4 research outputs found

    The coalescing-branching random walk on expanders and the dual epidemic process

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    Information propagation on graphs is a fundamental topic in distributed computing. One of the simplest models of information propagation is the push protocol in which at each round each agent independently pushes the current knowledge to a random neighbour. In this paper we study the so-called coalescing-branching random walk (COBRA), in which each vertex pushes the information to kk randomly selected neighbours and then stops passing information until it receives the information again. The aim of COBRA is to propagate information fast but with a limited number of transmissions per vertex per step. In this paper we study the cover time of the COBRA process defined as the minimum time until each vertex has received the information at least once. Our main result says that if GG is an nn-vertex rr-regular graph whose transition matrix has second eigenvalue λ\lambda, then the COBRA cover time of GG is O(log⁥n)\mathcal O(\log n ), if 1−λ1-\lambda is greater than a positive constant, and O((log⁥n)/(1−λ)3))\mathcal O((\log n)/(1-\lambda)^3)), if 1−λ≫log⁥(n)/n1-\lambda \gg \sqrt{\log( n)/n}. These bounds are independent of rr and hold for 3≀r≀n−13 \le r \le n-1. They improve the previous bound of O(log⁥2n)O(\log^2 n) for expander graphs. Our main tool in analysing the COBRA process is a novel duality relation between this process and a discrete epidemic process, which we call a biased infection with persistent source (BIPS). A fixed vertex vv is the source of an infection and remains permanently infected. At each step each vertex uu other than vv selects kk neighbours, independently and uniformly, and uu is infected in this step if and only if at least one of the selected neighbours has been infected in the previous step. We show the duality between COBRA and BIPS which says that the time to infect the whole graph in the BIPS process is of the same order as the cover time of the COBRA proces

    Phase Transition of the 2-Choices Dynamics on Core-Periphery Networks

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    Consider the following process on a network: Each agent initially holds either opinion blue or red; then, in each round, each agent looks at two random neighbors and, if the two have the same opinion, the agent adopts it. This process is known as the 2-Choices dynamics and is arguably the most basic non-trivial opinion dynamics modeling voting behavior on social networks. Despite its apparent simplicity, 2-Choices has been analytically characterized only on networks with a strong expansion property -- under assumptions on the initial configuration that establish it as a fast majority consensus protocol. In this work, we aim at contributing to the understanding of the 2-Choices dynamics by considering its behavior on a class of networks with core-periphery structure, a well-known topological assumption in social networks. In a nutshell, assume that a densely-connected subset of agents, the core, holds a different opinion from the rest of the network, the periphery. Then, depending on the strength of the cut between the core and the periphery, a phase-transition phenomenon occurs: Either the core's opinion rapidly spreads among the rest of the network, or a metastability phase takes place, in which both opinions coexist in the network for superpolynomial time. The interest of our result is twofold. On the one hand, by looking at the 2-Choices dynamics as a simplistic model of competition among opinions in social networks, our theorem sheds light on the influence of the core on the rest of the network, as a function of the core's connectivity towards the latter. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, we provide the first analytical result which shows a heterogeneous behavior of a simple dynamics as a function of structural parameters of the network. Finally, we validate our theoretical predictions with extensive experiments on real networks

    The Coalescing-Branching Random Walk on Expanders and the Dual Epidemic Process

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