2 research outputs found

    Robust Temporal Averaging of Time Intervals Between Action and Sensation

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    Perception of the time interval between one’s own action (a finger tapping) and the associated sensory feedback (a visual flash or an auditory beep) is critical for precise and flexible control of action and behavioral decision. Previous studies have examined temporal averaging for multiple time intervals and its role for perceptual organization and crossmodal integration. In the present study, we extended the temporal averaging from sensory stimuli to the coupling of action and its sensory feedback. We investigated whether and how temporal averaging could be achieved with respect to the multiple intervals in a sequence of action-sensory feedback events, and hence affect the subsequent timing behavior. In unimodal task, participants voluntarily tapped their index finger at a constant pace while receiving auditory feedback (beeps) with varied intervals as well as variances throughout the sequence. In crossmodal task, for a given sequence, each tap was accompanied randomly with either visual flash or auditory beep as sensory feedback. When the sequence was over, observers produced a subsequent tap with either auditory or visual stimulus, which enclose a probe interval. In both tasks, participants were required to make a two alternative forced choice (2AFC), to indicate whether the target interval is shorter or longer than the mean interval between taps and their associated sensory events in the preceding sequence. In both scenarios, participants’ judgments of the probe interval suggested that they had internalized the mean interval associated with specific bindings of action and sensation, showing a robust temporal averaging process for the interval between action and sensation

    Temporal Reference, Attentional Modulation, and Crossmodal Assimilation

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    Crossmodal assimilation effect refers to the prominent phenomenon by which ensemble mean extracted from a sequence of task-irrelevant distractor events, such as auditory intervals, assimilates/biases the perception (such as visual interval) of the subsequent task-relevant target events in another sensory modality. In current experiments, using visual Ternus display, we examined the roles of temporal reference, materialized as the time information accumulated before the onset of target event, as well as the attentional modulation in crossmodal temporal interaction. Specifically, we examined how the global time interval, the mean auditory inter-intervals and the last interval in the auditory sequence assimilate and bias the subsequent percept of visual Ternus motion (element motion vs. group motion). We demonstrated that both the ensemble (geometric) mean and the last interval in the auditory sequence contribute to bias the percept of visual motion. Longer mean (or last) interval elicited more reports of group motion, whereas the shorter mean (or last) auditory intervals gave rise to more dominant percept of element motion. Importantly, observers have shown dynamic adaptation to the temporal reference of crossmodal assimilation: when the target visual Ternus stimuli were separated by a long gap interval after the preceding sound sequence, the assimilation effect by ensemble mean was reduced. Our findings suggested that crossmodal assimilation relies on a suitable temporal reference on adaptation level, and revealed a general temporal perceptual grouping principle underlying complex audio-visual interactions in everyday dynamic situations