47,572 research outputs found

    Online reading application SI.BYRU berbasis web

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    This research was purposes to create an application, namely Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU. This application is expected can help and ease the English teachers and English learners to deepen their reading comprehension skill. The research design implemented  is research and development while as the main goal was prototype development. This application was developed by using CMS (content management system) WordPress. The final result of the research is an Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU that has been tested by the expert by using blackbox testing method. over all, the blackbox testing result stated that this application is valid without any revision.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat aplikasi yang diberi nama Online Reading Application SI.BY.RU. Aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu dan mempermudah para pengajar dan para pembelajar bahasa Inggris untuk memperdalam kemampuan reading comprehension. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah research and development dengan pengembangan prototype aplikasi sebagai tujuan akhirnya. Aplikasi ini dikembangkan berbasis web dengan menggunakan CMS (content management system) WordPress. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa Online Reading Application SI.B.Y.R.U yang telah melalui ujicoba ahli dengan menggunakan metode blackbox testing. Secara keseluruhan hasil ujicoba blackbox testing menyatakan valid tanpa revisi

    The Role of Exchanges in Quality Improvement

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    Explores state options and considerations for driving healthcare quality improvement and delivery system reform at the plan and provider levels through insurance exchanges, including the need to involve all stakeholders in developing and executing policy

    Medicare Part D: Simplifying the Program and Improving the Value of Information for Beneficiaries

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    Examines options for simplifying Medicare's prescription drug benefit, including streamlining benefit procedures and descriptions; further standardizing benefit parameters, especially cost-sharing rules; and modifying rules on plan formularies

    Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU

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    A study on lifelong guidance (LLG) policy and practice in the EU focusing on trends, challenges and opportunities. Lifelong guidance aims to provide career development support for individuals of all ages, at all career stages. It includes careers information, advice, counselling, assessment of skills and mentoring

    A US hospital budget impact analysis of a skin closure system compared with standard of care in hip and knee arthroplasty.

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    Background: Medicare\u27s mandatory bundle for hip and knee arthroplasty necessitates provider accountability for quality and cost of care to 90 days, and wound closure may be a key area of consideration. The DERMABOND Methods: A 90-day economic model was developed assuming 500 annual hip/knee arthroplasties for a typical US hospital setting. In current practice, wound closure methods for the final skin layer were set to 50% sutures and 50% staples. In future practice, this distribution shifted to 20% sutures, 20% staples, and 60% Skin Closure System. Health care resources included materials (eg, staplers, steri-strips, and traditional/barbed sutures), standard or premium dressings, outpatient visits, and home care visits. An Expert Panel, comprised of three orthopedic physician assistants, two orthopedic surgeons, and a home health representative, was used to inform several model parameters. Other inputs were informed by national data or literature. Unit costs were based on list prices in 2016 US dollars. Uncertainty in the model was explored through one-way sensitivity and alternative scenario analyses. Results: The analysis predicted that use of Skin Closure System in the future practice could achieve cost savings of 56.70to56.70 to 79.62 per patient, when standard or premium wound dressings are used, respectively. This translated to an annual hospital budgetary savings ranging from 28,349to28,349 to 39,809 when assuming 500 arthroplasties. Dressing materials and postoperative health care visits were key model drivers. Conclusions: Use of the Skin Closure System may provide cost savings within hip and knee arthroplasties due to decreases in resource utilization in the postacute care setting

    Identifying, Monitoring, and Assessing Promising Innovations: Using Evaluation to Support Rapid-Cycle Change

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    Examines the new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation's mission, critical issues, and challenges in finding effective ways to raise healthcare quality and lower costs, documenting innovation, and providing evidence to support broad policy change

    Luther Midelfort Mayo Health System: Laying Tracks for Success

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    Describes strategies for establishing a culture of experimentation, including creating interdisciplinary teams to decide the content of care and providing timely measurement and feedback

    Quality of Health Care for Medicare Beneficiaries: A Chartbook

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    Provides the results of a review of recently published studies and reports about the quality of health care for elderly Medicare beneficiaries. Includes examples of deficiencies and disparities in care, and some promising quality improvement initiatives
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