95,295 research outputs found

    Scalar dark energy models mimicking Λ\LambdaCDM with arbitrary future evolution

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    Dark energy models with various scenarios of evolution are considered from the viewpoint of the formalism for the equation of state. It is shown that these models are compatible with current astronomical data. Some of the models presented here evolve arbitrarily close to Λ\LambdaCDM up to the present, but diverge in the future into a number of different possible asymptotic states, including asymptotic de-Sitter (pseudo-rip) evolution, little rips with disintegration of bound structures, and various forms of finite-time future singularities. Therefore it is impossible from observational data to determine whether the universe will end in a future singularity or not. We demonstrate that the models under consideration are stable for a long period of time (billions of years) before entering a Little Rip/Pseudo-Rip induced dissolution of bound structures or before entering a soft finite-time future singularity. Finally, the physical consequences of Little Rip, Type II, III and Big Crush singularities are briefly compared.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in Physics Letters

    Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers: Recent advances and key issues

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    Wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers have become an increasingly active area of research in recent years. Many challenges remain in theory, scaling, physical understanding, experimental techniques, and numerical simulations. In this paper we distill the salient advances of recent origin, particularly those that challenge textbook orthodoxy. Some of the outstanding questions, such as the extent of the logarithmic overlap layer, the universality or otherwise of the principal model parameters such as the von Kármán “constant,” the parametrization of roughness effects, and the scaling of mean flow and Reynolds stresses, are highlighted. Research avenues that may provide answers to these questions, notably the improvement of measuring techniques and the construction of new facilities, are identified. We also highlight aspects where differences of opinion persist, with the expectation that this discussion might mark the beginning of their resolution

    Symmetry related dynamics in parallel shear flows

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    Parallel shear flows come with continuous symmetries of translation in the downstream and spanwise direction. As a consequence, flow states that differ in their spanwise or downstream location but are otherwise identical are dynamically equivalent. In the case of travelling waves, this trivial degree of freedom can be removed by going to a frame of reference that moves with the state, thereby turning the travelling wave in the laboratory frame to a fixed point in the comoving frame of reference. We here discuss a general method by which the translational displacements can be removed also for more complicated and dynamically active states and demonstrate its application for several examples. For flows states in the asymptotic suction boundary layer we show that in the case of the long-period oscillatory edge state we can find local phase speeds which remove the fast oscillations and reveal the slow vortex dynamics underlying the burst phenomenon. For spanwise translating states we show that the method removes the drift but not the dynamical events that cause the big spanwise displacement. For a turbulent case we apply the method to the spanwise shifts and find slow components that are correlated over very long times. Calculations for plane Poiseuille flow show that the long correlations in the transverse motions are not special to the asymptotic suction boundary layer

    A multi-level interface model for damaged masonry

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    The aim of the present work is to propose a new micro-mechanical model in the context of the deductive approach used to derive interface models. This model, based on a previous study introduced previously by A. Rekik and F. Lebon, is used to reproduce the damage in masonry by combining structural analysis and homogenization methods. The focal point of this method is to assume the existence of a third material, called interphase, which is a mixture of the two principal constituents of masonry, brick and mortar, and that is the interface between them. This new element presents a low thickness, a low stiffness and a given damage ratio. The mechanical problem of masonry, initially a 3D problem, is solved numerically as a 2D problem using finite element methods. The properties of the interface brick-mortar material are obtained using three essentials steps. First of all, an exact homogenisation of a laminates is used to define a first homogeneous equivalent medium named HEM-1. After, the assumption of damaged material is taken into account by using the general framework given by M. Kachanov to evaluate the global behaviour of the damaged HEM-1 defining thus a second equivalent homogeneous medium noted HEM-2. The last step consists in using an asymptotic analysis technique which is performed to model HEM-2 as an interface or a joint. The properties of this joint are deduced from those of the HEM-2 material as proposed in former papers. Particularly, through the second homogenization are taken into account the variability of microcracks oriented family and simultaneously the opening-closure effects (unilateral behaviour). Numerically this interface is modelled with connector finite elements. Numerical results are compared to experimental ones available in the literature

    Neutral Evolution of Mutational Robustness

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    We introduce and analyze a general model of a population evolving over a network of selectively neutral genotypes. We show that the population's limit distribution on the neutral network is solely determined by the network topology and given by the principal eigenvector of the network's adjacency matrix. Moreover, the average number of neutral mutant neighbors per individual is given by the matrix spectral radius. This quantifies the extent to which populations evolve mutational robustness: the insensitivity of the phenotype to mutations. Since the average neutrality is independent of evolutionary parameters---such as, mutation rate, population size, and selective advantage---one can infer global statistics of neutral network topology using simple population data available from {\it in vitro} or {\it in vivo} evolution. Populations evolving on neutral networks of RNA secondary structures show excellent agreement with our theoretical predictions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Noncommutative Mixmaster Cosmologies

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    In this paper we investigate a variant of the classical mixmaster universe model of anisotropic cosmology, where the spatial sections are noncommutative 3-tori. We consider ways in which the discrete dynamical system describing the mixmaster dynamics can be extended to act on the noncommutative torus moduli, and how the resulting dynamics differs from the classical one, for example, in the appearance of exotic smooth structures. We discuss properties of the spectral action, focussing on how the slow-roll inflation potential determined by the spectral action affects the mixmaster dynamics. We relate the model to other recent results on spectral action computation and we identify other physical contexts in which this model may be relevant.Comment: 24 pages LaTe

    Two-dimensional Moist Stratified Turbulence and the Emergence of Vertically Sheared Horizontal Flows

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    Moist stratified turbulence is studied in a two-dimensional Boussinesq system influenced by condensation and evaporation. The problem is set in a periodic domain and employs simple evaporation and condensation schemes, wherein both the processes push parcels towards saturation. Numerical simulations demonstrate the emergence of a moist turbulent state consisting of ordered structures with a clear power-law type spectral scaling from initially spatially uncorrelated conditions. An asymptotic analysis in the limit of rapid condensation and strong stratification shows that, for initial conditions with enough water substance to saturate the domain, the equations support a straightforward state of moist balance characterized by a hydrostatic, saturated, vertically sheared horizontal flow (VSHF). For such initial conditions, by means of long time numerical simulations, the emergence of moist balance is verified. Specifically, starting from uncorrelated data, subsequent to the development of a moist turbulent state, the system experiences a rather abrupt transition to a regime which is close to saturation and dominated by a strong VSHF. On the other hand, initial conditions which do not have enough water substance to saturate the domain, do not attain moist balance. Rather, the system remains in a turbulent state and oscillates about moist balance. Even though balance is not achieved with these general initial conditions, the time scale of oscillation about moist balance is much larger than the imposed time scale of condensation and evaporation, thus indicating a distinct dominant slow component in the moist stratified two-dimensional turbulent system.Comment: 23 pages. 9 figure

    Structures and waves in a nonlinear heat-conducting medium

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    The paper is an overview of the main contributions of a Bulgarian team of researchers to the problem of finding the possible structures and waves in the open nonlinear heat conducting medium, described by a reaction-diffusion equation. Being posed and actively worked out by the Russian school of A. A. Samarskii and S.P. Kurdyumov since the seventies of the last century, this problem still contains open and challenging questions.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, the final publication will appear in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Numerical Methods for PDEs: Theory, Algorithms and their Application