258,618 research outputs found

    Optical Flow on Moving Manifolds

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    Optical flow is a powerful tool for the study and analysis of motion in a sequence of images. In this article we study a Horn-Schunck type spatio-temporal regularization functional for image sequences that have a non-Euclidean, time varying image domain. To that end we construct a Riemannian metric that describes the deformation and structure of this evolving surface. The resulting functional can be seen as natural geometric generalization of previous work by Weickert and Schn\"orr (2001) and Lef\`evre and Baillet (2008) for static image domains. In this work we show the existence and wellposedness of the corresponding optical flow problem and derive necessary and sufficient optimality conditions. We demonstrate the functionality of our approach in a series of experiments using both synthetic and real data.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    A massively parallel multi-level approach to a domain decomposition method for the optical flow estimation with varying illumination

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    We consider a variational method to solve the optical flow problem with varying illumination. We apply an adaptive control of the regularization parameter which allows us to preserve the edges and fine features of the computed flow. To reduce the complexity of the estimation for high resolution images and the time of computations, we implement a multi-level parallel approach based on the domain decomposition with the Schwarz overlapping method. The second level of parallelism uses the massively parallel solver MUMPS. We perform some numerical simulations to show the efficiency of our approach and to validate it on classical and real-world image sequences

    An exploration of feature detector performance in the thermal-infrared modality

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    Thermal-infrared images have superior statistical properties compared with visible-spectrum images in many low-light or no-light scenarios. However, a detailed understanding of feature detector performance in the thermal modality lags behind that of the visible modality. To address this, the first comprehensive study on feature detector performance on thermal-infrared images is conducted. A dataset is presented which explores a total of ten different environments with a range of statistical properties. An investigation is conducted into the effects of several digital and physical image transformations on detector repeatability in these environments. The effect of non-uniformity noise, unique to the thermal modality, is analyzed. The accumulation of sensor non-uniformities beyond the minimum possible level was found to have only a small negative effect. A limiting of feature counts was found to improve the repeatability performance of several detectors. Most other image transformations had predictable effects on feature stability. The best-performing detector varied considerably depending on the nature of the scene and the test

    How to Train a CAT: Learning Canonical Appearance Transformations for Direct Visual Localization Under Illumination Change

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    Direct visual localization has recently enjoyed a resurgence in popularity with the increasing availability of cheap mobile computing power. The competitive accuracy and robustness of these algorithms compared to state-of-the-art feature-based methods, as well as their natural ability to yield dense maps, makes them an appealing choice for a variety of mobile robotics applications. However, direct methods remain brittle in the face of appearance change due to their underlying assumption of photometric consistency, which is commonly violated in practice. In this paper, we propose to mitigate this problem by training deep convolutional encoder-decoder models to transform images of a scene such that they correspond to a previously-seen canonical appearance. We validate our method in multiple environments and illumination conditions using high-fidelity synthetic RGB-D datasets, and integrate the trained models into a direct visual localization pipeline, yielding improvements in visual odometry (VO) accuracy through time-varying illumination conditions, as well as improved metric relocalization performance under illumination change, where conventional methods normally fail. We further provide a preliminary investigation of transfer learning from synthetic to real environments in a localization context. An open-source implementation of our method using PyTorch is available at https://github.com/utiasSTARS/cat-net.Comment: In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and presented at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'18), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 201
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