4 research outputs found

    Terrain RL Simulator

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    We provide 8989 challenging simulation environments that range in difficulty. The difficulty of solving a task is linked not only to the number of dimensions in the action space but also to the size and shape of the distribution of configurations the agent experiences. Therefore, we are releasing a number of simulation environments that include randomly generated terrain. The library also provides simple mechanisms to create new environments with different agent morphologies and the option to modify the distribution of generated terrain. We believe using these and other more complex simulations will help push the field closer to creating human-level intelligence.Comment: 10 page

    Biased Estimates of Advantages over Path Ensembles

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    The estimation of advantage is crucial for a number of reinforcement learning algorithms, as it directly influences the choices of future paths. In this work, we propose a family of estimates based on the order statistics over the path ensemble, which allows one to flexibly drive the learning process, towards or against risks. On top of this formulation, we systematically study the impacts of different methods for estimating advantages. Our findings reveal that biased estimates, when chosen appropriately, can result in significant benefits. In particular, for the environments with sparse rewards, optimistic estimates would lead to more efficient exploration of the policy space; while for those where individual actions can have critical impacts, conservative estimates are preferable. On various benchmarks, including MuJoCo continuous control, Terrain locomotion, Atari games, and sparse-reward environments, the proposed biased estimation schemes consistently demonstrate improvement over mainstream methods, not only accelerating the learning process but also obtaining substantial performance gains

    ToyBox: Better Atari Environments for Testing Reinforcement Learning Agents

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    It is a widely accepted principle that software without tests has bugs. Testing reinforcement learning agents is especially difficult because of the stochastic nature of both agents and environments, the complexity of state-of-the-art models, and the sequential nature of their predictions. Recently, the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE) has become one of the most widely used benchmark suites for deep learning research, and state-of-the-art Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents have been shown to routinely equal or exceed human performance on many ALE tasks. Since ALE is based on emulation of original Atari games, the environment does not provide semantically meaningful representations of internal game state. This means that ALE has limited utility as an environment for supporting testing or model introspection. We propose ToyBox, a collection of reimplementations of these games that solves this critical problem and enables robust testing of RL agents.Comment: NeurIPS Systems for ML Worksho

    Inter-Level Cooperation in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

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    Hierarchies of temporally decoupled policies present a promising approach for enabling structured exploration in complex long-term planning problems. To fully achieve this approach an end-to-end training paradigm is needed. However, training these multi-level policies has had limited success due to challenges arising from interactions between the goal-assigning and goal-achieving levels within a hierarchy. In this article, we consider the policy optimization process as a multi-agent process. This allows us to draw on connections between communication and cooperation in multi-agent RL, and demonstrate the benefits of increased cooperation between sub-policies on the training performance of the overall policy. We introduce a simple yet effective technique for inducing inter-level cooperation by modifying the objective function and subsequent gradients of higher-level policies. Experimental results on a wide variety of simulated robotics and traffic control tasks demonstrate that inducing cooperation results in stronger performing policies and increased sample efficiency on a set of difficult long time horizon tasks. We also find that goal-conditioned policies trained using our method display better transfer to new tasks, highlighting the benefits of our method in learning task-agnostic lower-level behaviors. Videos and code are available at: https://sites.google.com/berkeley.edu/cooperative-hrl