480 research outputs found

    Branch groups with infinite rigid kernel

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    A theoretical framework is established for explicitly calculating rigid kernels of self-similar regular branch groups. This is applied to a new infinite family of branch groups in order to provide the first examples of self-similar, branch groups with infinite rigid kernel. The groups are analogs of the Hanoi Towers group on 3 pegs, based on the standard actions of finite dihedral groups on regular polygons with odd numbers of vertices, and the rigid kernel is an infinite Cartesian power of the cyclic group of order 2, except for the original Hanoi group. The proofs rely on a symbolic-dynamical approach, related to finitely constrained groups.Comment: Comments welcome

    Asymptotic aspects of Schreier graphs and Hanoi Towers groups

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    We present relations between growth, growth of diameters and the rate of vanishing of the spectral gap in Schreier graphs of automaton groups. In particular, we introduce a series of examples, called Hanoi Towers groups since they model the well known Hanoi Towers Problem, that illustrate some of the possible types of behavior.Comment: 5 page

    Diameters, distortion and eigenvalues

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    We study the relation between the diameter, the first positive eigenvalue of the discrete pp-Laplacian and the â„“p\ell_p-distortion of a finite graph. We prove an inequality relating these three quantities and apply it to families of Cayley and Schreier graphs. We also show that the â„“p\ell_p-distortion of Pascal graphs, approximating the Sierpinski gasket, is bounded, which allows to obtain estimates for the convergence to zero of the spectral gap as an application of the main result.Comment: Final version, to appear in the European Journal of Combinatoric

    Finite self-similar p-groups with abelian first level stabilizers

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    We determine all finite p-groups that admit a faithful, self-similar action on the p-ary rooted tree such that the first level stabilizer is abelian. A group is in this class if and only if it is a split extension of an elementary abelian p-group by a cyclic group of order p. The proof is based on use of virtual endomorphisms. In this context the result says that if G is a finite p-group with abelian subgroup H of index p, then there exists a virtual endomorphism of G with trivial core and domain H if and only if G is a split extension of H and H is an elementary abelian p-group.Comment: one direction of theorem 2 extended to regular p-group
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