2 research outputs found

    Combining EfficientNet and Vision Transformers for Video Deepfake Detection

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    Deepfakes are the result of digital manipulation to obtain credible videos in order to deceive the viewer. This is done through deep learning techniques based on autoencoders or GANs that become more accessible and accurate year after year, resulting in fake videos that are very difficult to distinguish from real ones. Traditionally, CNN networks have been used to perform deepfake detection, with the best results obtained using methods based on EfficientNet B7. In this study, we combine various types of Vision Transformers with a convolutional EfficientNet B0 used as a feature extractor, obtaining comparable results with some very recent methods that use Vision Transformers. Differently from the state-of-the-art approaches, we use neither distillation nor ensemble methods. The best model achieved an AUC of 0.951 and an F1 score of 88.0%, very close to the state-of-the-art on the DeepFake Detection Challenge (DFDC)

    Testing Deep Neural Networks on the Same-Different Task

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    Developing abstract reasoning abilities in neural networks is an important goal towards the achievement of human-like performances on many tasks. As of now, some works have tackled this problem, developing ad-hoc architectures and reaching overall good generalization performances. In this work we try to understand to what extent state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks for image classification are able to deal with a challenging abstract problem, the so-called same-different task. This problem consists in understanding if two random shapes inside the same image are the same or not. A recent work demonstrated that simple convolutional neural networks are almost unable to solve this problem. We extend their work, showing that ResNet-inspired architectures are able to learn, while VGG cannot converge. In light of this, we suppose that residual connections have some important role in the learning process, while the depth of the network seems not so relevant. In addition, we carry out some targeted tests on the converged architectures to figure out to what extent they are able to generalize to never seen patterns. However, further investigation is needed in order to understand what are the architectural peculiarities and limits as far as abstract reasoning is concerned