10 research outputs found

    Secret Message Transmission over Quantum Channels under Adversarial Quantum Noise: Secrecy Capacity and Super-Activation

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    We determine the secrecy capacities of AVQCs (arbitrarily varying quantum channels). Both secrecy capacity with average error probability and with maximal error probability are derived. Both derivations are based on one common code construction. The code we construct fulfills a stringent secrecy requirement, which is called the strong code concept. We determine when the secrecy capacity is a continuous function of the system parameters and completely characterize its discontinuity points both for average error criterion and for maximal error criterion. Furthermore, we prove the phenomenon "super-activation" for secrecy capacities of AVQCs, i.e., two quantum channels both with zero secrecy capacity, which, if used together, allow secure transmission with positive capacity. We also discuss the relations between the entanglement distillation capacity, the entanglement generating capacity, and the strong subspace transmission capacity for AVQCs.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0348

    Sichere Kommunikation ĂŒber AbhörkanĂ€le mit mehreren EmpfĂ€ngern und aktiven Störsendern

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    We derive a state of the art strong secrecy coding scheme for the multi-receiver wiretap channel under the joint and individual secrecy constraints. we show that individual secrecy can utilize the concept of mutual trust to achieve a larger capacity region compared to the joint one. Further, we derive a full characterization for the list secrecy capacity of arbitrarily varying wiretap channels and establish some interesting results for the continuity and additivity behaviour of the capacity.FĂŒr den Abhörkanal mit mehreren EmpfĂ€ngern wird ein Kodierungsschema hergeleitet unter dem gemeinsamen als auch individuellem Sicherheitskriterium. Das individuelle Kriterium basiert auf dem Konzept des gegenseitigen Vertrauens, um eine grĂ¶ĂŸere KapazitĂ€tsregion zu erreichen. Weiterhin wird eine vollstĂ€ndige Charakterisierung der SicherheitskapazitĂ€t fĂŒr den beliebig variierenden Kanals aufgestellt, sowie Eigenschaften bezĂŒglich der KontinuitĂ€t und des AdditivitĂ€tsverhalten bewiesen