5,749 research outputs found

    Use-cases on evolution

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    This report presents a set of use cases for evolution and reactivity for data in the Web and Semantic Web. This set is organized around three different case study scenarios, each of them is related to one of the three different areas of application within Rewerse. Namely, the scenarios are: “The Rewerse Information System and Portal”, closely related to the work of A3 – Personalised Information Systems; “Organizing Travels”, that may be related to the work of A1 – Events, Time, and Locations; “Updates and evolution in bioinformatics data sources” related to the work of A2 – Towards a Bioinformatics Web

    The Push Model in Web-Based Network Management

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    The management of IP networks is currently based on the SNMP protocol, and the use of expensive network management platforms designed according to the manager/agent paradigm of the SNMP framework. It uses two different schemes to transfer management data: a request/response protocol for data collection and network monitoring (data polling), and unsolicited push to deliver SNMP notifications. This design is exposed to a number of problems, with regards to the time-to-market of vendor-specific management software, versioning, protocol efficiency, security, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to network management based on the push model. This model is well-known in software engineering, and encountered a large success on the Web recently with the push technologies. It relies on the publish/subscribe/distribute paradigm, and uses a single scheme to transfer all management data. We describe why it is more efficient, in terms of network and systems resources, than the traditional pull model. We also explain in detail how to implement this model with Web technologies to deliver SNMP notifications, to handle events, and to distribute MIB data for network monitoring and data collection

    Synergy: An Energy Monitoring and Visualization System

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    The key to becoming a more sustainable society is first learning to take responsibility for the role we play in energy consumption. Real-time energy usage gives energy consumers a sense of responsibility over what they can do to accomplish a much larger goal for the planet, and practically speaking, what they can do to lower the cost to their wallets. Synergy is an energy monitoring and visualization system that enables users to gather information about the energy consumption in a building – small or large – and display that data for the user in real-time. The gathered energy usage data is processed on the edge before being stored in the cloud. The two main benefits of edge processing are issuing electricity hazard warnings immediately and preserving user privacy. In addition to being a scalable solution that intended for use in individual households, commercial offices and city power grids, Synergy is open-source so that it can be implemented more widely. This paper contains a system overview as well as initial finding based on the data collected by Synergy before assessing the impact the system can have on society

    CARED-SOA: A Context-Aware Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture

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    Actualmente, la conciencia del contexto se ha vuelto esencial en las aplicaciones y servicios de software debido a la alta demanda de los usuarios, especialmente para las aplicaciones de computación móvil. Esta necesidad de proporcionar conciencia del contexto requiere una infraestructura de software no solo para recibir información de contexto, sino también para hacer uso de ella de manera que proporcione servicios ventajosos que se puedan personalizar según las necesidades del usuario. En este artículo, proporcionamos una arquitectura orientada a servicios impulsada por eventos respaldada por un bus de servicio empresarial, que facilitará la incorporación de datos de Internet de las Cosas y proporcionará servicios conscientes del contexto en tiempo real. El resultado, que ha sido validado a través de un estudio de caso del mundo real, es una arquitectura consciente del contexto escalable que se puede aplicar en un amplio espectro de dominios.Currently, context awareness has become essential in software applications and services owing to the high demand by users, especially for mobile computing applications. This need to provide context awareness requires a software infrastructure not only to receive context information but also to make use of it so that it provides advantageous services that may be customized according to user needs. In this paper, we provide an event-driven service-oriented architecture supported by an enterprise service bus, which will facilitate the incorporation of Internet of Things data and provide real-time context-aware services. The result, which has been validated through a real-world case study, is a scalable context-aware architecture which can be applied in a wide spectrum of domains"This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Union FEDER Funds under Project TIN2015-65845-C3-3-R and in part by the University of Cádiz under Project UCA PR2016-032

    What are my students doing? Introducing ELENA, the E-Learning Event Notification Architecture

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    In this article we introduce ELENA, a new architecture for notifying events to a Learning Management System (LMS) by an external tool. At the core of this work is the idea of integrating external tools exposed as Web Services. Although some progress is being done in this field by the research community, current solutions achieve at best a very ``soft'' integration, it is, the LMS can link an external tool but cannot monitor or alter its workflow. The ELENA system tries to alleviate this problem by introducing an architecture that allows an LMS to track the use that teachers and students make of the tool. Therefore, the LMS can have a greater control over the integrated tools. The ELENA system is based on Web Services and specific APIs and protocols, resulting on a simple and scalable architecture

    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks

    Event notification services: analysis and transformation of profile definition languages

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    The integration of event information from diverse event notification sources is, as with meta-searching over heterogeneous search engines, a challenging task. Due to the complexity of profile definition languages, known solutions for heterogeneous searching cannot be applied for event notification. In this technical report, we propose transformation rules for profile rewriting. We transform each profile defined at a meta-service into a profile expressed in the language of each event notification source. Due to unavoidable asymmetry in the semantics of different languages, some superfluous information may be delivered to the meta-service. These notifications are then post-processed to reduce the number of spurious messages. We present a survey and classification of profile definition languages for event notification, which serves as basis for the transformation rules. The proposed rules are implemented in a prototype transformation module for a Meta-Service for event notification