7,967 research outputs found

    Rendezvous of Two Robots with Constant Memory

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    We study the impact that persistent memory has on the classical rendezvous problem of two mobile computational entities, called robots, in the plane. It is well known that, without additional assumptions, rendezvous is impossible if the entities are oblivious (i.e., have no persistent memory) even if the system is semi-synchronous (SSynch). It has been recently shown that rendezvous is possible even if the system is asynchronous (ASynch) if each robot is endowed with O(1) bits of persistent memory, can transmit O(1) bits in each cycle, and can remember (i.e., can persistently store) the last received transmission. This setting is overly powerful. In this paper we weaken that setting in two different ways: (1) by maintaining the O(1) bits of persistent memory but removing the communication capabilities; and (2) by maintaining the O(1) transmission capability and the ability to remember the last received transmission, but removing the ability of an agent to remember its previous activities. We call the former setting finite-state (FState) and the latter finite-communication (FComm). Note that, even though its use is very different, in both settings, the amount of persistent memory of a robot is constant. We investigate the rendezvous problem in these two weaker settings. We model both settings as a system of robots endowed with visible lights: in FState, a robot can only see its own light, while in FComm a robot can only see the other robot's light. We prove, among other things, that finite-state robots can rendezvous in SSynch, and that finite-communication robots are able to rendezvous even in ASynch. All proofs are constructive: in each setting, we present a protocol that allows the two robots to rendezvous in finite time.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    An Unsupervised Neural Network for Real-Time Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot: Noise Resistance, Stability, and Hardware Implementation

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    We have recently introduced a neural network mobile robot controller (NETMORC). The controller is based on earlier neural network models of biological sensory-motor control. We have shown that NETMORC is able to guide a differential drive mobile robot to an arbitrary stationary or moving target while compensating for noise and other forms of disturbance, such as wheel slippage or changes in the robot's plant. Furthermore, NETMORC is able to adapt in response to long-term changes in the robot's plant, such as a change in the radius of the wheels. In this article we first review the NETMORC architecture, and then we prove that NETMORC is asymptotically stable. After presenting a series of simulations results showing robustness to disturbances, we compare NETMORC performance on a trajectory-following task with the performance of an alternative controller. Finally, we describe preliminary results on the hardware implementation of NETMORC with the mobile robot ROBUTER.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    On the Power of Manifold Samples in Exploring Configuration Spaces and the Dimensionality of Narrow Passages

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    We extend our study of Motion Planning via Manifold Samples (MMS), a general algorithmic framework that combines geometric methods for the exact and complete analysis of low-dimensional configuration spaces with sampling-based approaches that are appropriate for higher dimensions. The framework explores the configuration space by taking samples that are entire low-dimensional manifolds of the configuration space capturing its connectivity much better than isolated point samples. The contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) We present a recursive application of MMS in a six-dimensional configuration space, enabling the coordination of two polygonal robots translating and rotating amidst polygonal obstacles. In the adduced experiments for the more demanding test cases MMS clearly outperforms PRM, with over 20-fold speedup in a coordination-tight setting. (ii) A probabilistic completeness proof for the most prevalent case, namely MMS with samples that are affine subspaces. (iii) A closer examination of the test cases reveals that MMS has, in comparison to standard sampling-based algorithms, a significant advantage in scenarios containing high-dimensional narrow passages. This provokes a novel characterization of narrow passages which attempts to capture their dimensionality, an attribute that had been (to a large extent) unattended in previous definitions.Comment: 20 page

    Getting Close Without Touching: Near-Gathering for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    In this paper we study the Near-Gathering problem for a finite set of dimensionless, deterministic, asynchronous, anonymous, oblivious and autonomous mobile robots with limited visibility moving in the Euclidean plane in Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles. In this problem, the robots have to get close enough to each other, so that every robot can see all the others, without touching (i.e., colliding with) any other robot. The importance of solving the Near-Gathering problem is that it makes it possible to overcome the restriction of having robots with limited visibility. Hence it allows to exploit all the studies (the majority, actually) done on this topic in the unlimited visibility setting. Indeed, after the robots get close enough to each other, they are able to see all the robots in the system, a scenario that is similar to the one where the robots have unlimited visibility. We present the first (deterministic) algorithm for the Near-Gathering problem, to the best of our knowledge, which allows a set of autonomous mobile robots to nearly gather within finite time without ever colliding. Our algorithm assumes some reasonable conditions on the input configuration (the Near-Gathering problem is easily seen to be unsolvable in general). Further, all the robots are assumed to have a compass (hence they agree on the "North" direction), but they do not necessarily have the same handedness (hence they may disagree on the clockwise direction). We also show how the robots can detect termination, i.e., detect when the Near-Gathering problem has been solved. This is crucial when the robots have to perform a generic task after having nearly gathered. We show that termination detection can be obtained even if the total number of robots is unknown to the robots themselves (i.e., it is not a parameter of the algorithm), and robots have no way to explicitly communicate.Comment: 25 pages, 8 fiugre

    Learning to Understand by Evolving Theories

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    In this paper, we describe an approach that enables an autonomous system to infer the semantics of a command (i.e. a symbol sequence representing an action) in terms of the relations between changes in the observations and the action instances. We present a method of how to induce a theory (i.e. a semantic description) of the meaning of a command in terms of a minimal set of background knowledge. The only thing we have is a sequence of observations from which we extract what kinds of effects were caused by performing the command. This way, we yield a description of the semantics of the action and, hence, a definition.Comment: KRR Workshop at ICLP 201

    Metric Learning for Generalizing Spatial Relations to New Objects

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    Human-centered environments are rich with a wide variety of spatial relations between everyday objects. For autonomous robots to operate effectively in such environments, they should be able to reason about these relations and generalize them to objects with different shapes and sizes. For example, having learned to place a toy inside a basket, a robot should be able to generalize this concept using a spoon and a cup. This requires a robot to have the flexibility to learn arbitrary relations in a lifelong manner, making it challenging for an expert to pre-program it with sufficient knowledge to do so beforehand. In this paper, we address the problem of learning spatial relations by introducing a novel method from the perspective of distance metric learning. Our approach enables a robot to reason about the similarity between pairwise spatial relations, thereby enabling it to use its previous knowledge when presented with a new relation to imitate. We show how this makes it possible to learn arbitrary spatial relations from non-expert users using a small number of examples and in an interactive manner. Our extensive evaluation with real-world data demonstrates the effectiveness of our method in reasoning about a continuous spectrum of spatial relations and generalizing them to new objects.Comment: Accepted at the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. The new Freiburg Spatial Relations Dataset and a demo video of our approach running on the PR-2 robot are available at our project website: http://spatialrelations.cs.uni-freiburg.d
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