388 research outputs found

    The ATIS sign language corpus

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    Systems that automatically process sign language rely on appropriate data. We therefore present the ATIS sign language corpus that is based on the domain of air travel information. It is available for five languages, English, German, Irish sign language, German sign language and South African sign language. The corpus can be used for different tasks like automatic statistical translation and automatic sign language recognition and it allows the specific modelling of spatial references in signing space

    Strong domain variation and treebank-induced LFG resources

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    In this paper we present a number of experiments to test the portability of existing treebank induced LFG resources. We test the LFG parsing resources of Cahill et al. (2004) on the ATIS corpus which represents a considerably different domain to the Penn-II Treebank Wall Street Journal sections, from which the resources were induced. This testing shows an under-performance at both c- and f-structure level as a result of the domain variation. We show that in order to adapt the LFG resources of Cahill et al. (2004) to this new domain, all that is necessary is to retrain the c-structure parser on data from the new domain

    Combining data-driven MT systems for improved sign language translation

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    In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of combining two data-driven machine translation (MT) systems for the translation of sign languages (SLs). We take the MT systems of two prominent data-driven research groups, the MaTrEx system developed at DCU and the Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system developed at RWTH Aachen University, and apply their respective approaches to the task of translating Irish Sign Language and German Sign Language into English and German. In a set of experiments supported by automatic evaluation results, we show that there is a definite value to the prospective merging of MaTrEx’s Example-Based MT chunks and distortion limit increase with RWTH’s constraint reordering

    Spoken Language Intent Detection using Confusion2Vec

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    Decoding speaker's intent is a crucial part of spoken language understanding (SLU). The presence of noise or errors in the text transcriptions, in real life scenarios make the task more challenging. In this paper, we address the spoken language intent detection under noisy conditions imposed by automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. We propose to employ confusion2vec word feature representation to compensate for the errors made by ASR and to increase the robustness of the SLU system. The confusion2vec, motivated from human speech production and perception, models acoustic relationships between words in addition to the semantic and syntactic relations of words in human language. We hypothesize that ASR often makes errors relating to acoustically similar words, and the confusion2vec with inherent model of acoustic relationships between words is able to compensate for the errors. We demonstrate through experiments on the ATIS benchmark dataset, the robustness of the proposed model to achieve state-of-the-art results under noisy ASR conditions. Our system reduces classification error rate (CER) by 20.84% and improves robustness by 37.48% (lower CER degradation) relative to the previous state-of-the-art going from clean to noisy transcripts. Improvements are also demonstrated when training the intent detection models on noisy transcripts

    Joining hands: developing a sign language machine translation system with and for the deaf community

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    This paper discusses the development of an automatic machine translation (MT) system for translating spoken language text into signed languages (SLs). The motivation for our work is the improvement of accessibility to airport information announcements for D/deaf and hard of hearing people. This paper demonstrates the involvement of Deaf colleagues and members of the D/deaf community in Ireland in three areas of our research: the choice of a domain for automatic translation that has a practical use for the D/deaf community; the human translation of English text into Irish Sign Language (ISL) as well as advice on ISL grammar and linguistics; and the importance of native ISL signers as manual evaluators of our translated output

    Assistive translation technology for deaf people: translating into and animating Irish sign language

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    Machine Translation (MT) for sign languages (SLs) can facilitate communication between Deaf and hearing people by translating information into the native and preferred language of the individuals. In this paper, we discuss automatic translation from English to Irish SL (ISL) in the domain of airport information. We describe our data collection processes and the architecture of the MaTrEx system used for our translation work. This is followed by an outline of the additional animation phase that transforms the translated output into animated ISL. Through a set of experiments, evaluated both automatically and manually, we show that MT has the potential to assist Deaf people by providing information in their first language
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