2 research outputs found

    Reliability in Hybrid Network Simulation

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    Tämän työn tarkoitus oli selvittää simuloidun ja reaalisen tietoverkon muodostaman hybriditietoverkon simuloinnin luotettavuutta. Tämän lisäksi haluttiin tutkia simuloinnin taustaa ja tietoverkkojen simulointiin liittyviä aiheita ja sovelluksia. Hybridiverkon luotettavuutta tutkittiin tarkemmin mittausten avulla. Diskreetti tapahtumapohjainen simulaatio on käytössä monissa tietoverkkosimulaatioon ja tietoverkon mallintamiseen erikoistuneissa sovelluksissa. Siihen liittyy muutamia ongelmia reaaliaikasimulaatioiden suhteen, kuten samalle ajanhetkelle ajoitetut tapahtumat. Nämä ongelmat tulee ottaa huomioon mallinnettaessa, jotta päästäisiin mahdollisimman realistisiin simulointituloksiin. Mittauksia varten rakennettiin Teknillisellä korkeakoululla tietoverkko, jonka mittaustuloksia käytettiin vertailupohjana hybridiverkon ja täysin simuloidun verkon tuloksille. Verkossa käytettiin eri tekniikoita riittävän monimutkaisuuden saavuttamiseksi, jotta verkko ja sen liikenne ei olisi liian yksinkertainen simuloitavaksi. Mittaustuloksista voidaan päätellä, että jo kohtuullisen pienen tietoverkon reaaliaikainen simuloiminen raskaalla liikenteellä vaatii paljon laskentatehoa simulointityöasemalta. Täysin simuloidun verkon tulokset viittaavat siihen, että mallit ovat kohtuullisen realistisia. Monissa tapauksissa simulointityöaseman laskentatehoa kasvattamalla päästään realistisempiin tuloksiin reaaliaikaisissa simulaatioissa.The purpose of this thesis was to research the reliability in simulation of a hybrid of simulated and real network. Simulation, network simulation and network simulation software were studied to get information of the factors, which affect to reliability. More knowledge of reliability was gathered by measurements. Discrete event simulation is used in many software tools, which are made for network simulation and modeling. There are some issues related to real-time simulation, like simultaneous events. These issues should be considered when modeling to get more realistic results. The network for measurements was set up in Helsinki University of Technology's laboratory. The results were compared with hybrid network and fully simulated network. Different technologies were used to get more complex network and to make sure that the network and its traffic wouldn't be too simple to simulate. The results indicate that real-time simulation of even a relatively small network requires much processing power from the simulation workstation. The results from fully simulated network suggest that models are quite realistic. In many cases it is possible to get more realistic results in real-time simulations by increasing processing power

    Test and Evaluation of Wide Area Networks Using Emulator Cluster

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    Network emulation offers real-time simulation that enables test and evaluation of real network systems, protocols, and applications in a reconfigurable and controllable hardware and software environment. Real network traffic is processed by the protocol stacks of physical systems across the entire emulation environment. Standalone emulators can only be used to test end-to-end protocols and applications; simple emulator testbeds are non-scalable due to the one-to-one mapping scheme. We present a distributed emulator cluster that can faithfully emulate large-scale wide area networks with only a considerably smaller number of workstations. In the emulator cluster, a network topology is accurately mapped to a virtual topology in which certain number of virtual nodes are properly configured and emulated. We have developed an algorithm to partition a target network such that each partition can be emulated by a physical node. The emulator cluster can emulate a variety of network conditions and traffic dynamics, as well as incorporating new protocols and models. Preliminary test results show the high scalability of emulator cluster in terms of emulation validity and accuracy with a single physical node and in the entire environment