1,169 research outputs found

    Online Isotonic Regression

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    We consider the online version of the isotonic regression problem. Given a set of linearly ordered points (e.g., on the real line), the learner must predict labels sequentially at adversarially chosen positions and is evaluated by her total squared loss compared against the best isotonic (non-decreasing) function in hindsight. We survey several standard online learning algorithms and show that none of them achieve the optimal regret exponent; in fact, most of them (including Online Gradient Descent, Follow the Leader and Exponential Weights) incur linear regret. We then prove that the Exponential Weights algorithm played over a covering net of isotonic functions has a regret bounded by O(T1/3log2/3(T))O\big(T^{1/3} \log^{2/3}(T)\big) and present a matching Ω(T1/3)\Omega(T^{1/3}) lower bound on regret. We provide a computationally efficient version of this algorithm. We also analyze the noise-free case, in which the revealed labels are isotonic, and show that the bound can be improved to O(logT)O(\log T) or even to O(1)O(1) (when the labels are revealed in isotonic order). Finally, we extend the analysis beyond squared loss and give bounds for entropic loss and absolute loss.Comment: 25 page

    Defensive forecasting for optimal prediction with expert advice

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    The method of defensive forecasting is applied to the problem of prediction with expert advice for binary outcomes. It turns out that defensive forecasting is not only competitive with the Aggregating Algorithm but also handles the case of "second-guessing" experts, whose advice depends on the learner's prediction; this paper assumes that the dependence on the learner's prediction is continuous.Comment: 14 page

    Flexible and accurate inference and learning for deep generative models

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    We introduce a new approach to learning in hierarchical latent-variable generative models called the "distributed distributional code Helmholtz machine", which emphasises flexibility and accuracy in the inferential process. In common with the original Helmholtz machine and later variational autoencoder algorithms (but unlike adverserial methods) our approach learns an explicit inference or "recognition" model to approximate the posterior distribution over the latent variables. Unlike in these earlier methods, the posterior representation is not limited to a narrow tractable parameterised form (nor is it represented by samples). To train the generative and recognition models we develop an extended wake-sleep algorithm inspired by the original Helmholtz Machine. This makes it possible to learn hierarchical latent models with both discrete and continuous variables, where an accurate posterior representation is essential. We demonstrate that the new algorithm outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on synthetic, natural image patch and the MNIST data sets