8 research outputs found

    The communication complexity of non-signaling distributions

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    We study a model of communication complexity that encompasses many well-studied problems, including classical and quantum communication complexity, the complexity of simulating distributions arising from bipartite measurements of shared quantum states, and XOR games. In this model, Alice gets an input x, Bob gets an input y, and their goal is to each produce an output a,b distributed according to some pre-specified joint distribution p(a,b|x,y). We introduce a new technique based on affine combinations of lower-complexity distributions. Specifically, we introduce two complexity measures, one which gives lower bounds on classical communication, and one for quantum communication. These measures can be expressed as convex optimization problems. We show that the dual formulations have a striking interpretation, since they coincide with maximum violations of Bell and Tsirelson inequalities. The dual expressions are closely related to the winning probability of XOR games. These lower bounds subsume many known communication complexity lower bound methods, most notably the recent lower bounds of Linial and Shraibman for the special case of Boolean functions. We show that the gap between the quantum and classical lower bounds is at most linear in the size of the support of the distribution, and does not depend on the size of the inputs. This translates into a bound on the gap between maximal Bell and Tsirelson inequality violations, which was previously known only for the case of distributions with Boolean outcomes and uniform marginals. Finally, we give an exponential upper bound on quantum and classical communication complexity in the simultaneous messages model, for any non-signaling distribution. One consequence is a simple proof that any quantum distribution can be approximated with a constant number of bits of communication.Comment: 23 pages. V2: major modifications, extensions and additions compared to V1. V3 (21 pages): proofs have been updated and simplified, particularly Theorem 10 and Theorem 22. V4 (23 pages): Section 3.1 has been rewritten (in particular Lemma 10 and its proof), and various minor modifications have been made. V5 (24 pages): various modifications in the presentatio

    Simulating all non-signalling correlations via classical or quantum theory with negative probabilities

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    Many-party correlations between measurement outcomes in general probabilistic theories are given by conditional probability distributions obeying the non-signalling condition. We show that any such distribution can be obtained from classical or quantum theory, by relaxing positivity constraints on either the mixed state shared by the parties, or the local functions which generate measurement outcomes. Our results apply to generic non-signalling correlations, but in particular they yield two distinct quasi-classical models for quantum correlations.Comment: 6 page

    Better Non-Local Games from Hidden Matching

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    We construct a non-locality game that can be won with certainty by a quantum strategy using log n shared EPR-pairs, while any classical strategy has winning probability at most 1/2+O(log n/sqrt{n}). This improves upon a recent result of Junge et al. in a number of ways.Comment: 11 pages, late

    Bell Violations through Independent Bases Games

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    In a recent paper, Junge and Palazuelos presented two two-player games exhibiting interesting properties. In their first game, entangled players can perform notably better than classical players. The quantitative gap between the two cases is remarkably large, especially as a function of the number of inputs to the players. In their second game, entangled players can perform notably better than players that are restricted to using a maximally entangled state (of arbitrary dimension). This was the first game exhibiting such a behavior. The analysis of both games is heavily based on non-trivial results from Banach space theory and operator space theory. Here we present two games exhibiting a similar behavior, but with proofs that are arguably simpler, using elementary probabilistic techniques and standard quantum information arguments. Our games also give better quantitative bounds.Comment: Minor update

    Unbounded violations of bipartite Bell Inequalities via Operator Space theory

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    In this work we show that bipartite quantum states with local Hilbert space dimension n can violate a Bell inequality by a factor of order n\sqrt{n} (up to a logarithmic factor) when observables with n possible outcomes are used. A central tool in the analysis is a close relation between this problem and operator space theory and, in particular, the very recent noncommutative LpL_p embedding theory. As a consequence of this result, we obtain better Hilbert space dimension witnesses and quantum violations of Bell inequalities with better resistance to noise

    Classical and quantum partition bound and detector inefficiency

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    We study randomized and quantum efficiency lower bounds in communication complexity. These arise from the study of zero-communication protocols in which players are allowed to abort. Our scenario is inspired by the physics setup of Bell experiments, where two players share a predefined entangled state but are not allowed to communicate. Each is given a measurement as input, which they perform on their share of the system. The outcomes of the measurements should follow a distribution predicted by quantum mechanics; however, in practice, the detectors may fail to produce an output in some of the runs. The efficiency of the experiment is the probability that the experiment succeeds (neither of the detectors fails). When the players share a quantum state, this gives rise to a new bound on quantum communication complexity (eff*) that subsumes the factorization norm. When players share randomness instead of a quantum state, the efficiency bound (eff), coincides with the partition bound of Jain and Klauck. This is one of the strongest lower bounds known for randomized communication complexity, which subsumes all the known combinatorial and algebraic methods including the rectangle (corruption) bound, the factorization norm, and discrepancy. The lower bound is formulated as a convex optimization problem. In practice, the dual form is more feasible to use, and we show that it amounts to constructing an explicit Bell inequality (for eff) or Tsirelson inequality (for eff*). We give an example of a quantum distribution where the violation can be exponentially bigger than the previously studied class of normalized Bell inequalities. For one-way communication, we show that the quantum one-way partition bound is tight for classical communication with shared entanglement up to arbitrarily small error.Comment: 21 pages, extended versio

    Large violation of Bell inequalities with low entanglement

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    In this paper we obtain violations of general bipartite Bell inequalities of order nlogn\frac{\sqrt{n}}{\log n} with nn inputs, nn outputs and nn-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Moreover, we construct explicitly, up to a random choice of signs, all the elements involved in such violations: the coefficients of the Bell inequalities, POVMs measurements and quantum states. Analyzing this construction we find that, even though entanglement is necessary to obtain violation of Bell inequalities, the Entropy of entanglement of the underlying state is essentially irrelevant in obtaining large violation. We also indicate why the maximally entangled state is a rather poor candidate in producing large violations with arbitrary coefficients. However, we also show that for Bell inequalities with positive coefficients (in particular, games) the maximally entangled state achieves the largest violation up to a logarithmic factor.Comment: Reference [16] added. Some typos correcte

    Violaciones de Bell en información cuántica: escenarios de no señalización, con comunicación y multipartitos

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Departamento de Análisis y Matemática Aplicada, leída el 27/01/2021In foundations of quantum information, the possible advantages of using quantum resources compared to classical resources are studied. Its relevance is due to the great current development of quantum technologies.One of the lines on which this study is based was started by Bell in 1964. He established that certain results obtained by measuring composite quantum systems separately are incompatible with a local and realistic description of nature, even in the assumption in which we allow the existence of hidden variables. This phenomenon is known as quantum non-locality. In addition to the theoretical interest that this has, it has been shown, since the 1990s, that this quantum phenomenon can be used to obtain advantages in cryptography, communication complexity and randomness amplification...En fundamentos de información cuántica se estudian las posibles ventajas de utilizar recursos cuánticos frente a recursos clásicos. Su relevancia se debe al gran desarrollo actual de las tecnologías cuánticas. Una de las líneas sobre las que se basa este estudio fue iniciada por Bell en el año 1964. Estableció que ciertos resultados obtenidos en mediciones separadas en sistemas cuánticos compuestos son incompatibles con una descripción de la naturaleza local y realista, incluso en el supuesto en el que permitamos la existencia de variables ocultas. Este fenómeno se conoce como no localidad cuántica. Además del interés teórico que esto tiene, se ha demostrado, desde la década de los 90, que este fenómeno cuántico se puede aprovechar para obtener ventajas en criptografía, complejidad de comunicación y amplificación de aleatoriedad...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu