5 research outputs found

    MPI-style Web services: An investigation into the potential of using Web services for MPI-style applications

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    This research investigates the potential of the Web services architecture to act as a platform for the execution of MPI-style applications. The work in this thesis is based upon extending current Web service methodologies and merging them with ideas from other research domains, such as high performance computing. MPIWS, an API to extend the functionality of standard Web services is introduced. MPIWS provides MPI-style message passing functionality to facilitate the execution of MPI-style applications using Web service based communication protocols. The thesis then presents a large selection of experiments that perform a comprehensive evaluation of MPIWS's performance. This performance is compared with an existing MPI implementation that has the option of transmitting data either via Java serialised objects, or via the Java native interface to an underlying C implementation of MPI. From the results obtained from these experiments, it can be concluded that using MPIWS for applications requiring MPI-style message passing between services is potentially a practical and efficient way of distributing coarse grained parallel applications. The results also show that the use of collective communication techniques within the Web services architecture can significantly improve the efficiency of suitable applications such as molecular dynamics simulation. MPI-style communication can also be used to enhance the performance of Web service based workflow execution. Tests conducted have evaluated a range of functionality that can be provided by the MPIWS tool. This evaluation shows that direct messaging between services, without sending data via the workflow manager, can improve the efficiency of Web service based workflow execution

    On-demand distributed image processing over an adaptive Campus-Grid

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    This thesis explores how scientific applications, which are based upon short jobs (seconds and minutes) can capitalize upon the idle workstations of a Campus-Grid. These resources are donated on a voluntary basis, and consequently, the Campus-Grid is constantly adapting and the availability of workstations changes. Typically, to utilize these resources a Condor system or equivalent would be used. However, such systems are designed with different trade-offs and incentives in mind and therefore do not provide intrinsic support for short jobs. The motivation for creating a provisioning scenario for short jobs is that Image Processing, as well as other areas of scientific analysis, are typically composed of short running jobs, but still require parallel solutions. Much of the literature in this area comments on the challenges of performing such analysis efficiently and effectively even when dedicated resources are in use. The main challenges are: latency and scheduling penalties, granularity and the potential for very short jobs. A volunteer Grid retains these challenges but also adds further challenges. These can be summarized as: unpredictable re source availability and longevity, multiple machine owners and administrators who directly affect the operating environment. Ultimately, this creates the requirement for well conceived and effective fault management strategies. However, these are typically not in place to enable transparent fault-free job administration for the user. This research demonstrates that these challenges are answerable, and that in doing so opportunistically sourced Campus-Grid resources can host disparate applications constituted of short running jobs, of as little as one second in length. This is demonstrated by the significant improvements in performance when the system presented here was compared to a well established Condor system. Here, improvements are increased job efficiency from 60–70% to 95%–100%, up to a 99% reduction in application makespan and up to a 13000% increase in the efficiency of resource utilization. The Condor pool in use is approximately 1,600 workstations distributed across 27 administrative domains of Cardiff University. The application domain of this research is Matlab-based image processing, and the application area used to demonstrate the approach is the analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imagery (MRI). However, the presented approach is generalizable to any application domain with similar characteristics

    The design and evaluation of MPI-style web services

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    In this paper, we introduce MPI-style Web service (MPIWS), a novel service presented as a standard Web service but integrated with MPI programming technologies to allow Web applications to run in parallel over a loosely coupled distributed environment. MPIWS takes advantage of the SOAP communication protocol, and allows direct MPI-style communication among loosely coupled services. The MPI-style communication supported by MPIWS includes both point-to-point and collective communications. In this paper, point-to-point and collective communication operations are evaluated in comparison with mpiJava. The evaluation results demonstrate that although the overhead of SOAP messaging takes a toll on performance, MPIWS is generally comparable with mpiJava sending Object data types, especially for coarse-grain applications, and outperforms mpiJava in some cases