99 research outputs found

    Towards Autonomic Service Provisioning Systems

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    This paper discusses our experience in building SPIRE, an autonomic system for service provision. The architecture consists of a set of hosted Web Services subject to QoS constraints, and a certain number of servers used to run session-based traffic. Customers pay for having their jobs run, but require in turn certain quality guarantees: there are different SLAs specifying charges for running jobs and penalties for failing to meet promised performance metrics. The system is driven by an utility function, aiming at optimizing the average earned revenue per unit time. Demand and performance statistics are collected, while traffic parameters are estimated in order to make dynamic decisions concerning server allocation and admission control. Different utility functions are introduced and a number of experiments aiming at testing their performance are discussed. Results show that revenues can be dramatically improved by imposing suitable conditions for accepting incoming traffic; the proposed system performs well under different traffic settings, and it successfully adapts to changes in the operating environment.Comment: 11 pages, 9 Figures, http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?WO=201002636

    Managing deadline miss ratio and sensor data freshness in real-time databases

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    Towards Autonomous and Efficient Machine Learning Systems

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    Computation-intensive machine learning (ML) applications are becoming some of the most popular workloads running atop cloud infrastructure. While training ML applications, practitioners face the challenge of tuning various system-level parameters, such as the number of training nodes, communication topology during training, instance type, and the number of serving nodes, to meet the SLO requirements for bursty workload during the inference. Similarly, efficient resource utilization is another key challenge in cloud computing. This dissertation proposes high-performing and efficient ML systems to speed up training time and inference tasks while enabling automated and robust system management.To train an ML model in a distributed fashion we focus on strategies to mitigate the resource provisioning overhead and improve the training speed without impacting the model accuracy. More specifically, a system for autonomic and adaptive scheduling is built atop serverless computing that dynamically optimizes deployment and resource scaling for ML training tasks for cost-effectiveness and fast training. Similarly, a dynamic client selection framework is developed to address the stragglers problem caused by resource heterogeneity, data quality, and data quantity in a privacy-preserving Federated Learning (FL) environment without impacting the model accuracy.For serving bursty ML workloads we focus on developing highly scalable and adaptive strategies to serve the dynamically changing workload in a cost-effective manner in an autonomic fashion. We develop a framework that optimizes batching parameters on the fly using a lightweight profiler and an analytical model. We also devise strategies for serving ML workloads of varying sizes, leading to non-deterministic service time in a cost-effective manner. More specifically, we develop an SLO-aware framework that first analyzes the request size variations and workload variation to estimate the number of serving functions and intelligently route requests to multiple serving functions. Finally, resource utilization of burstable instances is optimized to benefit the cloud provider and end-user through a careful orchestration of resources (i.e., CPU, network, and I/O) using an analytical model and lightweight profiling, while complying with a user-defined SLO

    Revenue maximization problems in commercial data centers

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    PhD ThesisAs IT systems are becoming more important everyday, one of the main concerns is that users may face major problems and eventually incur major costs if computing systems do not meet the expected performance requirements: customers expect reliability and performance guarantees, while underperforming systems loose revenues. Even with the adoption of data centers as the hub of IT organizations and provider of business efficiencies the problems are not over because it is extremely difficult for service providers to meet the promised performance guarantees in the face of unpredictable demand. One possible approach is the adoption of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), contracts that specify a level of performance that must be met and compensations in case of failure. In this thesis I will address some of the performance problems arising when IT companies sell the service of running ‘jobs’ subject to Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. In particular, the aim is to improve the efficiency of service provisioning systems by allowing them to adapt to changing demand conditions. First, I will define the problem in terms of an utility function to maximize. Two different models are analyzed, one for single jobs and the other useful to deal with session-based traffic. Then, I will introduce an autonomic model for service provision. The architecture consists of a set of hosted applications that share a certain number of servers. The system collects demand and performance statistics and estimates traffic parameters. These estimates are used by management policies which implement dynamic resource allocation and admission algorithms. Results from a number of experiments show that the performance of these heuristics is close to optimal.QoSP (Quality of Service Provisioning)British Teleco

    Performance analysis of a dynamic query processing scheme

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    Traditional query optimizers produce a fixed query evaluation plan based on assumptions about data distribution and processor workloads. However, these assumptions may not hold at query execution time. In this paper, we propose a dynamic query processing scheme and we present the performance results obtained by simulation of a queueing network model of the proposed software architecture

    Self-Adaptive Decentralized Monitoring in Software-Defined Networks

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    The Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm can allow network management solutions to automatically and frequently reconfigure network resources. When developing SDNbased management architectures, it is of paramount importance to design a monitoring system that can provide timely and consistent updates to heterogeneous management applications. To support such applications operating with low latency requirements, the monitoring system should scale with increasing network size and provide precise network views with minimum overhead on the available resources. In this paper we present a novel, self-adaptive, decentralized framework for resource monitoring in SDN. Our framework enables accurate statistics to be collected with limited burden on the network resources. This is realized through a self-tuning, adaptive monitoring mechanism that automatically adjusts its settings based on the traffic dynamics. We evaluate our proposal based on a realistic use case scenario, where a content distribution service and an on-demand gaming platform are deployed within an ISP network. The results show that reduced monitoring latencies are obtained with the proposed framework, thus enabling shorter reconfiguration control loops. In addition, the proposed adaptive monitoring method achieves significant gain in terms of monitoring overhead, while preserving the performance of the services considered

    Study of architecture and protocols for reliable multicasting in packet switching networks

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    Group multicast protocols have been challenged to provide scalable solutions that meet the following requirements: (i) reliable delivery from different sources to all destinations within a multicast group; (ii) congestion control among multiple asynchronous sources. Although it is mainly a transport layer task, reliable group multicasting depends on routing architectures as well. This dissertation covers issues of both network and transport layers. Two routing architectures, tree and ring, are surveyed with a comparative study of their routing costs and impact to upper layer performances. Correspondingly, two generic transport protocol models are established for performance study. The tree-based protocol is rate-based and uses negative acknowledgment mechanisms for reliability control, while the ring-based protocol uses window-based flow control and positive acknowledgment schemes. The major performance measures observed in the study are network cost, multicast delay, throughput and efficiency. The results suggest that the tree architecture costs less at network layer than the ring, and helps to minimize latency under light network load. Meanwhile, heavy load reliable group multicasting can benefit from ring architecture, which facilitates window-based flow and congestion control. Based on the comparative study, a new two-hierarchy hybrid architecture, Rings Interconnected with Tree Architecture (RITA), is presented. Here, a multicast group is partitioned into multiple clusters with the ring as the intra-cluster architecture, and the tree as backbone architecture that implements inter-cluster multicasting. To compromise between performance measures such as delay and through put, reliability and congestion controls are accomplished at the transport layer with a hybrid use of rate and window-based protocols, which are based on either negative or positive feedback mechanisms respectively. Performances are compared with simulations against tree- and ring-based approaches. Results are encouraging because RITA achieves similar throughput performance as the ring-based protocol, but with significantly lowered delay. Finally, the multicast tree packing problem is discussed. In a network accommodating multiple concurrent multicast sessions, routing for an individual session can be optimized to minimize the competition with other sessions, rather than to minimize cost or delay. Packing lower bound and a heuristic are investigated. Simulation show that congestion can be reduced effectively with limited cost increase of routings

    Extra Functional Properties Evaluation of Self-managed Software Systems with Formal Methods

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    Multitud de aplicaciones software actuales están abocadas a operar en contextos dinámicos. Estos pueden manifestarse en términos de cambios en el entorno de ejecución de la aplicación, cambios en los requisitos de la aplicación, cambios en la carga de trabajo recibida por la aplicación, o cambios en cualquiera de los elementos que la aplicación software pueda percibir y verse afectada. Además, estos contextos dinámicos no están restringidos a un dominio particular de aplicaciones sino que se pueden encontrar en múltiples dominios, tales como: sistemas empotrados, arquitecturas orientadas a servicios, clusters para computación de altas prestaciones, dispositivos móviles o software para el funcionamiento de la red. La existencia de estas características disuade a los ingenieros de desarrollar software que no sea capaz de cambiar de modo alguno su ejecución para acomodarla al contexto en el que se está ejecutando el software en cada momento. Por lo tanto, con el objetivo de que el software pueda satisfacer sus requisitos en todo momento, este debe incluir mecanismos para poder cambiar su configuración de ejecución. Además, debido a que los cambios de contexto son frecuentes y afectan a múltiples dispositivos de la aplicación, la intervención humana que cambie manualmente la configuración del software no es una solución factible. Para enfrentarse a estos desafíos, la comunidad de Ingeniería del Software ha propuesto nuevos paradigmas que posibilitan el desarrollo de software que se enfrenta a contextos cambiantes de un modo automático; por ejemplo las propuestas Autonomic Computing y Self-* Software. En tales propuestas es el propio software quien gestiona sus mecanismos para cambiar la configuración de ejecución, sin requerir por lo tanto intervención humana alguna. Un aspecto esencial del software auto-adaptativo (Self-adaptive Software es uno de los términos más generales para referirse a Self-* Software) es el de planear sus cambios o adaptaciones. Los planes de adaptación determinan tanto el modo en el que se adaptará el software como los momentos oportunos para ejecutar tales adaptaciones. Hay un gran conjunto de situaciones para las cuales la propiedad de auto- adaptación es una solución. Una de esas situaciones es la de mantener al sistema satisfaciendo sus requisitos extra funcionales, tales como la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) y su consumo de energía. Esta tesis ha investigado esa situación mediante el uso de métodos formales. Una de las contribuciones de esta tesis es la propuesta para asentar en una arquitectura software los sistemas que son auto-adaptativos respecto a su QoS y su consumo de energía. Con este objetivo, esta parte de la investigación la guía una arquitectura de tres capas de referencia para sistemas auto-adaptativos. La bondad del uso de una arquitectura de referencia es que muestra fácilmente los nuevos desafíos en el diseño de este tipo de sistemas. Naturalmente, la planificación de la adaptación es una de las actividades consideradas en la arquitectura. Otra de las contribuciones de la tesis es la propuesta de métodos para la creación de planes de adaptación. Los métodos formales juegan un rol esencial en esta actividad, ya que posibilitan el estudio de las propiedades extra funcionales de los sistemas en diferentes configuraciones. El método formal utilizado para estos análisis es el de las redes de Petri markovianas. Una vez que se ha creado el plan de adaptación, hemos investigado la utilización de los métodos formales para la evaluación de QoS y consumo de energía de los sistemas auto-adaptativos. Por lo tanto, se ha contribuido a la comunidad de análisis de QoS con el análisis de un nuevo y particularmente complejo tipo de sistemas software. Para llevar a cabo este análisis se requiere el modelado de los cambios din·micos del contexto de ejecución, para lo que se han utilizado una variedad de métodos formales, como los Markov modulated Poisson processes para estimar los parámetros de las variaciones en la carga de trabajo recibida por la aplicación, o los hidden Markov models para predecir el estado del entorno de ejecución. Estos modelos han sido usados junto a las redes de Petri para evaluar sistemas auto-adaptativos y obtener resultados sobre su QoS y consumo de energía. El trabajo de investigación anterior sacó a la luz el hecho de que la adaptabilidad de un sistema no es una propiedad tan fácilmente cuantificable como las propiedades de QoS -por ejemplo, el tiempo de respuesta- o el consumo de energÌa. En consecuencia, se ha investigado en esa dirección y, como resultado, otra de las contribuciones de esta tesis es la propuesta de un conjunto de métricas para la cuantificación de la propiedad de adaptabilidad de sistemas basados en servicios. Para conseguir las anteriores contribuciones se realiza un uso intensivo de modelos y transformaciones de modelos; tarea para la que se han seguido las mejores prácticas en el campo de investigación de la Ingeniería orientada a modelos (Model-driven Engineering, MDE). El trabajo de investigación de esta tesis en el campo MDE ha contribuido con: el aumento de la potencia de modelado de un lenguaje de modelado de software propuesto anteriormente y métodos de transformación desde dos lenguajes de modelado de software a redes de Petri estocasticas

    Revenue maximization problems in commercial data centers

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    As IT systems are becoming more important everyday, one of the main concerns is that users may face major problems and eventually incur major costs if computing systems do not meet the expected performance requirements: customers expect reliability and performance guarantees, while underperforming systems loose revenues. Even with the adoption of data centers as the hub of IT organizations and provider of business efficiencies the problems are not over because it is extremely difficult for service providers to meet the promised performance guarantees in the face of unpredictable demand. One possible approach is the adoption of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), contracts that specify a level of performance that must be met and compensations in case of failure. In this thesis I will address some of the performance problems arising when IT companies sell the service of running ‘jobs’ subject to Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. In particular, the aim is to improve the efficiency of service provisioning systems by allowing them to adapt to changing demand conditions. First, I will define the problem in terms of an utility function to maximize. Two different models are analyzed, one for single jobs and the other useful to deal with session-based traffic. Then, I will introduce an autonomic model for service provision. The architecture consists of a set of hosted applications that share a certain number of servers. The system collects demand and performance statistics and estimates traffic parameters. These estimates are used by management policies which implement dynamic resource allocation and admission algorithms. Results from a number of experiments show that the performance of these heuristics is close to optimal.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceQoSP (Quality of Service Provisioning) : British TelecomGBUnited Kingdo
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