6 research outputs found

    Improving Key Recovery to 784 and 799 rounds of Trivium using Optimized Cube Attacks

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    Dinur and Shamir have described cube attacks at EUROCRYPT ’09 and they have shown how efficient they are on the stream cipher Trivium up to 767 rounds. These attacks have been extended to distinguishers but since this seminal work, no better results on the complexity of key recovery attacks on Trivium have been presented. It appears that the time complexity to compute cubes is expensive and the discovery of linear superpoly also requires the computation of many cubes. In this paper, we increase the number of attacked initialization rounds by improving the time complexity of computing cube and we show attacks that go beyond this bound. We were able to find linear superpoly up to 784 rounds, which leads to an attack requiring 2392^{39} queries. Using quadratic superpoly, we were also able to provide another attack up to 799 rounds which complexity is 2402^{40} queries and 2622^{62} for the exhaustive search part. To achieve such results, we find a way to reduce the density of the polynomials, we look for quadratic relations and we extensively use the Moebius transform to speed up computations for various purposes

    A Practical Platform for Cube-Attack-like Cryptanalyses

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    Recently, various cryptanalysis methods related to Cube Attack have attracted a lot of interest. We designed a practical platform to perform such cryptanalysis attacks. We also developed a web-based application at \url{http://cube-attack.appspot.com/}, which is open to public for simple testing and verification. In this paper, we focus on linearity testing and try to verify the data provided in several papers. Some interesting results produced in our work indicate certain improper assumptions were made in these papers

    The Cube Attack on Stream Cipher Trivium and Quadraticity Tests

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    The Cube Attack on Stream Cipher Trivium and Quadraticity Tests ∗

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    In 2008 I. Dinur and A. Shamir presented a new type of algebraic attack on symmetric ciphers named cube attack. The method has been applied to reduced variants of stream ciphers Trivium and Grain-128, reduced variants of the block ciphers Serpent and CTC and to a reduced version of the keyed hash function MD6. Independently a very similar attack named AIDA was introduced by M. Vielhaber. In this paper we develop quadraticity tests within the cube attack and apply them to a variant of stream cipher Trivium reduced to 709 initialization rounds. Using this method we obtain the full 80-bit secret key. In this way it eliminates the stage of brute force search of some secret key bits which occured in previous cube attacks.

    Corrigendum to: The Cube Attack on Stream Cipher Trivium and Quadraticity Tests ∗

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    In 2008 I. Dinur and A. Shamir presented a new type of algebraic attack on symmetric ciphers named cube attack. The method has been applied to reduced variants of stream ciphers Trivium and Grain-128, reduced variants of the block ciphers Serpent and CTC and to a reduced version of the keyed hash function MD6. Independently a very similar attack named AIDA was introduced by M. Vielhaber. In this paper we develop quadraticity tests within the cube attack and apply them to a variant of stream cipher Trivium reduced to 709 initialization rounds. Using this method we obtain the full 80-bit secret key. In this way it eliminates the stage of brute force search of some secret key bits which occured in previous cube attacks. In this corrigendum to our previous paper the indexing of cubes and key bits was reversed making it consistent with other papers.

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks