406 research outputs found

    Text stream to temporal network - A dynamic heartbeat graph to detect emerging events on twitter

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    © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Huge mounds of data are generated every second on the Internet. People around the globe publish and share information related to real-world events they experience every day. This provides a valuable opportunity to analyze the content of this information to detect real-world happenings, however, it is quite challenging task. In this work, we propose a novel graph-based approach named the Dynamic Heartbeat Graph (DHG) that not only detects the events at an early stage, but also suppresses them in the upcoming adjacent data stream in order to highlight new emerging events. This characteristic makes the proposed method interesting and efficient in finding emerging events and related topics. The experiment results on real-world datasets (i.e. FA Cup Final and Super Tuesday 2012) show a considerable improvement in most cases, while time complexity remains very attractive

    Enhanced Heartbeat Graph for emerging event detection on Twitter using time series networks

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd With increasing popularity of social media, Twitter has become one of the leading platforms to report events in real-time. Detecting events from Twitter stream requires complex techniques. Event-related trending topics consist of a group of words which successfully detect and identify events. Event detection techniques must be scalable and robust, so that they can deal with the huge volume and noise associated with social media. Existing event detection methods mostly rely on burstiness, mainly the frequency of words and their co-occurrences. However, burstiness sometimes dominates other relevant details in the data which could be equally significant. Besides, the topological and temporal relationships in the data are often ignored. In this work, we propose a novel graph-based approach, called the Enhanced Heartbeat Graph (EHG), which detects events efficiently. EHG suppresses dominating topics in the subsequent data stream, after their first detection. Experimental results on three real-world datasets (i.e., Football Association Challenge Cup Final, Super Tuesday, and the US Election 2012) show superior performance of the proposed approach in comparison to the state-of-the-art techniques

    A Human Word Association based model for topic detection in social networks

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    With the widespread use of social networks, detecting the topics discussed in these networks has become a significant challenge. The current works are mainly based on frequent pattern mining or semantic relations, and the language structure is not considered. The meaning of language structural methods is to discover the relationship between words and how humans understand them. Therefore, this paper uses the Concept of the Imitation of the Mental Ability of Word Association to propose a topic detection framework in social networks. This framework is based on the Human Word Association method. A special extraction algorithm has also been designed for this purpose. The performance of this method is evaluated on the FA-CUP dataset. It is a benchmark dataset in the field of topic detection. The results show that the proposed method is a good improvement compared to other methods, based on the Topic-recall and the keyword F1 measure. Also, most of the previous works in the field of topic detection are limited to the English language, and the Persian language, especially microblogs written in this language, is considered a low-resource language. Therefore, a data set of Telegram posts in the Farsi language has been collected. Applying the proposed method to this dataset also shows that this method works better than other topic detection methods

    Persian topic detection based on Human Word association and graph embedding

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    In this paper, we propose a framework to detect topics in social media based on Human Word Association. Identifying topics discussed in these media has become a critical and significant challenge. Most of the work done in this area is in English, but much has been done in the Persian language, especially microblogs written in Persian. Also, the existing works focused more on exploring frequent patterns or semantic relationships and ignored the structural methods of language. In this paper, a topic detection framework using HWA, a method for Human Word Association, is proposed. This method uses the concept of imitation of mental ability for word association. This method also calculates the Associative Gravity Force that shows how words are related. Using this parameter, a graph can be generated. The topics can be extracted by embedding this graph and using clustering methods. This approach has been applied to a Persian language dataset collected from Telegram. Several experimental studies have been performed to evaluate the proposed framework's performance. Experimental results show that this approach works better than other topic detection methods

    What’s Happening Around the World? A Survey and Framework on Event Detection Techniques on Twitter

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    © 2019, Springer Nature B.V. In the last few years, Twitter has become a popular platform for sharing opinions, experiences, news, and views in real-time. Twitter presents an interesting opportunity for detecting events happening around the world. The content (tweets) published on Twitter are short and pose diverse challenges for detecting and interpreting event-related information. This article provides insights into ongoing research and helps in understanding recent research trends and techniques used for event detection using Twitter data. We classify techniques and methodologies according to event types, orientation of content, event detection tasks, their evaluation, and common practices. We highlight the limitations of existing techniques and accordingly propose solutions to address the shortcomings. We propose a framework called EDoT based on the research trends, common practices, and techniques used for detecting events on Twitter. EDoT can serve as a guideline for developing event detection methods, especially for researchers who are new in this area. We also describe and compare data collection techniques, the effectiveness and shortcomings of various Twitter and non-Twitter-based features, and discuss various evaluation measures and benchmarking methodologies. Finally, we discuss the trends, limitations, and future directions for detecting events on Twitter

    Event Detection from Social Media Stream: Methods, Datasets and Opportunities

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    Social media streams contain large and diverse amount of information, ranging from daily-life stories to the latest global and local events and news. Twitter, especially, allows a fast spread of events happening real time, and enables individuals and organizations to stay informed of the events happening now. Event detection from social media data poses different challenges from traditional text and is a research area that has attracted much attention in recent years. In this paper, we survey a wide range of event detection methods for Twitter data stream, helping readers understand the recent development in this area. We present the datasets available to the public. Furthermore, a few research opportunitiesComment: 8 page

    Sparse Support Matrix Machines for the Classification of Corrupted Data

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Support matrix machine is fragile to the presence of outliers: even few corrupted data points can arbitrarily alter the quality of the approximation, What if a fraction of columns are corrupted? In real world, the data is noisy and most of the features may be redundant as well as may be useless, which in turn affect the classification performance. Thus, it is important to perform robust feature selection under robust metric learning to filter out redundant features and ignore the noisy data points for more interpretable modelling. To overcome this challenge, in this work, we propose a new model to address the classification problem of high dimensionality data by jointly optimizing the both regularizer and hinge loss. We combine the hinge loss and regularization terms as spectral elastic net penalty. The regularization term which promotes the structural sparsity and shares similar sparsity patterns across multiple predictors. It is a spectral extension of the conventional elastic net that combines the property of low-rank and joint sparsity together, to deal with complex high dimensional noisy data. We further extends this approach by combining the recovery along with feature selection and classification could significantly improve the performance based on the assumption that the data consists of a low rank clean matrix plus a sparse noise matrix. We perform matrix recovery, feature selection and classification through joint minimization of p,q-norm and nuclear norm under the incoherence and ambiguity conditions and able to recover intrinsic matrix of higher rank and recover data with much denser corruption. Although, above both methods takes full advantage of low rank assumption to exploit the strong correlation between columns and rows of each matrix and able to extract useful features, however, are originally built for binary classification problems. To improve the robustness against data that is rich in outliers, we further extend this problem and present a novel multiclass support matrix machine by utilizing the maximization of the inter-class margins (i.e. margins between pairs of classes). We demonstrate the significance and advantage of our methods on different available benchmark datasets such as person identification, face recognition and EEG classification. Results showed that our methods achieved significantly better performance both in terms of time and accuracy for solving the classification problem of highly correlated matrix data as compared to state-of-the-art methods

    Breadth analysis of Online Social Networks

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    This thesis is mainly motivated by the analysis, understanding, and prediction of human behaviour by means of the study of their digital fingeprints. Unlike a classical PhD thesis, where you choose a topic and go further on a deep analysis on a research topic, we carried out a breadth analysis on the research topic of complex networks, such as those that humans create themselves with their relationships and interactions. These kinds of digital communities where humans interact and create relationships are commonly called Online Social Networks. Then, (i) we have collected their interactions, as text messages they share among each other, in order to analyze the sentiment and topic of such messages. We have basically applied the state-of-the-art techniques for Natural Language Processing, widely developed and tested on English texts, in a collection of Spanish Tweets and we compare the results. Next, (ii) we focused on Topic Detection, creating our own classifier and applying it to the former Tweets dataset. The breakthroughs are two: our classifier relies on text-graphs from the input text and we achieved a figure of 70% accuracy, outperforming previous results. After that, (iii) we moved to analyze the network structure (or topology) and their data values to detect outliers. We hypothesize that in social networks there is a large mass of users that behaves similarly, while a reduced set of them behave in a different way. However, specially among this last group, we try to separate those with high activity, or low activity, or any other paramater/feature that make them belong to different kind of outliers. We aim to detect influential users in one of these outliers set. We propose a new unsupervised method, Massive Unsupervised Outlier Detection (MUOD), labeling the outliers detected os of shape, magnitude, amplitude or combination of those. We applied this method to a subset of roughly 400 million Google+ users, identifying and discriminating automatically sets of outlier users. Finally, (iv) we find interesting to address the monitorization of real complex networks. We created a framework to dynamically adapt the temporality of large-scale dynamic networks, reducing compute overhead by at least 76%, data volume by 60% and overall cloud costs by at least 54%, while always maintaining accuracy above 88%.PublicadoPrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Rosa María Benito Zafrilla.- Secretario: Ángel Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: José Ernesto Jiménez Merin