26 research outputs found

    The 2018 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation

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    We present the 2018 DAVIS Challenge on Video Object Segmentation, a public competition specifically designed for the task of video object segmentation. It builds upon the DAVIS 2017 dataset, which was presented in the previous edition of the DAVIS Challenge, and added 100 videos with multiple objects per sequence to the original DAVIS 2016 dataset. Motivated by the analysis of the results of the 2017 edition, the main track of the competition will be the same than in the previous edition (segmentation given the full mask of the objects in the first frame -- semi-supervised scenario). This edition, however, also adds an interactive segmentation teaser track, where the participants will interact with a web service simulating the input of a human that provides scribbles to iteratively improve the result.Comment: Challenge website: http://davischallenge.org

    PReMVOS: Proposal-generation, Refinement and Merging for Video Object Segmentation

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    We address semi-supervised video object segmentation, the task of automatically generating accurate and consistent pixel masks for objects in a video sequence, given the first-frame ground truth annotations. Towards this goal, we present the PReMVOS algorithm (Proposal-generation, Refinement and Merging for Video Object Segmentation). Our method separates this problem into two steps, first generating a set of accurate object segmentation mask proposals for each video frame and then selecting and merging these proposals into accurate and temporally consistent pixel-wise object tracks over a video sequence in a way which is designed to specifically tackle the difficult challenges involved with segmenting multiple objects across a video sequence. Our approach surpasses all previous state-of-the-art results on the DAVIS 2017 video object segmentation benchmark with a J & F mean score of 71.6 on the test-dev dataset, and achieves first place in both the DAVIS 2018 Video Object Segmentation Challenge and the YouTube-VOS 1st Large-scale Video Object Segmentation Challenge.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACCV1

    Fast User-Guided Video Object Segmentation by Interaction-and-Propagation Networks

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    We present a deep learning method for the interactive video object segmentation. Our method is built upon two core operations, interaction and propagation, and each operation is conducted by Convolutional Neural Networks. The two networks are connected both internally and externally so that the networks are trained jointly and interact with each other to solve the complex video object segmentation problem. We propose a new multi-round training scheme for the interactive video object segmentation so that the networks can learn how to understand the user's intention and update incorrect estimations during the training. At the testing time, our method produces high-quality results and also runs fast enough to work with users interactively. We evaluated the proposed method quantitatively on the interactive track benchmark at the DAVIS Challenge 2018. We outperformed other competing methods by a significant margin in both the speed and the accuracy. We also demonstrated that our method works well with real user interactions.Comment: CVPR 201

    FEELVOS: Fast End-to-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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    Many of the recent successful methods for video object segmentation (VOS) are overly complicated, heavily rely on fine-tuning on the first frame, and/or are slow, and are hence of limited practical use. In this work, we propose FEELVOS as a simple and fast method which does not rely on fine-tuning. In order to segment a video, for each frame FEELVOS uses a semantic pixel-wise embedding together with a global and a local matching mechanism to transfer information from the first frame and from the previous frame of the video to the current frame. In contrast to previous work, our embedding is only used as an internal guidance of a convolutional network. Our novel dynamic segmentation head allows us to train the network, including the embedding, end-to-end for the multiple object segmentation task with a cross entropy loss. We achieve a new state of the art in video object segmentation without fine-tuning with a J&F measure of 71.5% on the DAVIS 2017 validation set. We make our code and models available at https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/feelvos.Comment: CVPR 2019 camera-ready versio

    SkelNetOn 2019: Dataset and Challenge on Deep Learning for Geometric Shape Understanding

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    We present SkelNetOn 2019 Challenge and Deep Learning for Geometric Shape Understanding workshop to utilize existing and develop novel deep learning architectures for shape understanding. We observed that unlike traditional segmentation and detection tasks, geometry understanding is still a new area for deep learning techniques. SkelNetOn aims to bring together researchers from different domains to foster learning methods on global shape understanding tasks. We aim to improve and evaluate the state-of-the-art shape understanding approaches, and to serve as reference benchmarks for future research. Similar to other challenges in computer vision, SkelNetOn proposes three datasets and corresponding evaluation methodologies; all coherently bundled in three competitions with a dedicated workshop co-located with CVPR 2019 conference. In this paper, we describe and analyze characteristics of datasets, define the evaluation criteria of the public competitions, and provide baselines for each task.Comment: Dataset paper for SkelNetOn Challenge, in association with Deep Learning for Geometric Shape Understanding Workshop at CVPR 201

    ScribbleBox: Interactive Annotation Framework for Video Object Segmentation

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    Manually labeling video datasets for segmentation tasks is extremely time consuming. In this paper, we introduce ScribbleBox, a novel interactive framework for annotating object instances with masks in videos. In particular, we split annotation into two steps: annotating objects with tracked boxes, and labeling masks inside these tracks. We introduce automation and interaction in both steps. Box tracks are annotated efficiently by approximating the trajectory using a parametric curve with a small number of control points which the annotator can interactively correct. Our approach tolerates a modest amount of noise in the box placements, thus typically only a few clicks are needed to annotate tracked boxes to a sufficient accuracy. Segmentation masks are corrected via scribbles which are efficiently propagated through time. We show significant performance gains in annotation efficiency over past work. We show that our ScribbleBox approach reaches 88.92% J&F on DAVIS2017 with 9.14 clicks per box track, and 4 frames of scribble annotation

    Key Instance Selection for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation

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    This paper proposes key instance selection based on video saliency covering objectness and dynamics for unsupervised video object segmentation (UVOS). Our method takes frames sequentially and extracts object proposals with corresponding masks for each frame. We link objects according to their similarity until the M-th frame and then assign them unique IDs (i.e., instances). Similarity measure takes into account multiple properties such as ReID descriptor, expected trajectory, and semantic co-segmentation result. After M-th frame, we select K IDs based on video saliency and frequency of appearance; then only these key IDs are tracked through the remaining frames. Thanks to these technical contributions, our results are ranked third on the leaderboard of UVOS DAVIS challenge.Comment: Ranked 3rd in 'Unsupervised DAVIS Challenge' (CVPR 2019

    BubbleNets: Learning to Select the Guidance Frame in Video Object Segmentation by Deep Sorting Frames

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    Semi-supervised video object segmentation has made significant progress on real and challenging videos in recent years. The current paradigm for segmentation methods and benchmark datasets is to segment objects in video provided a single annotation in the first frame. However, we find that segmentation performance across the entire video varies dramatically when selecting an alternative frame for annotation. This paper address the problem of learning to suggest the single best frame across the video for user annotation-this is, in fact, never the first frame of video. We achieve this by introducing BubbleNets, a novel deep sorting network that learns to select frames using a performance-based loss function that enables the conversion of expansive amounts of training examples from already existing datasets. Using BubbleNets, we are able to achieve an 11% relative improvement in segmentation performance on the DAVIS benchmark without any changes to the underlying method of segmentation.Comment: CVPR 201

    RANet: Ranking Attention Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation

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    Despite online learning (OL) techniques have boosted the performance of semi-supervised video object segmentation (VOS) methods, the huge time costs of OL greatly restrict their practicality. Matching based and propagation based methods run at a faster speed by avoiding OL techniques. However, they are limited by sub-optimal accuracy, due to mismatching and drifting problems. In this paper, we develop a real-time yet very accurate Ranking Attention Network (RANet) for VOS. Specifically, to integrate the insights of matching based and propagation based methods, we employ an encoder-decoder framework to learn pixel-level similarity and segmentation in an end-to-end manner. To better utilize the similarity maps, we propose a novel ranking attention module, which automatically ranks and selects these maps for fine-grained VOS performance. Experiments on DAVIS-16 and DAVIS-17 datasets show that our RANet achieves the best speed-accuracy trade-off, e.g., with 33 milliseconds per frame and J&F=85.5% on DAVIS-16. With OL, our RANet reaches J&F=87.1% on DAVIS-16, exceeding state-of-the-art VOS methods. The code can be found at https://github.com/Storife/RANet.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 2019. 10 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. The supplementary file can be found at https://csjunxu.github.io/paper/2019ICCV/RANet_supp.pdf ; Code is available at https://github.com/Storife/RANe

    Video Object Segmentation with Language Referring Expressions

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    Most state-of-the-art semi-supervised video object segmentation methods rely on a pixel-accurate mask of a target object provided for the first frame of a video. However, obtaining a detailed segmentation mask is expensive and time-consuming. In this work we explore an alternative way of identifying a target object, namely by employing language referring expressions. Besides being a more practical and natural way of pointing out a target object, using language specifications can help to avoid drift as well as make the system more robust to complex dynamics and appearance variations. Leveraging recent advances of language grounding models designed for images, we propose an approach to extend them to video data, ensuring temporally coherent predictions. To evaluate our method we augment the popular video object segmentation benchmarks, DAVIS'16 and DAVIS'17 with language descriptions of target objects. We show that our language-supervised approach performs on par with the methods which have access to a pixel-level mask of the target object on DAVIS'16 and is competitive to methods using scribbles on the challenging DAVIS'17 dataset.Comment: ACCV 2018: 14th Asian Conference on Computer Visio