3 research outputs found

    Learner Modeling for Integration Skills in Programming

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    Mastery development requires not only acquiring component skills, but also practicing their integration into more complex skills. When learning programming, an example is to first learn += and loops, then learn how to combine them into a loop that sums a sequence of numbers. The existence of integration skills has been supported by cognitive science research, yet it has rarely been considered in learner modeling, the key component for adaptive assistance in an intelligent tutoring system (ITS). Without this, early assertions of mastery in ITSs after only basic component skill practice or practice in limited contexts may be merely indicating shallow learning. My dissertation introduces integration skills, widely acknowledged by cognitive science research, into learner modeling. To demonstrate this, I chose program comprehension with a complex integrative nature. To provide grounds for skill modeling, I applied a Difficulty Factors Assessment (DFA) approach (from cognitive science) and identified integration skills along with generalizable integration difficulty factors in common basic programming patterns. I used the DFA data to inform the construction of the learner model, CKM-HI, which incorporates integration skills in a hierarchical structure in a Bayesian network (BN). Compared with other machine learning approaches, BN naturally utilizes domain knowledge and maintains interpretable knowledge states for adaptation decisions. To address the limitation of prediction metrics to evaluate such multi-skill learner models, I proposed and applied a multifaceted evaluation framework. Data-driven evaluations on a real-world dataset show that CKM-HI is superior to two popular multi-skill learner models, CKM and WKT, regarding predictive performance, parameter plausibility, and expected instructional effectiveness. To evaluate its real-world impact, I built a program comprehension ITS driven by learner modeling and a classroom study deploying this system suggests that CKM-HI could lead to better learning than the CKM model. My dissertation work is the first to systematically demonstrate the value of integration skill modeling, and offers novel integration-level learner modeling and multifaceted evaluation approaches applicable to a broader context. Further, my work contributes recent ITS infrastructure and techniques to programming education, and also contributes an example of taking an interdisciplinary approach to ITS research

    Ensino de programação com o auxílio de sistemas de tutores inteligentes e ontologias

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.O ensino da lógica de programação, também conhecido como introdução a programação, vem crescendo conforme o interesse dos jovens sobre o assunto. Existem hoje, cursos profissionalizantes na área, como graduação, cursos técnicos, online, à distância etc. Visto que, alunos com perfis diferentes frequentam cursos desta linha, entende-se a importância de estudar e aplicar métodos que possam cercar o ensino e o aluno, de forma a engrandecer o estudo baseando-se nas suas reais necessidades. A ideia central é entender que um aluno com características individuais pode estudar conteúdos distintos de outro aluno que possui outros estilos e formas de aprendizagem. Alunos com facilidade em uma determinada forma de ensinar podem aproveitar o aprendizado, pois sua atenção será maior, assim como absorção do conteúdo ensinado. Para tal, se faz necessário mapear o sujeito aluno com suas diferentes características e necessidades, bem como mapear os estilos de aprendizagem e a técnicas e abordagens de ensino que mais satisfazem suas características