1 research outputs found

    The Cauchy Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with Random Fourier Features

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    Random Fourier mapping (RFM) in kernel adaptive filters (KAFs) provides an efficient method to curb the linear growth of the dictionary by projecting the original input data into a finite-dimensional space. The commonly used measure in RFM-based KAFs is the minimum mean square error (MMSE), which causes performance deterioration in the presence of non-Gaussian noises. To address this issue, the minimum Cauchy loss (MCL) criterion has been successfully applied for combating non-Gaussian noises in KAFs. However, these KAFs using the well-known stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization method may suffer from slow convergence rate and low filtering accuracy. To this end, we propose a novel robust random Fourier features Cauchy conjugate gradient (RFFCCG) algorithm using the conjugate gradient (CG) optimization method in this paper. The proposed RFFCCG algorithm with low complexity can achieve better filtering performance than the KAFs with sparsification, such as the kernel recursive maximum correntropy algorithm with novelty criterion (KRMC-NC), in stationary and non-stationary environments. Monte Carlo simulations conducted in the time-series prediction and nonlinear system identification confirm the superiorities of the proposed algorithm