1,107,280 research outputs found

    The Future of the World Trade Organization

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    The continued difficulties of the World Trade Organization to achieve further multilateral trade liberalization in the Doha Round negotiations have raised questions about its continued relevance. This paper firstly identifies and assesses the key developments in the Doha Round that have contributed to the present stalemate. Secondly, it presents several options that the organization could consider for defining its future work program, given the new realities of global economic engagement, especially the emergence of global production networks. Most importantly, the paper assesses the possibility of including new disciplines covering areas that can help the growth of these drivers of global economic integration. Such an initiative could include three sets of issue: trade facilitation measures, an equitable investment regime, and effective disciplines for curbing non-tariff barriers

    Regional Trade Agreements and the World Trade Organization

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    A DĂ©cada de 1990 foi Marcada por uma ConsiderĂĄvel Proliferação de Acordos Regionais de Comercio (Arcs). Esses Acordos, que em PrincĂ­pio Teriam CarĂĄter Excepcional no Sistema Multilateral de ComĂ©rcio, Espalharam-Se por VĂĄrias Partes do Mundo E, Atualmente, sĂŁo Raros os Casos de PaĂ­ses que nĂŁo Participam de Pelo Menos um Acordo Preferencial. este Artigo tem como Objetivo Analisar os Acordos Preferenciais e suas ImplicaçÔes no Sistema Multilateral de ComĂ©rcio E, para Tanto, sĂŁo Considerados os Aspectos Normativos e EconĂŽmicos Relacionados ao Tema. AlĂ©m Disso, Apresenta-Se a Sistematização das Principais QuestĂ”es Alusivas À Interpretação das Regras da Omc Relativas Aos Acordos Regionais de ComĂ©rcio. Finalmente, com o Intuito de Fornecer Elementos Adicionais para a Avaliação do dos Acordos Preferenciais SerĂŁo Analisados os Impactos EconĂŽmicos de Alguns dos Principais Acordos para o Mercosul.

    Globalisation and the World Trade Organization

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    In its latest annual report, of which this is an extract, the Productivity Commission responds to current misconceptions about globalisation and the World Trade Organization (WTO). The Commission notes that, among other trends, there has been a five-fold increase in average per capita income over the 20th Century. And, contrary to a widespread perception about growing inequality, the ratio of the average income of people living in the richest fifth and poorest fifth of the world narrowed over the 1990s.annual report - globalisation - WTO - child labour - environmental standards - global economy

    Regulatory cooperation, aid for trade and the general agreement on trade in services

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    This paper discusses what could be done to expand services trade and investment through a multilateral agreement in the World Trade Organization. A distinction is made between market access liberalization and the regulatory preconditions for benefiting from market opening. The authors argue that prospects for multilateral services liberalization would be enhanced by making national treatment the objective of World Trade Organization services negotiations, thereby clarifying the scope of World Trade Organization commitments for regulators. Moreover, liberalization by smaller and poorer members of the World Trade Organization would be facilitated by complementary actions to strengthen regulatory capacity. If pursued as part of the operationalization of the World Trade Organization's 2006 Aid for Trade taskforce report, the World Trade Organization could become more relevant in promoting not just services liberalization but, more importantly, domestic reforms of services policies.Emerging Markets,Economic Theory&Research,Trade and Services,Free Trade,Banks&Banking Reform

    Russian trade and foreign direct investment policy at the crossroads

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    This paper summarizes the estimates of what Russia will get from World Trade Organization accession and why. A key finding is the estimate that Russia will gain about 53billionperyearinthemediumtermfromWorldTradeOrganizationaccessionand53 billion per year in the medium term from World Trade Organization accession and 177 billion per year in the long term, due largely to its own commitments to reform its own business services sectors. The paper summarizes the principal reform commitments that Russia has undertaken as part of its World Trade Organization accession negotiations, and compares them with those of other countries that have acceded to the World Trade Organization. It finds that the Russian commitments represent a liberal offer to the members of the World Trade Organization for admission, but they are typical of other transition countries that have acceded to the World Trade Organization. The authors discuss the outstanding issues in the Russian World Trade Organizaiton accession negotiations, and explain why Russian accession will result in the elimination of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment against Russia. They discuss Russian policies to attract foreign direct investment, including an assessment of the impact of the 2008 law on strategic sectors and the increased role of the state in the economy. Finally, the authors assess the importance of Russian accession to Russia and to the international trading community, and suggestions for most efficiently meeting the government’s diversification objective.Economic Theory&Research,World Trade Organization,Emerging Markets,Debt Markets,Free Trade

    Everything you always wanted to know about wto accession (but were afraid to ask)

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    In this paper, the authors explore the complex, long, and unique process of accession to the World Trade Organization, with its intertwined economic, legal, and political dimensions. Referring to country case studies and sector-specific issues, the paper organizes some of the current reflections on the topic around three main themes. First, it explores the rationale of accession to the World Trade Organization: Why would new members join the WTO? And why would incumbent members let new members in? Second, it analyzes the World Trade Organization accession process in detail: What are the main characteristics and challenges of the accession process? Has it evolved over time, and how? Third, the paper looks at the implementation of World Trade Organization accession deals: Is accession the end or the beginning of the story? What are the implications for the participating countries and the multilateral trading system?World Trade Organization,Economic Theory&Research,Trade and Services,Trade Law,Debt Markets

    Ecological Labelling and the World Trade Organization

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    Ökologische Kennzeichen gehören zu den marktorientierten Instrumenten der Umweltpolitik und finden international zunehmend Anwendung. Sie enthalten Kriterien ĂŒber die Herstellungsweise von Produkten, welche bei einer Anwendung auf auslĂ€ndische Produkte zu Konflikten mit ExportlĂ€ndern fĂŒhren können. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, worin die Probleme von freiwilligen Kennzeichnungsprogrammen im internationalen Handel liegen. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Vorschlag der EuropĂ€ischen Kommission, die derzeitige Stellung der ökologischen Kennzeichen gegenĂŒber dem Regelwerk der WTO in einer neuen WTO-Verhandlungsrunde zu klĂ€ren. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie die in Kennzeichnungsprogrammen gesetzten Standards ĂŒber Produktionsprozesse zu WTO-Regeln im VerhĂ€ltnis stehen. Um kĂŒnftig Konflikte aufgrund von ökologischen Kennzeichen zu vermeiden, sollten die Kennzeichnungsorganisationen bei der Festlegung von Kriterien miteinander international kooperieren und darĂŒber hinaus sollte ein Austausch zwischen der WTO und diesen Organisationen erfolgen. Ecological labels are a market-oriented environmental policy instrument which is applied in a rising number of countries. Products have to meet several criteria in order to qualify for a label. Criteria on production processes of goods can potentially conflict with international trade rules. This article focuses on the current relationship between ecological labels and the WTO legal system. The European Union suggested that this relationship should be more clearly identified and thus be negotiated during a new round of WTO trade talks. We discuss the EU approach and argue that standards on processes and production methods used in eco-labelling schemes are not part of the current WTO legal regime. There is no need, however, to amend the WTO text to comprise eco-labels. Rather, there should be more international co-ordination of standards used in eco-labelling programmes and more cooperation between labelling initiatives and WTO institutions.Ecological Labelling, World Trade Organization, International Environmental Policy, International Trade

    Proposals for WTO reform : a synthesis and assessment

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    This paper summarizes the major arguments and proposals to reform the modus operandi of the World Trade Organization --including decision-making procedures, negotiating modalities, and dispute settlement. Much has already been done to improve the internal and external transparency of World Trade Organization processes. Some proposals for structural reform ignore incentive constraints and the fact that the World Trade Organization is an incomplete contract that must be self-enforcing. Others -- such as calls for a"critical mass"approach to negotiations --can already be pursued (and have been). The agenda for international cooperation increasingly revolves around"behind-the-border"regulatory externalities that do not necessarily lend themselves to binding commitments in a trade agreement. This suggests a focus on strengthening notification/surveillance and developing more effective mechanisms for dialogue on regulatory policies that may create negative spillovers.Economic Theory&Research,Trade Law,World Trade Organization,Trade and Services,Free Trade


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    This study uses econometric gravity equations to test whether the WTO has promoted successful regional trade agreements (RTA). Two important findings emerge. First, we find that two countries that are members of the GATT/WTO and enter into a regional trade agreement stimulate trade. However, the effect on trade is not nearly as large as that between two RTA members that belong to the GATT/WTO. Contrary to the findings in Rose (2004), this result tends to support the fact that the GATT/WTO has liberalized multilateral trade, outside of RTAs. In other words, the effect of an RTA on countries’ trade who are not party to the GATT/WTO should generate a large RTA trade response due to relatively large pre-existing trade distortions. Second, we show that the GATT/WTO has not promoted successful RTAs using explicit RTA variables that controls for the notification status (to the GATT/WTO) of an RTA. Interestingly, non-notified RTAs trade significantly more than their notified counterparts.International Relations/Trade,
