3 research outputs found

    Autoscaling Bloom Filter: Controlling Trade-off Between True and False Positives

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    A Bloom filter is a simple data structure supporting membership queries on a set. The standard Bloom filter does not support the delete operation, therefore, many applications use a counting Bloom filter to enable deletion. This paper proposes a generalization of the counting Bloom filter approach, called "autoscaling Bloom filters", which allows adjustment of its capacity with probabilistic bounds on false positives and true positives. In essence, the autoscaling Bloom filter is a binarized counting Bloom filter with an adjustable binarization threshold. We present the mathematical analysis of the performance as well as give a procedure for minimization of the false positive rate.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Shed More Light on Bloom Filter's Variants

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    Bloom Filter is a probabilistic membership data structure and it is excessively used data structure for membership query. Bloom Filter becomes the predominant data structure in approximate membership filtering. Bloom Filter extremely enhances the query response time, and the response time is very fast. Bloom filter (BF) is used to detect whether an element belongs to a given set or not. The Bloom Filter returns True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), or True Negative (TN). The Bloom Filter is widely adapted in numerous areas to enhance the performance of a system. In this paper, we present a) in-depth insight on the Bloom Filter,and b) the prominent variants of the Bloom Filters.Comment: 8 pages, 5 Figures, 1 Table, Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'18), pp. 14-2

    Optimizing Bloom Filter: Challenges, Solutions, and Comparisons

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    Bloom filter (BF) has been widely used to support membership query, i.e., to judge whether a given element x is a member of a given set S or not. Recent years have seen a flourish design explosion of BF due to its characteristic of space-efficiency and the functionality of constant-time membership query. The existing reviews or surveys mainly focus on the applications of BF, but fall short in covering the current trends, thereby lacking intrinsic understanding of their design philosophy. To this end, this survey provides an overview of BF and its variants, with an emphasis on the optimization techniques. Basically, we survey the existing variants from two dimensions, i.e., performance and generalization. To improve the performance, dozens of variants devote themselves to reducing the false positives and implementation costs. Besides, tens of variants generalize the BF framework in more scenarios by diversifying the input sets and enriching the output functionalities. To summarize the existing efforts, we conduct an in-depth study of the existing literature on BF optimization, covering more than 60 variants. We unearth the design philosophy of these variants and elaborate how the employed optimization techniques improve BF. Furthermore, comprehensive analysis and qualitative comparison are conducted from the perspectives of BF components. Lastly, we highlight the future trends of designing BFs. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first survey that accomplishes such goals