103 research outputs found

    Terabyte-scale Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Classification and Localization in Pathology

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    In the field of computational pathology, the use of decision support systems powered by state-of-the-art deep learning solutions has been hampered by the lack of large labeled datasets. Until recently, studies relied on datasets in the order of few hundreds of slides which are not enough to train a model that can work at scale in the clinic. Here, we have gathered a dataset consisting of 12,160 slides, two orders of magnitude larger than previous datasets in pathology and equivalent to 25 times the pixel count of the entire ImageNet dataset. Given the size of our dataset it is possible for us to train a deep learning model under the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) assumption where only the overall slide diagnosis is necessary for training, avoiding all the expensive pixel-wise annotations that are usually part of supervised learning approaches. We test our framework on a complex task, that of prostate cancer diagnosis on needle biopsies. We performed a thorough evaluation of the performance of our MIL pipeline under several conditions achieving an AUC of 0.98 on a held-out test set of 1,824 slides. These results open the way for training accurate diagnosis prediction models at scale, laying the foundation for decision support system deployment in the clinic

    Self-Supervised Similarity Learning for Digital Pathology

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    Using features extracted from networks pretrained on ImageNet is a common practice in applications of deep learning for digital pathology. However it presents the downside of missing domain specific image information. In digital pathology, supervised training data is expensive and difficult to collect. We propose a self-supervised method for feature extraction by similarity learning on whole slide images (WSI) that is simple to implement and allows creation of robust and compact image descriptors. We train a siamese network, exploiting image spatial continuity and assuming spatially adjacent tiles in the image are more similar to each other than distant tiles. Our network outputs feature vectors of length 128, which allows dramatically lower memory storage and faster processing than networks pretrained on ImageNet. We apply the method on digital pathology WSIs from the Camelyon16 train set and assess and compare our method by measuring image retrieval of tumor tiles and descriptor pair distance ratio for distant/near tiles in the Camelyon16 test set. We show that our method yields better retrieval task results than existing ImageNet based and generic self-supervised feature extraction methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is also the first published method for self-supervised learning tailored for digital pathology

    Weakly supervised training of pixel resolution segmentation models on whole slide images

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    We present a novel approach to train pixel resolution segmentation models on whole slide images in a weakly supervised setup. The model is trained to classify patches extracted from slides. This leads the training to be made under noisy labeled data. We solve the problem with two complementary strategies. First, the patches are sampled online using the model's knowledge by focusing on regions where the model's confidence is higher. Second, we propose an extension of the KL divergence that is robust to noisy labels. Our preliminary experiment on CAMELYON 16 data set show promising results. The model can successfully segment tumor areas with strong morphological consistency.Comment: Performance updat

    Monte-Carlo Sampling applied to Multiple Instance Learning for Histological Image Classification

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    We propose a patch sampling strategy based on a sequential Monte-Carlo method for high resolution image classification in the context of Multiple Instance Learning. When compared with grid sampling and uniform sampling techniques, it achieves higher generalization performance. We validate the strategy on two artificial datasets and two histological datasets for breast cancer and sun exposure classification.Comment: accepted at 4th International Workshop on Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis (DLMIA), MICCAI 2018, Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support, Springer International Publishing, 201

    Coupling weak and strong supervision for classification of prostate cancer histopathology images

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    Automated grading of prostate cancer histopathology images is a challenging task, with one key challenge being the scarcity of annotations down to the level of regions of interest (strong labels), as typically the prostate cancer Gleason score is known only for entire tissue slides (weak labels). In this study, we focus on automated Gleason score assignment of prostate cancer whole-slide images on the basis of a large weakly-labeled dataset and a smaller strongly-labeled one. We efficiently leverage information from both label sources by jointly training a classifier on the two datasets and by introducing a gradient update scheme that assigns different relative importances to each training example, as a means of self-controlling the weak supervision signal. Our approach achieves superior performance when compared with standard Gleason scoring methods.Comment: Accepted in Medical Imaging meets NIPS Workshop, NIPS 201

    Segmenting Potentially Cancerous Areas in Prostate Biopsies using Semi-Automatically Annotated Data

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    Gleason grading specified in ISUP 2014 is the clinical standard in staging prostate cancer and the most important part of the treatment decision. However, the grading is subjective and suffers from high intra and inter-user variability. To improve the consistency and objectivity in the grading, we introduced glandular tissue WithOut Basal cells (WOB) as the ground truth. The presence of basal cells is the most accepted biomarker for benign glandular tissue and the absence of basal cells is a strong indicator of acinar prostatic adenocarcinoma, the most common form of prostate cancer. Glandular tissue can objectively be assessed as WOB or not WOB by using specific immunostaining for glandular tissue (Cytokeratin 8/18) and for basal cells (Cytokeratin 5/6 + p63). Even more, WOB allowed us to develop a semi-automated data generation pipeline to speed up the tremendously time consuming and expensive process of annotating whole slide images by pathologists. We generated 295 prostatectomy images exhaustively annotated with WOB. Then we used our Deep Learning Framework, which achieved the 2nd2^{nd} best reported score in Camelyon17 Challenge, to train networks for segmenting WOB in needle biopsies. Evaluation of the model on 63 needle biopsies showed promising results which were improved further by finetuning the model on 118 biopsies annotated with WOB, achieving F1-score of 0.80 and Precision-Recall AUC of 0.89 at the pixel-level. Then we compared the performance of the model against 17 biopsies annotated independently by 3 pathologists using only H\&E staining. The comparison demonstrated that the model performed on a par with the pathologists. Finally, the model detected and accurately outlined existing WOB areas in two biopsies incorrectly annotated as totally WOB-free biopsies by three pathologists and in one biopsy by two pathologists.Comment: Accepted as oral presentation at Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 2019, July, London, Englan

    Similar Image Search for Histopathology: SMILY

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    The increasing availability of large institutional and public histopathology image datasets is enabling the searching of these datasets for diagnosis, research, and education. Though these datasets typically have associated metadata such as diagnosis or clinical notes, even carefully curated datasets rarely contain annotations of the location of regions of interest on each image. Because pathology images are extremely large (up to 100,000 pixels in each dimension), further laborious visual search of each image may be needed to find the feature of interest. In this paper, we introduce a deep learning based reverse image search tool for histopathology images: Similar Medical Images Like Yours (SMILY). We assessed SMILY's ability to retrieve search results in two ways: using pathologist-provided annotations, and via prospective studies where pathologists evaluated the quality of SMILY search results. As a negative control in the second evaluation, pathologists were blinded to whether search results were retrieved by SMILY or randomly. In both types of assessments, SMILY was able to retrieve search results with similar histologic features, organ site, and prostate cancer Gleason grade compared with the original query. SMILY may be a useful general-purpose tool in the pathologist's arsenal, to improve the efficiency of searching large archives of histopathology images, without the need to develop and implement specific tools for each application.Comment: 23 Pages with 6 figures and 3 tables. The file also has 6 pages of supplemental material. Improved figure resolution, edited metadat

    Extracting 2D weak labels from volume labels using multiple instance learning in CT hemorrhage detection

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    Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a supervised learning methodology that aims to allow models to learn instance class labels from bag class labels, where a bag is defined to contain multiple instances. MIL is gaining traction for learning from weak labels but has not been widely applied to 3D medical imaging. MIL is well-suited to clinical CT acquisitions since (1) the highly anisotropic voxels hinder application of traditional 3D networks and (2) patch-based networks have limited ability to learn whole volume labels. In this work, we apply MIL with a deep convolutional neural network to identify whether clinical CT head image volumes possess one or more large hemorrhages (> 20cm3^3), resulting in a learned 2D model without the need for 2D slice annotations. Individual image volumes are considered separate bags, and the slices in each volume are instances. Such a framework sets the stage for incorporating information obtained in clinical reports to help train a 2D segmentation approach. Within this context, we evaluate the data requirements to enable generalization of MIL by varying the amount of training data. Our results show that a training size of at least 400 patient image volumes was needed to achieve accurate per-slice hemorrhage detection. Over a five-fold cross-validation, the leading model, which made use of the maximum number of training volumes, had an average true positive rate of 98.10%, an average true negative rate of 99.36%, and an average precision of 0.9698. The models have been made available along with source code to enabled continued exploration and adaption of MIL in CT neuroimaging

    Certainty Pooling for Multiple Instance Learning

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    Multiple Instance Learning is a form of weakly supervised learning in which the data is arranged in sets of instances called bags with one label assigned per bag. The bag level class prediction is derived from the multiple instances through application of a permutation invariant pooling operator on instance predictions or embeddings. We present a novel pooling operator called \textbf{Certainty Pooling} which incorporates the model certainty into bag predictions resulting in a more robust and explainable model. We compare our proposed method with other pooling operators in controlled experiments with low evidence ratio bags based on MNIST, as well as on a real life histopathology dataset - Camelyon16. Our method outperforms other methods in both bag level and instance level prediction, especially when only small training sets are available. We discuss the rationale behind our approach and the reasons for its superiority for these types of datasets

    Magnifying Networks for Images with Billions of Pixels

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    The shift towards end-to-end deep learning has brought unprecedented advances in many areas of computer vision. However, there are cases where the input images are excessively large, deeming end-to-end approaches impossible. In this paper, we introduce a new network, the Magnifying Network (MagNet), which can be trained end-to-end independently of the input image size. MagNets combine convolutional neural networks with differentiable spatial transformers, in a new way, to navigate and successfully learn from images with billions of pixels. Drawing inspiration from the magnifying nature of an ordinary brightfield microscope, a MagNet processes a downsampled version of an image, and without supervision learns how to identify areas that may carry value to the task at hand, upsamples them, and recursively repeats this process on each of the extracted patches. Our results on the publicly available Camelyon16 and Camelyon17 datasets first corroborate to the effectiveness of MagNets and the proposed optimization framework and second, demonstrate the advantage of Magnets' built-in transparency, an attribute of utmost importance for critical processes such as medical diagnosis
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