descritto, ottenendo un importante quantitativo di informazioni relative all'attuale stato dell'arte. Durante la seconda fase è stata invece realizzata una dettagliata Tassonomia, ovvero uno schema contenente tutti i principali step proposti dalle diverse implementazioni, fornendo in questo modo una chiara visualizzazione delle diverse opzioni di utilizzo degli strumenti proposti. Durante la terza fase è stata quindi sviluppata una specifica applicazione Android attraverso la quale è possibile replicare tutti i diversi strumenti proposti, con la possibilità di combinarli tra loro in ogni possibile combinazione. Durante l'ultima fase è stato infine possibile testare, attraverso l'applicazione appena descritta, tutte le diverse implementazioni proposte all'interno dei differenti studi. Tramite l'utilizzo di specifici test è stato infatti possibile raccogliere un quantitativo di dati sufficiente a trarre conclusioni sulla reale efficacia delle varie implementazioni. Questi dati hanno quindi permesso di identificare i punti di forza ed i limiti di ciascuna implementazione, e di determinare quale di esse fornisca effettivamente i risultati migliori

    The Design of an Intelligent Pedometer Using Android

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