7 research outputs found

    Gate Delay Fault Test Generation for Non-Scan Circuits

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    This article presents a technique for the extension of delay fault test pattern generation to synchronous sequential circuits without making use of scan techniques. The technique relies on the coupling of TDgen, a robust combinational test pattern generator for delay faults, and SEMILET, a sequential test pattern generator for several static fault models. The approach uses a forward propagation-backward justification technique: The test pattern generation is started at the fault location, and after successful 驴local驴 test generation fault effect propagation is performed and finally a synchronising sequence to the required state is computed. The algorithm is complete for a robust gate delay fault model, which means that for every testable fault a test will be generated, assuming sufficient time. Experimental results for the ISCAS'89 benchmarks are presented in this pape

    Hierarchical Delay Test Generation

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    Delay testing is used to detect timing errors in a digital circuit.In this paper, we report a tool called MODET forautomatic test generation for path delay faults in modular combinational circuits. Our technique usesprecomputed robust delay tests for individual modules to computerobust delay tests for the module-level circuit. We present alongest path theorem at the module level ofabstraction which specifies the requirements for path selectionduring delay testing. Based on this theorem, we propose a pathselection procedure in module-level circuits and report efficientalgorithms for delay test generation. MODET hasbeen tested against a number of hierarchical circuits with impressivespeedups in relation to gate-level test generation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43008/1/10836_2004_Article_134357.pd

    Test Pattern Generator for Delay Faults

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    Rejestr MISR pobudzany s艂owami odczytywanymi z pami臋ci ROM jest jednym z ostatnio oferowanych rozwi膮za艅 problemu generacji par testowych dla uszkodze艅 op贸藕nieniowych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono koncepcj臋 zmniejszania liczby s艂贸w programuj膮cych oraz takiej modyfikacji grafu pracy ww. generatora par testowych, kt贸ra pozwala na uzyskanie akceptowalnego czasu testowania przy stosunkowo wysokim wsp贸艂czynniku pokrycia uszkodze艅 op贸藕nieniowych. W pracy przedstawiono rezultaty eksperyment贸w, w kt贸rych wygenerowano opracowan膮 metod膮 pary test贸w dla benchmark贸w ISCAS'89.One of the recently proposed solutions to the problem generation of test pairs' patterns to target delay faults is a Multiple Input Signature Register (MISR). The paper proposes a method to minimize control words and to modify the operation diagram of the Test Pattern Generator (TPG) aiming at achieving acceptable test times while ensuring a very high coverage of delay faults. Experimental results are presented, in which the method of test pairs for benchmarks of the ISCAS'89 has been employed. These results confirm a high effectiveness of this method compared to other solutions

    Test Pattern Generator for Delay Faults

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    Modified Test Pattern Generator for Delay Faults

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    W artykule przedstawiono metod臋 generacji par testowych pobudzaj膮cych uszkodzenia op贸藕nieniowe. 殴r贸d艂em par testowych jest zmodyfikowany rejestr MISR. Modyfikacja rejestru MISR polega na podwojeniu jego d艂ugo艣ci. Dzi臋ki temu uda艂o si臋 ograniczy膰 do jednego liczb臋 s艂贸w programuj膮cych, a tym samym zrealizowa膰 generator par testowych bez jakiejkolwiek pami臋ci. To spowodowa艂o, 偶e uzyskano podobne rezultaty jak dla generatora par testowych z pami臋ci膮 ROM, co jest g艂贸wn膮 zalet膮 przedstawionego generatora par testowych.A method of generating test pairs for delay faults is presented in the paper. A modified MISR register is the source of test pairs. Modification of this register consists in doubling its length (Fig. 3). Test pairs are only generated at a half of the MISR register chosen outputs. Doubling the MISR register makes it possible to generate all possible test pairs, which was proved in the papers [2, 3, 4]. The disadvantage of this solution is too large number of clock cycles. The test pairs for the delay faults include a quite number of don't cares. It enables a considerable reduction of the test pairs. Minimising the number of test pairs means a smaller number of clock cycles at a very high coverage factor of the test pairs. The process of merging the test pairs is shown on example. The number of programming words is limited to only one due to this modification. In consequence, it enables producing a generator of test pairs without ROM. There are presented the experimental results of generating the test pairs for benchmarks of ISCAS'89. The number of benchmark inputs was limited to 32. The results are similar to those for the generator of test pairs with ROM [1, 2, 4] (Fig. 1). The coverage factor is somewhere between 65% and 95% at the sequence length ranging from 160 to 300k clock cycles. The main advantage of this solution is the lack of ROM

    Gate Delay Fault Test Generation for Non-Scan Circuits

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    This article presents a technique for the extension of delay fault test pattern generation to synchronous sequential circuits without making use of scan techniques. The technique relies on the coupling of TDgen, a robust combinational test pattern generator for delay faults, and SEMILET, a sequential test pattern generator for several static fault models. The approach uses a forward propagation-backward justification technique: The test pattern generation is started at the fault location, and after successful 驴local驴 test generation fault effect propagation is performed and finally a synchronising sequence to the required state is computed. The algorithm is complete for a robust gate delay fault model, which means that for every testable fault a test will be generated, assuming sufficient time. Experimental results for the ISCAS'89 benchmarks are presented in this pape