4 research outputs found


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    Pandemi Covid-19 telah banyak merubah kondisi hidup manusia, dimana salah satunya adalah diterapkannya protokol kesehatan. Pada protokol kesehatan, untuk dapat memasuki tempat umum atau gedung-gedung, disyaratkan untuk selalu memeriksa temperatur tubuh orang yang hendak masuk, dimana orang dengan temperatur tubuh tinggi maka tidak diperbolehkan masuk. Pemeriksaan temperatur tubuh memerlukan petugas yang selalu berjaga memeriksa, dan petugas tersebut juga selalu berdekatan dengan orang banyak, sehingga petugas tersebut juga rentan terhadap penularan Covid-19. Pada penelitian ini disarankan untuk menggunakan sensor LM35 untuk mendeteksi temperatur tubuh secara otomatis, dikarenakan sensor ini stabil digunakan dan harganya murah. Untuk mengukur temperatur tubuh manusia, sensor LM35 akan disentuh dengan ujung jari tangan selama 10 detik, kemudian temperatur yang terbaca tersebut akan dikonversi/dikalibrasi sehingga akan menunjukkan temperatur dahi manusia. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah arduino, sensor LM35dan thermogun. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah temperatur jari lebih rendah dari temperatur dahi, sehingga diperlukan angka kalibrasi. Dengan penambahan 4,34◦C ke bacaan sensor LM35. Nilai toleransi hasil bacaan sensor terhadap temperatur dahi sebenarnya adalah 5%.Kata kunci:Sensor LM35, temperatur, tubuh manusia, sensor sentuhCHARACTERISTICS OF THE LM35 AS QUICK CONTACT SENSOR FOR MEASURing HUMAN BODY TEMPERATUREThe Covid-19 pandemic has changed the conditions of human lifestyle, one of which is the implementation of health protocols. In the health protocol, to be able to enter places or buildings, it is required to always check the body temperature of people who want to enter, where people with high body temperature are not allowed to enter. Examination of body temperature requires officers who are always on strict vigil, and these officers are also always connected with the crowd, so these officers are also vulnerable to Covid-19 transmission. In this study, we suggested to use the LM35 sensor to measure body temperature automatically, because this sensor is stable in use and cheap. To measure human body temperature, the LM35 sensor will be touched with the fingertips for 10 seconds, then the temperature will be calibrated so that it will show the temperature of the human forehead. The tools used in this study were Arduino, LM35 sensor and thermogun. The result obtained is a fingertip temperature is lower than the temperature of the forehead, so a calibration number is needed. With the addition of a sensor to a reading of 4.34°C LM35. The tolerance value of the sensor reading to the actual forehead temperature is 5%.Keywords: LM35, temperature, human body, touch sensor

    PID Temperature Control of Baby Incubator Transport Battery Efficiency

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    Transport baby incubators are used to keep babies warm and safe while in transport using battery voltage sources or DC electricity, which are portable and can be used without getting a supply of electrical energy. The problem that often occurs with this tool is the limited battery power system. causes a risk to the infant in the event of power failure or battery exhaustion. We aim to evaluate the battery efficiency of Baby Incubator Transport using a PID temperature controller. The evaluation is done by comparing and analyzing the battery voltage of the device to the standard device, as well as considering the setting temperature and duration of use of the device so that it can provide convenience in evacuating babies in an emergency. The tool uses the PID method to control temperature and maximize battery power. In this design, researchers only look at the efficiency of the PID method on temperature control and the battery to be used. This module will have a display that will display the battery voltage value, battery voltage percentage, skin temperature, chamber temperature, humidity, and temperature control that has been selected in the form of a graph. Compared with the digital multimeter measuring instrument. From the results of data collection, it can be concluded that the PID method has a faster rise time to reach the setting temperature, while the fuzzy method has a longer rise time to reach the setting temperature. However, the PID method requires more battery power than the Fuzzy method. The measurement results between the display and the measuring device have a difference of 3.1% at 34°C, at 35°C it is 3.9%, and at 36°C it is 4.7%. The biggest error is at a temperature of 36ºC, the smallest is at a temperature of 34ºC. Based on the results of the observation analysis of battery power consumption, it is found that the smaller the battery energy, the smaller the current issued, as well as the voltage issued. But if the load is large, the current is inversely proportional to the center, the battery voltage decreases while the current increases

    Fuzzy Logic Temperature Control on Baby Incubator Transport Battery Efficiency

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    Baby incubator transport is a life support tool used to maintain the body temperature of newborn babies during transportation from one place to another, such as from a hospital to an intensive care center with more complete facilities. The problem that often occurs in transport incubators is limitations in the power system. Baby incubator transport uses a battery as the main power source. However, the limited battery power can cause risks to the baby if there is a problem with the power system or the battery runs out. This study aims to monitor the remaining battery voltage in a transport baby incubator that uses fuzzy logic to control the temperature inside and will compare with the performance of PID control. This research uses a fuzzy logic method to control temperature and maximize battery power. In this study, researchers only looked at the efficiency of the fuzzy logic method in temperature control and the battery that will be used. The research uses a display that will display the battery voltage and current values, battery power percentage, skin temperature, chamber temperature, humidity and the selected temperature control. The module that has been made is then compared with the Digital Multimeter measuring instrument. From the results of data collection, the measurement of the remaining battery voltage between the sensor reading and the measuring instrument has a difference where at a temperature of 34 ºC it is 2.1%, at a temperature of 35 ºC it is 2% and at a temperature of 36 ºC it is 3.9%. When compared to research using PID control, fuzzy logic takes longer to reach the desired temperature and demands more battery power when compared to PID control