57 research outputs found

    Client-Server Sessions in Linear Logic

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    We introduce coexponentials, a new set of modalities for Classical Linear Logic. As duals to exponentials, the coexponentials codify a distributed form of the structural rules of weakening and contraction. This makes them a suitable logical device for encapsulating the pattern of a server receiving requests from an arbitrary number of clients on a single channel. Guided by this intuition we formulate a system of session types based on Classical Linear Logic with coexponentials, which is suited to modelling client-server interactions. We also present a session-typed functional programming language for server-client programming, which we translate to our system of coexponentials

    Programming with narrowing: A tutorial

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    AbstractNarrowing is a computation implemented by some declarative programming languages. Research in the last decade has produced significant results on the theory and foundation of narrowing, but little has been published on the use of narrowing in programming. This paper introduces narrowing from a programmer’s viewpoint; shows, by means of examples, when, why and how to use narrowing in a program; and discusses the impact of narrowing on software development activities such as design and maintenance. The examples are coded in the programming language Curry, which provides narrowing as a first class feature

    The epsilon project --- a functional language implementation

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    The design and implementation of a functional language are presented, with particular emphasys on expressivity and performance; alternative designs and implementations of abstract machines for functional lanauges of differing complexity and maturity are also shown, and comparisons are drawn accordingly

    On the Foundations of Practical Language-Based Security

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    Language-based information flow control (IFC) promises to provide programming languages and tools that make it easy for developers to write secure code. Traditionally,\ua0research in this field aims to build a variant on a programming language or system\ua0that lets developers write code that gives them strong guarantees beyond the potential\ua0memory- and type-safety guarantees of modern languages. However, two developments\ua0in the field challenge this paradigm. Firstly, backwards-compatible security enforcement\ua0without false alarms promises to retrofit security enforcement on code that was not written with the enforcement mechanism in mind. This has the potential to greatly increase\ua0the applicability of IFC enforcement to legacy and mobile code from untrusted sources.Secondly, library-based security, a technique by which IFC researchers provide a software\ua0library in an established language whose programming interface gives the same guarantees as a stand-alone IFC tool for developers to use promises to do away with specialized\ua0IFC languages. This technique also has the potential to increase the applicability of IFC\ua0enforcement as developers no longer need to adopt a whole new language to get securityguarantees.This thesis makes contributions to both these recent developments that come in two\ua0parts; the first part concerns enforcing secure information flow without introducing false\ua0alarms while the second part concerns the correctness of using libraries instead of fullyfledged IFC programming languages to write secure code.The first part of the thesis makes the following contributions:1. It unifies the existing literature, in the form of Secure Multi-Execution and MultipleFacets, on security enforcement without false alarms by introducing Faceted SecureMulti-Execution.2. It explores the unique optimisation challenges that appear in this setting. Specifically, mixing multi-execution and facets means that unnecessarily large facetedtrees give rise to unnecessary executions in multi-execution and vice verse. Thisthesis proposes optimisation strategies that can overcome this hurdle.3. It proves an exponential lower bound on black-box false-alarm-free enforcementand new possibility results for false-alarm-free enforcement of a variant of the noninterference security condition known as termination insensitive noninterference.4. It classifies the special cases of enforcement that is not subject to the aforementionedexponential lower bound. Specifically, this thesis shows how and why the choice ofsecurity lattice makes the difference between exponential, polynomial, and constantoverheads in multi-execution.In short, the first part of the thesis unifies the existing literature on false-alarm-freeIFC enforcement and presents a number of results on the performance of enforcementmechanisms of this kind.The second part of the thesis meanwhile makes the following contributions:1. It reduces the trusted computing base of security libraries by showing how to implement secure effects on top of an already secure core without incurring any newproof obligations.2. It shows how to simplify DCC, the core language in the literature, without losingexpressiveness.3. It proves that noninterference can be derived in a simple and straightforward wayfrom parametricity for both static and dynamic security libraries. This in turnreduces the conceptual gap between the kind of security libraries that are writtentoday and the proofs one can write to prove that the libraries ensure noninterference.In short, the second part of the thesis provides a new direction for thinking about thecorrectness of security libraries by both reducing the amount of trusted code and by introducing improved means of proving that a security library guarantees noninterference

    Harvey: A Greybox Fuzzer for Smart Contracts

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    We present Harvey, an industrial greybox fuzzer for smart contracts, which are programs managing accounts on a blockchain. Greybox fuzzing is a lightweight test-generation approach that effectively detects bugs and security vulnerabilities. However, greybox fuzzers randomly mutate program inputs to exercise new paths; this makes it challenging to cover code that is guarded by narrow checks, which are satisfied by no more than a few input values. Moreover, most real-world smart contracts transition through many different states during their lifetime, e.g., for every bid in an auction. To explore these states and thereby detect deep vulnerabilities, a greybox fuzzer would need to generate sequences of contract transactions, e.g., by creating bids from multiple users, while at the same time keeping the search space and test suite tractable. In this experience paper, we explain how Harvey alleviates both challenges with two key fuzzing techniques and distill the main lessons learned. First, Harvey extends standard greybox fuzzing with a method for predicting new inputs that are more likely to cover new paths or reveal vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Second, it fuzzes transaction sequences in a targeted and demand-driven way. We have evaluated our approach on 27 real-world contracts. Our experiments show that the underlying techniques significantly increase Harvey's effectiveness in achieving high coverage and detecting vulnerabilities, in most cases orders-of-magnitude faster; they also reveal new insights about contract code.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.0787

    Advanced Language-based Techniques for Correct, Secure Networked Systems

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    Developing correct and secure software is an important task that impacts many areas including finance, transportation, health, and defense. In order to develop secure programs, it is critical to understand the factors that influence the introduction of vulnerable code. To investigate, we ran the Build-it, Break-it, Fix-it (BIBIFI) contest as a quasi-controlled experiment. BIBIFI aims to assess the ability to securely build software, not just break it. In BIBIFI, teams build specified software with the goal of maximizing correctness, performance, and security. The latter is tested when teams attempt to break other teams’ submissions. Winners are chosen from among the best builders and the best breakers. BIBIFI was designed to be open-ended—teams can use any language, tool, process, etc. that they like. As such, contest outcomes shed light on factors that correlate with successfully building secure software and breaking insecure software. We ran three contests involving a total of 156 teams and three different programming problems. Quantitative analysis from these contests found that the most efficient build-it submissions used C/C++, but submissions coded in a statically-typed language were less likely to have a security flaw. Break-it teams that were also successful build-it teams were significantly better at finding security bugs. To improve secure development, we created LWeb, a tool for enforcing label-based, information flow policies in database-using web applications. In a nutshell, LWeb marries the LIO Haskell IFC enforcement library with the Yesod web programming framework. The implementation has two parts. First, we extract the core of LIO into a monad transformer (LMonad) and then apply it to Yesod’s core monad. Second, we extend Yesod’s table definition DSL and query functionality to permit defining and enforcing label-based policies on tables and enforcing them during query processing. LWeb’s policy language is expressive, permitting dynamic per-table and per-row policies. We formalize the essence of LWeb in the λLWeb calculus and mechanize the proof of noninterference in Liquid Haskell. This mechanization constitutes the first metatheoretic proof carried out in Liquid Haskell. We also used LWeb to build the web site hosting BIBIFI. The site involves 40 data tables and sophisticated policies. Compared to manually checking security policies, LWeb imposes a modest runtime overhead of between 2% to 21%. It reduces the trusted code base from the whole application to just 1% of the application code, and 21% of the code overall (when counting LWeb too). Finally, we verify the correctness of distributed applications based on conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs). In order to do so, we add an extension to Liquid Haskell that facilitates stating and semi-automatically proving properties of typeclasses. Our work allows refinement types to be attached to typeclass method declarations, and ensures that instance implementations respect these types. The engineering of this extension is a modular interaction between GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, and Liquid Haskell’s core proof infrastructure. To verify CRDTs, we define them as a typeclass with refinement types that capture the mathematical properties CRDTs must satisfy, prove that these properties are sufficient to ensure that replicas’ states converge despite out-of-order delivery, implement (and prove correct) several instances of our CRDT typeclass, and use them to build two realistic applications, a multi-user calendar event planner and a collaborative text editor. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of our typeclass extension by using Liquid Haskell to modularly verify that 34 instances satisfy the laws of five standard typeclasses

    Synthesis Of Distributed Protocols From Scenarios And Specifications

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    Distributed protocols, typically expressed as stateful agents communicating asynchronously over buffered communication channels, are difficult to design correctly. This difficulty has spurred decades of research in the area of automated model-checking algorithms. In turn, practical implementations of model-checking algorithms have enabled protocol developers to prove the correctness of such distributed protocols. However, model-checking techniques are only marginally useful during the actual development of such protocols; typically as a debugging aid once a reasonably complete version of the protocol has already been developed. The actual development process itself is often tedious and requires the designer to reason about complex interactions arising out of concurrency and asynchrony inherent to such protocols. In this dissertation we describe program synthesis techniques which can be applied as an enabling technology to ease the task of developing such protocols. Specifically, the programmer provides a natural, but incomplete description of the protocol in an intuitive representation — such as scenarios or an incomplete protocol. This description specifies the behavior of the protocol in the common cases. The programmer also specifies a set of high-level formal requirements that a correct protocol is expected to satisfy. These requirements can include safety requirements as well as liveness requirements in the form of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. We describe techniques to synthesize a correct protocol which is consistent with the common-case behavior specified by the programmer and also satisfies the high-level safety and liveness requirements set forth by the programmer. We also describe techniques for program synthesis in general, which serve to enable the solutions to distributed protocol synthesis that this dissertation explores
