173 research outputs found

    Separate Source-Channel Coding for Broadcasting Correlated Gaussians

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    The problem of broadcasting a pair of correlated Gaussian sources using optimal separate source and channel codes is studied. Considerable performance gains over previously known separate source-channel schemes are observed. Although source-channel separation yields suboptimal performance in general, it is shown that the proposed scheme is very competitive for any bandwidth compression/expansion scenarios. In particular, for a high channel SNR scenario, it can be shown to achieve optimal power-distortion tradeoff.Comment: 6 pages (with an extra proof), ISIT2011, to appea

    Correlated Sources In Distributed Networks - Data Transmission, Common Information Characterization and Inferencing

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    Correlation is often present among observations in a distributed system. This thesis deals with various design issues when correlated data are observed at distributed terminals, including: communicating correlated sources over interference channels, characterizing the common information among dependent random variables, and testing the presence of dependence among observations. It is well known that separated source and channel coding is optimal for point-to-point communication. However, this is not the case for multi-terminal communications. In this thesis, we study the problem of communicating correlated sources over interference channels (IC), for both the lossless and the lossy case. For lossless case, a sufficient condition is found using the technique of random source partition and correlation preserving codeword generation. The sufficient condition reduces to the Han-Kobayashi achievable rate region for IC with independent observations. Moreover, the proposed coding scheme is optimal for transmitting a special correlated sources over a class of deterministic interference channels. We then study the general case of lossy transmission of two correlated sources over a two-user discrete memoryless interference channel (DMIC). An achievable distortion region is obtained and Gaussian examples are studied. The second topic is the generalization of Wyner\u27s definition of common information of a pair of random variables to that of N random variables. Coding theorems are obtained to show that the same operational meanings for the common information of two random variables apply to that of N random variables. We establish a monotone property of Wyner\u27s common information which is in contrast to other notions of the common information, specifically Shannon\u27s mutual information and G\u27{a}cs and K {o}rner\u27s common randomness. Later, we extend Wyner\u27s common information to that of continuous random variables and provide an operational meaning using the Gray-Wyner network with lossy source coding. We show that Wyner\u27s common information equals the smallest common message rate when the total rate is arbitrarily close to the rate-distortion function with joint decoding. Finally, we consider the problem of distributed test of statistical independence under communication constraints. Focusing on the Gaussian case because of its tractability, we study in this thesis the characteristics of optimal scalar quantizers for distributed test of independence where the optimality is both in the finite sample regime and in the asymptotic regime

    Joint Source-Channel Coding with Time-Varying Channel and Side-Information

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    Transmission of a Gaussian source over a time-varying Gaussian channel is studied in the presence of time-varying correlated side information at the receiver. A block fading model is considered for both the channel and the side information, whose states are assumed to be known only at the receiver. The optimality of separate source and channel coding in terms of average end-to-end distortion is shown when the channel is static while the side information state follows a discrete or a continuous and quasiconcave distribution. When both the channel and side information states are time-varying, separate source and channel coding is suboptimal in general. A partially informed encoder lower bound is studied by providing the channel state information to the encoder. Several achievable transmission schemes are proposed based on uncoded transmission, separate source and channel coding, joint decoding as well as hybrid digital-analog transmission. Uncoded transmission is shown to be optimal for a class of continuous and quasiconcave side information state distributions, while the channel gain may have an arbitrary distribution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example in which the uncoded transmission achieves the optimal performance thanks to the time-varying nature of the states, while it is suboptimal in the static version of the same problem. Then, the optimal \emph{distortion exponent}, that quantifies the exponential decay rate of the expected distortion in the high SNR regime, is characterized for Nakagami distributed channel and side information states, and it is shown to be achieved by hybrid digital-analog and joint decoding schemes in certain cases, illustrating the suboptimality of pure digital or analog transmission in general.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Communicating Remote Gaussian Sources over Gaussian Multiple Access Channels

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    Abstract—We study a multiple-terminal joint source-channel coding problem, where two remote correlated Gaussian sources are transmitted over a Gaussian multiple-access channel with two transmitters. Each transmitter observes one of the sources contaminated in Gaussian noise. The receiver wishes to reconstruct both sources. We derive necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for the receiver to be able to reconstruct the sources with given expected squared-error distortions. These conditions establish the optimality of uncoded transmission below some signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) threshold, and they also establish the high-SNR asymptotics. To achieve the latter, a coding scheme is proposed that superimposes analog uncoded transmission and digital combined source-channel Gaussian vector quantization. I
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