1 research outputs found

    Analysis of textural image features for content based retrieval

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    Digital archaelogy and virtual reality with archaeological artefacts have been quite hot research topics in the last years 55,56 . This thesis is a preperation study to build the background knowledge required for the research projects, which aim to computerize the reconstruction of the archaelogical data like pots, marbles or mosaic pieces by shape and ex ural features. Digitalization of the cultural heritage may shorten the reconstruction time which takes tens of years currently 61 ; it will improve the reconstruction robustness by incorporating with the literally available machine vision algorithms and experiences from remote experts working on a no-cost virtual object together. Digitalization can also ease the exhibition of the results for regular people, by multiuser media applications like internet based virtual museums or virtual tours. And finally, it will make possible to archive values with their original texture and shapes for long years far away from the physical risks that the artefacts currently face. On the literature 1,2,3,5,8,11,14,15,16 , texture analysis techniques have been throughly studied and implemented for the purpose of defect analysis purposes by image processing and machine vision scientists. In the last years, these algorithms have been started to be used for similarity analysis of content based image retrieval 1,4,10 . For retrieval systems, the concurrent problems seem to be building efficient and fast systems, therefore, robust image features haven't been focused enough yet. This document is the first performance review of the texture algorithms developed for retrieval and defect analysis together. The results and experiences gained during the thesis study will be used to support the studies aiming to solve the 2D puzzle problem using textural continuity methods on archaelogical artifects, Appendix A for more detail. The first chapter is devoted to learn how the medicine and psychology try to explain the solutions of similiarity and continuity analysis, which our biological model, the human vision, accomplishes daily. In the second chapter, content based image retrieval systems, their performance criterias, similiarity distance metrics and the systems available have been summarized. For the thesis work, a rich texture database has been built, including over 1000 images in total. For the ease of the users, a GUI and a platform that is used for content based retrieval has been designed; The first version of a content based search engine has been coded which takes the source of the internet pages, parses the metatags of images and downloads the files in a loop controlled by our texture algorithms. The preprocessing algorithms and the pattern analysis algorithms required for the robustness of the textural feature processing have been implemented. In the last section, the most important textural feature extraction methods have been studied in detail with the performance results of the codes written in Matlab and run on different databases developed