828 research outputs found

    FMIRS : a fuzzy indexing and retrieval system of mosaic-image database

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    This work is dedicated to present a fuzzy-set based system useful for image indexing and retrieval pertaining to historical Roman-mosaics. This exceptional collection of mosaics dates back from the first to fourth centuries AD. Considering the state of these images (i.e. noise, color degradation, etc.) a fuzzy features definition is necessary. Thereby, we use a robust to rotation, scale and translation fuzzy extended curvature scale space (CSS) as shape descriptor. Furthermore, we propose a fuzzy color-quantization approach, applied on mosaics, using HSV color space. The system allows for two user-friendly querying modes: a drawing based mode and the mode that fusion both shape and color features using a unified fuzzy similarity measure. Based on queries of variable complexity, the advanced fuzzy system has managed to achieve interesting recall, precision and F-measure rates

    FMIRS : a fuzzy indexing and retrieval system of mosaic-image database

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    This work is dedicated to present a fuzzy-set based system useful for image indexing and retrieval pertaining to historical Roman-mosaics. This exceptional collection of mosaics dates back from the first to fourth centuries AD. Considering the state of these images (i.e. noise, color degradation, etc.) a fuzzy features definition is necessary. Thereby, we use a robust to rotation, scale and translation fuzzy extended curvature scale space (CSS) as shape descriptor. Furthermore, we propose a fuzzy color-quantization approach, applied on mosaics, using HSV color space. The system allows for two user-friendly querying modes: a drawing based mode and the mode that fusion both shape and color features using a unified fuzzy similarity measure. Based on queries of variable complexity, the advanced fuzzy system has managed to achieve interesting recall, precision and F-measure rates

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    Maastikumeetrika ja ökosüsteemi kultuuriteenused – ressursipõhine integreeriv lähenemine maastikuharmoonia kaardistamisele

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    A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Protection.The overall idea of PhD thesis was to explain with objective evidence and using mapping techniques, why and how people value particular visual landscapes. Mainstream mapping research usually refers to uniqueness, diversity and naturalness of landscapes as the main factors for landscape values and preferences. These variables can be easily measured using satellite imagery and cartographic materials: for example, the diversity of landscape elements can be assessed with a function of Shannon information entropy, and naturalness – as the share of relatively natural land cover within the region of interest. However, psychological background suggests other important attributes of landscape experience – harmony, unity or coherence of the scene. Mentioned aspects are usually measured subjectively with questionnaires and surveys. Measuring landscape preferences is also quite a challenging task, requiring many people involved in assessment of photographs or even having a nature trip (with obvious drawbacks in spatial coverage and replicability with other evaluators). Therefore, the PhD research was designed to make all assessments as objective, as possible. Overall landscape coherence, for the first time, was measured as the extent to which total diversity of digital landscape model (composed of landforms and land cover) exceeds the added diversity of landforms and land cover alone. In this way, coherence was directly related to system properties of landscape, making it legible and understandable. Also, for the first time colour harmony of land cover was evaluated with remotely sensed data (satellite imagery). Retrieved map-based indices were examined with geo-located photographs of landscapes and outdoor recreation, uploaded to social media, such as Flickr, VK.com and former Panoramio. The study contributes to the operationalisation of landscape beauty and, therefore, more advanced landscape management, nature protection and sustainability of land use practises.Doktoritöö eesmärk on kaardistustehnoloogiad kasutades tõenduspõhiselt selgitada, miks ja kuidas inimesed väärtustavad teatud maastikke visuaalsest seisukohast. Peavoolu kaardistusuuringud tavaliselt keskenduvad maastiku väärtuste ja eelistuste hindamisel unikaalsusele, mitmekesisusele ja looduslikkusele. Neid muutujaid saab satelliitpiltide ja kartograafilise materjali põhjal lihtsalt mõõta, näiteks maastikuelementide mitmekesisust saab hinnata Shannoni entroopiavalemiga ning looduslikkust vastava iseloomuga maakatte osakaaluga uuritaval alal. Psühholoogilisest vaatepunktist lähtudes on maastikukogemusel veel teisi olulisi omadusi, nagu vaate harmoonia, ühtsus või kooskõla sidusus. Uuringute puhul mõõdetakse neid muutujaid tavaliselt subjektiivselt. Maastikueelistuste teaduslik hindamine on tõsine metoodiline väljakutse, mis nõuab paljude hindajate osalemist näiteks maastikufotode hindamisel või vahetult looduses, kus tuleb arvestada piirangutega ruumilisel esindatusel või hinnangute replikatiivsusel. Arvestades eelnimetatud asjaolusid, on dissertatsiooni eesmärgiks seatud leida võimalikult objektiivseid teid tavaliselt subjektiivsetena käsitletavate maastikumuutujate hindamisel. Uudne on üldise maastiku kooskõla mõõdetmine digitaalse pinnavorme ja maakatet hõlmava maastikumudeliga, võrreldes nende komponentide eraldi mõõtmisega. Selliselt menetledes on koherentsus otseselt seostatav maastiku struktuursete parameetritega ja seega muudab hinnangud loetavamaks ja arusaadavamaks. Esmakordselt on kaugseire andmete (satelliitpildid) alusel hinnatud ka maakatte värviharmooniat. Määratletud kaardipõhiseid indekseid kontrolliti kohtseotud fotodega maastikuvaadetest ning välirekreatsiooni tegevustest sotsiaalmeedias (nt Flickr, VK.com ja varasem Panoramio). Uuring aitab paremini mõista ja rakendada maastiku ilu hindamise käiku ja seeläbi kasutada esteetilist kvaliteeti maastiku planeerimisel ja korraldamisel, looduskaitses ja teistes säästva maakasutuse praktilistes valdkondades.Publication of this dissertation has been supported by the Estonian University of Life Science

    3D Object Recognition Based On Constrained 2D Views

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    The aim of the present work was to build a novel 3D object recognition system capable of classifying man-made and natural objects based on single 2D views. The approach to this problem has been one motivated by recent theories on biological vision and multiresolution analysis. The project's objectives were the implementation of a system that is able to deal with simple 3D scenes and constitutes an engineering solution to the problem of 3D object recognition, allowing the proposed recognition system to operate in a practically acceptable time frame. The developed system takes further the work on automatic classification of marine phytoplank- (ons, carried out at the Centre for Intelligent Systems, University of Plymouth. The thesis discusses the main theoretical issues that prompted the fundamental system design options. The principles and the implementation of the coarse data channels used in the system are described. A new multiresolution representation of 2D views is presented, which provides the classifier module of the system with coarse-coded descriptions of the scale-space distribution of potentially interesting features. A multiresolution analysis-based mechanism is proposed, which directs the system's attention towards potentially salient features. Unsupervised similarity-based feature grouping is introduced, which is used in coarse data channels to yield feature signatures that are not spatially coherent and provide the classifier module with salient descriptions of object views. A simple texture descriptor is described, which is based on properties of a special wavelet transform. The system has been tested on computer-generated and natural image data sets, in conditions where the inter-object similarity was monitored and quantitatively assessed by human subjects, or the analysed objects were very similar and their discrimination constituted a difficult task even for human experts. The validity of the above described approaches has been proven. The studies conducted with various statistical and artificial neural network-based classifiers have shown that the system is able to perform well in all of the above mentioned situations. These investigations also made possible to take further and generalise a number of important conclusions drawn during previous work carried out in the field of 2D shape (plankton) recognition, regarding the behaviour of multiple coarse data channels-based pattern recognition systems and various classifier architectures. The system possesses the ability of dealing with difficult field-collected images of objects and the techniques employed by its component modules make possible its extension to the domain of complex multiple-object 3D scene recognition. The system is expected to find immediate applicability in the field of marine biota classification

    Evolution of the landscape of Madeira Island: long-term vegetation dynamics

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    The aim of this thesis was to evaluate historical change of the landscape of Madeira Island and to assess spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics. In current research diverse “retrospective techniques”, such as landscape repeat photography, dendrochronology, and research of historical records were used. These, combined with vegetation relevés, aimed to gather information about landscape change, disturbance history, and vegetation successional patterns. It was found that landscape change, throughout 125 years, was higher in the last five decades manly driven by farming abandonment, building growth and exotic vegetation coverage increase. Pristine vegetation was greatly destroyed since early settlement and by the end of the nineteenth century native vegetation was highly devastated due to recurrent antropogenic disturbances. These actions also helped to block plant succession and to modify floristical assemblages, affecting as well as species richness. In places with less hemeroby, although significant growth of vegetation of lower seral stages was detected, the vegetation of most mature stages headed towards unbalance between recovery and loss, being also very vulnerable to exotic species encroachment. Recovery by native vegetation also occurred in areas formerly occupied by exotic plants and agriculture but it was almost negligible. Vegetation recovery followed the successional model currently proposed, attesting the model itself. Yet, succession was slower than espected, due to lack of favourable conditions and to recurrent disturbances. Probable tempus of each seral stage was obtained by growth rates of woody taxa estimated through dendrochronology. The exotic trees which were the dominant trees in the past (Castanea sativa and Pinus pinaster) almost vanished. Eucalyptus globulus, the current main tree of the exotic forest is being replaced by other cover types as Acacia mearnsii. The latter, along with Arundo donax, Cytisus scoparius and Pittosporum undulatum are currently the exotic species with higher invasive behaviour. However, many other exotic species have also proved to be highly pervasive and came together with the ones referred above to prevent native vegetation regeneration, to diminish biological diversity, and to block early successional phases delaying native forest recovery.ARDITI; Rumos; QRE

    Object-based Interpretation Methods for Mapping Built-up Areas

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    Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Leena Matikainen, Juha Hyyppä, and Marcus E. Engdahl. 2006. Mapping built-up areas from multitemporal interferometric SAR images - A segment-based approach. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, volume 72, number 6, pages 701-714. Publication 2: Leena Matikainen, Juha Hyyppä, and Hannu Hyyppä. 2003. Automatic detection of buildings from laser scanner data for map updating. In: Hans-Gerd Maas, George Vosselman, and Andre Streilein (editors). Proceedings of the ISPRS Working Group III/3 Workshop on 3-D Reconstruction from Airborne Laserscanner and InSAR Data. Dresden, Germany. 8-10 October 2003. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, volume 34, part 3/W13, pages 218-224. ISSN 1682-1750. Publication 3: Leena Matikainen, Juha Hyyppä, and Harri Kaartinen. 2009. Comparison between first pulse and last pulse laser scanner data in the automatic detection of buildings. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, volume 75, number 2, pages 133-146. Publication 4: Leena Matikainen. 2006. Improving automation in rule-based interpretation of remotely sensed data by using classification trees. The Photogrammetric Journal of Finland, volume 20, number 1, pages 5-20. Publication 5: Leena Matikainen, Juha Hyyppä, Eero Ahokas, Lauri Markelin, and Harri Kaartinen. 2010. Automatic detection of buildings and changes in buildings for updating of maps. Remote Sensing, volume 2, number 5, pages 1217-1248. Publication 6: Leena Matikainen and Kirsi Karila. 2011. Segment-based land cover mapping of a suburban area - Comparison of high-resolution remotely sensed datasets using classification trees and test field points. Remote Sensing, volume 3, number 8, pages 1777-1804.There is a growing demand for high-quality spatial data and for efficient methods of updating spatial databases. In the present study, automated object-based interpretation methods were developed and tested for coarse land use mapping, detailed land cover and building mapping, and change detection of buildings. Various modern remotely sensed datasets were used in the study. An automatic classification tree method was applied to building detection and land cover classification to automate the development of classification rules. A combination of a permanent land cover classification test field and the classification tree method was suggested and tested to allow rapid analysis and comparison of new datasets. The classification and change detection results were compared with up-to-date map data or reference points to evaluate their quality. The combined use of airborne laser scanner data and digital aerial imagery gave promising results considering topographic mapping. In automated building detection using laser scanner and aerial image data, 96% of all buildings larger than 60 m2 were correctly detected. This accuracy level (96%) is compatible with operational quality requirements. In automated change detection, about 80% of all reference buildings were correctly classified. The overall accuracy of a land cover classification into buildings, trees, vegetated ground and non-vegetated ground using laser scanner and aerial image data was 97% compared with reference points. When aerial image data alone were used, the accuracy was 74%. A comparison between first pulse and last pulse laser scanner data in building detection was also carried out. The comparison showed that the use of last pulse data instead of first pulse data can improve the building detection results. The results yielded by automated interpretation methods could be helpful in the manual updating process of a topographic database. The results could also be used as the basis for further automated processing steps to delineate and reconstruct objects. The synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical satellite image data used in the study have their main potential in land cover monitoring applications. The coarse land use classification of a multitemporal interferometric SAR dataset into built-up areas, forests and open areas lead to an overall accuracy of 97% when compared with reference points. This dataset also appeared to be promising for classifying built-up areas into subclasses according to building density. Important topics for further research include more advanced interpretation methods, new and multitemporal datasets, optimal combinations of the datasets, and wider sets of objects and classes. From the practical point of view, work is needed in fitting automated interpretation methods in operational mapping processes and in further testing of the methods.Laadukkaan paikkatiedon tarve kasvaa jatkuvasti, ja paikkatietokantojen ajantasaistukseen tarvitaan tehokkaita menetelmiä. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin useita uudenaikaisia kaukokartoitusaineistoja. Niiden pohjalta kehitettiin ja testattiin automaattisia, objektipohjaisia tulkintamenetelmiä yleispiirteiseen maankäytön luokitteluun, yksityiskohtaiseen maanpeitteen ja rakennusten kartoitukseen sekä rakennusten muutostulkintaan. Rakennusten tulkintaan ja maanpeiteluokitteluun sovellettiin automaattista luokittelupuumenetelmää, jonka avulla voidaan automatisoida luokittelusääntöjen kehittäminen. Uusia aineistoja voidaan analysoida ja vertailla nopeasti, kun luokittelupuumenetelmää käytetään yhdessä pysyvän maanpeiteluokittelutestikentän kanssa. Luokittelu- ja muutostulkintatuloksia verrattiin niiden laadun arvioimiseksi ajantasaiseen kartta-aineistoon tai referenssipisteisiin. Ilmalaserkeilausaineisto ja digitaalinen ilmakuva-aineisto yhdessä antoivat lupaavia tuloksia maastotietojen kartoitusta ajatellen. Automaattisessa rakennusten tulkinnassa 96 % kaikista yli 60 m2:n rakennuksista tunnistettiin oikein. Tämä tarkkuustaso (96 %) vastaa käytännön laatuvaatimuksia. Automaattisessa muutostulkinnassa noin 80 % kaikista referenssirakennuksista luokiteltiin oikein. Maanpeiteluokittelussa neljään luokkaan saavutettiin laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuva-aineistoa käyttäen 97 %:n kokonaistarkkuus referenssipisteisiin verrattuna. Pelkkää ilmakuva-aineistoa käytettäessä tarkkuus oli 74 %. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin myös ensimmäiseen ja viimeiseen paluupulssiin perustuvia laserkeilausaineistoja rakennusten tulkinnassa. Vertailu osoitti, että viimeisen paluupulssin käyttö ensimmäisen sijasta voi parantaa tulkintatuloksia. Automaattisten tulkintamenetelmien tuloksista voisi olla hyötyä maastotietojen manuaalisessa ajantasaistusprosessissa tai lähtötietoina kohteiden automaattisessa rajauksessa ja mallinnuksessa. Tutkimuksessa käytettyjen synteettisen apertuurin tutkan (SAR) tuottamien kuvien ja optisen satelliittikuvan tärkeimmät hyödyntämismahdollisuudet liittyvät maanpeitteen kartoitukseen. Yleispiirteisessä maankäyttöluokittelussa kolmeen luokkaan saavutettiin moniaikaista interferometrista SAR-aineistoa käyttäen 97 %:n kokonaistarkkuus referenssipisteisiin verrattuna. Aineisto osoittautui lupaavaksi myös rakennettujen alueiden jatkoluokitteluun rakennustiheyden perusteella. Jatkotutkimusten kannalta tärkeitä aiheita ovat edistyneemmät tulkintamenetelmät, uudet ja moniaikaiset aineistot, eri aineistojen optimaalinen yhdistäminen sekä useampien kohteiden ja luokkien tarkastelu. Käytännön näkökulmasta työtä tarvitaan automaattisten tulkintamenetelmien sovittamiseksi operatiivisiin kartoitusprosesseihin. Myös menetelmien testausta on jatkettava

    Colour and Colorimetry Multidisciplinary Contributions Vol. XIb

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    It is well known that the subject of colour has an impact on a range of disciplines. Colour has been studied in depth for many centuries, and as well as contributing to theoretical and scientific knowledge, there have been significant developments in applied colour research, which has many implications for the wider socio-economic community. At the 7th Convention of Colorimetry in Parma, on the 1st October 2004, as an evolution of the previous SIOF Group of Colorimetry and Reflectoscopy founded in 1995, the "Gruppo del Colore" was established. The objective was to encourage multi and interdisciplinary collaboration and networking between people in Italy that addresses problems and issues on colour and illumination from a professional, cultural and scientific point of view. On the 16th of September 2011 in Rome, in occasion of the VII Color Conference, the members assembly decided to vote for the autonomy of the group. The autonomy of the Association has been achieved in early 2012. These are the proceedings of the English sessions of the XI Conferenza del Colore

    Generation of art works using deep neural networks

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    The representative power of Deep Neural Networks is used to create, from photographs of reality, artworks. Several methods are proposed in a common framework
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