2,227 research outputs found

    Fostering evidence-based practice and argument evaluation in social work

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    Modelling a conversational agent (Botocrates) for promoting critical thinking and argumentation skills

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    Students in higher education institutions are often advised to think critically, yet without being guided to do so. The study investigated the use of a conversational agent (Botocrates) for supporting critical thinking and academic argumentation skills. The overarching research questions were: can a conversational agent support critical thinking and academic argumentation skills? If so, how? The study was carried out in two stages: modelling and evaluating Botocrates' prototype. The prototype was a Wizard-of-Oz system where a human plays Botocrates' role by following a set of instructions and knowledge-base to guide generation of responses. Both stages were conducted at the School of Education at the University of Leeds. In the first stage, the study analysed 13 logs of online seminars in order to define the tasks and dialogue strategies needed to be performed by Botocrates. The study identified two main tasks of Botocrates: providing answers to students' enquiries and engaging students in the argumentation process. Botocrates’ dialogue strategies and contents were built to achieve these two tasks. The novel theoretical framework of the ‘challenge to explain’ process and the notion of the ‘constructive expansion of exchange structure’ were produced during this stage and incorporated into Botocrates’ prototype. The aim of the ‘challenge to explain’ process is to engage users in repeated and constant cycles of reflective thinking processes. The ‘constructive expansion of exchange structure’ is the practical application of the ‘challenge to explain’ process. In the second stage, the study used the Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) experiments and interviews to evaluate Botocrates’ prototype. 7 students participated in the evaluation stage and each participant was immediately interviewed after chatting with Botocrates. The analysis of the data gathered from the WOZ and interviews showed encouraging results in terms of students’ engagement in the process of argumentation. As a result of the role of ‘critic’ played by Botocrates during the interactions, users actively and positively adopted the roles of explainer, clarifier, and evaluator. However, the results also showed negative experiences that occurred to users during the interaction. Improving Botocrates’ performance and training users could decrease users’ unsuccessful and negative experiences. The study identified the critical success and failure factors related to achieving the tasks of Botocrates

    Informal Logic: A 'Canadian' Approach to Argument

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    The informal logic movement began as an attempt to develop – and teach – an alternative logic which can account for the real life arguing that surrounds us in our daily lives – in newspapers and the popular media, political and social commentary, advertising, and interpersonal exchange. The movement was rooted in research and discussion in Canada and especially at the University of Windsor, and has become a branch of argumentation theory which intersects with related traditions and approaches (notably formal logic, rhetoric and dialectics in the form of pragma-dialectics). In this volume, some of the best known contributors to the movement discuss their views and the reasoning and argument which is informal logic’s subject matter. Many themes and issues are explored in a way that will fuel the continued evolution of the field. Federico Puppo adds an insightful essay which considers the origins and development of informal logic and whether informal logicians are properly described as a “school” of thought. In considering that proposition, Puppo introduces readers to a diverse range of essays, some of them previously published, others written specifically for this volume

    Towards adaptive argumentation learning systems : theoretical and practical considerations in the design of argumentation learning systems

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    This dissertation addresses four issues of pivotal importance in realizing the promises of adaptive argumentation learning systems: (1) User interface: How can argumentation user interfaces be designed to effectively structure and support problem solving, peer interaction, and learning? (2) Software architecture: How can software architectures of adaptive argumentation learning systems be designed to be employable across different argumentation domains and application scenarios in a flexible and cost-effective manner? (3) Diagnostics: How can user behavior be analyzed, automatically and accurately, to drive automated adaptations and help generation? (4) Adaptation: How can strategies for automated adaptation and support be designed to promote problem solving, peer interaction, and learning in an optimal fashion? Regarding issue (1), this dissertation investigates argument diagrams and structured discussion interfaces, two areas of focal interest in argumentation learning research during the past decades. The foundation for such structuring approaches is given by theories of learning and teaching with knowledge representations (theory of representational guidance) and collaboration scripts (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). This dissertation brings these two strands of research together and presents a computer-based learning environment that combines both approaches to support students in conducting high-quality discussions of controversial texts. An empirical study confirms that this combined approach has positive impact on the quality of discussions, thus, underpins the theoretical basis of the approach. Regarding issue (2), this dissertation presents a software framework for enhancing argumentation systems with adaptive support mechanisms. Adaptive support functionality of past argumentation systems has been tailored to particular domains and application scenarios. A novel software framework is presented that abstracts from the specific demands of different domains and application scenarios to provide a more general approach. The approach comprises an extensive configuration subsystem that allows the flexible definition of intelligent software agents, that is, software components able to reason and act autonomously to help students engage in fruitful learning activities. A graphical authoring tool has been conceptualized and implemented to simplify the process of defining and administering software agents beyond what has been achieved with the provided framework system. Among other things, the authoring tool allows, for the first time, specifying relevant patterns in argument diagrams using a graphical language. Empirical results indicate the high potential of the authoring approach but also challenges for future research. Regarding issue (3), the dissertation investigates two alternative approaches to automatically analyzing argumentation learning activities: the knowledge-driven and the data-driven analysis method. The knowledge-driven approach utilizes a pattern search component to identify relevant structures in argument diagrams based on declarative pattern specifications. The capabilities and appropriateness of this approach are demonstrated through three exemplary applications, for which pedagogically relevant patterns have been defined and implemented within the component. The approach proves particularly useful for patterns of limited complexity in scenarios with sufficient expert knowledge available. The data-driven approach is based on machine learning techniques, which have been employed to induce computational classifiers for important aspects of graphical online discussions, such as off-topic contributions, reasoned claims, and question-answer interactions. Validation results indicate that this approach can be realistically used even for complex classification tasks involving natural language. This research constitutes the first investigation on the use of machine learning techniques to analyze diagram-based educational discussions. The dissertation concludes with discussing the four addressed research challenges in the broader context of existing theories and empirical results. The pros and cons of different options in the design of argumentation learning systems are juxtaposed; areas for future research are identified. This final part of the dissertation gives researchers and practitioners a synopsis of the current state of the art in the design of argumentation learning systems and its theoretical and empirical underpinning. Special attention is paid to issue (4), with an in-depth discussion of existing adaptation approaches and corresponding empirical results.Diese Dissertationsschrift behandelt die folgenden vier Fragestellungen, welche bei der Realisierung adaptiver Argumentationssysteme von zentraler Bedeutung sind: (1) Benutzerschnittstelle: Wie mĂŒssen Benutzerschnittstellen beschaffen sein, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse effektiv zu strukturieren und zu unterstĂŒtzen? (2) Softwarearchitektur: Wie können die FunktionalitĂ€ten eines adaptiven Argumentationslernsystems in eine Softwarearchitektur abgebildet werden, welche flexibel und mit angemessenem Aufwand in verschiedenen Bereichen und Szenarien einsetzbar ist? (3) Diagnostik: Wie kann Benutzerverhalten automatisch und mit hoher Genauigkeit analysiert werden, um automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen effektiv zu steuern? (4) Adaption: Wie sollten automatisierte Anpassungen und Hilfestellungen ausgestaltet werden, um Problemlöse-, Kooperations- und Lernprozesse optimal zu unterstĂŒtzen? Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (1) untersucht diese Arbeit Argumentationsdiagramme und strukturierte Onlinediskussionen, zwei Schwerpunkte der Forschung zu Lernsystemen fĂŒr Argumentation der vergangenen Jahre. Die Grundlage solcher StrukturierungsansĂ€tze bilden Theorien zum Lehren und Lernen mit WissensreprĂ€sentationen (theory of representational guidance) und Kooperationsskripten (script theory of guidance in computer-supported collaborative learning). Diese Arbeit fĂŒhrt beide ForschungsstrĂ€nge in einer neuartigen Lernumgebung zusammen, die beide AnsĂ€tze vereint, um Lernende beim Diskutieren kontroverser Texte zu unterstĂŒtzen. Eine empirische Untersuchung zeigt, dass sich dieser kombinierte Ansatz positiv auf die DiskussionsqualitĂ€t auswirkt und bekrĂ€ftigt damit die zu Grunde liegenden theoretischen Annahmen. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (2) stellt diese Arbeit ein Software-Rahmensystem zur Bereitstellung adaptiver UnterstĂŒtzungsmechanismen in Argumentationssystemen vor. Das Rahmensystem abstrahiert von domĂ€nen- und anwendungsspezifischen Besonderheiten und stellt damit einen generelleren Ansatz im Vergleich zu frĂŒheren Systemen dar. Der Ansatz umfasst ein umfangreiches Konfigurationssystem zur Definition intelligenter Softwareagenten, d. h. Softwarekomponenten, die eigestĂ€ndig schlussfolgern und handeln, um Lernprozesse zu unterstĂŒtzen. Um das Definieren und Administrieren von Softwareagenten ĂŒber das bereitgestellte Rahmensystem hinaus zu vereinfachen, wurde ein grafisches Autorenwerkzeug konzipiert und entwickelt. Unter anderem erlaubt dieses erstmals, relevante Muster in Argumentationsdiagrammen ohne Programmierung mittels einer grafischen Sprache zu spezifizieren. Empirische Befunde zeigen neben dem hohen Potential des Ansatzes auch die Notwendigkeit weiterfĂŒhrender Forschung. Hinsichtlich Fragestellung (3) untersucht diese Arbeit zwei alternative AnsĂ€tze zur automatisierten Analyse von LernaktivitĂ€ten im Bereich Argumentation: die wissensbasierte und die datenbasierte Analysemethodik. Der wissensbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels einer Softwarekomponente zur Mustersuche in Argumentationsdiagrammen umgesetzt, welche auf Grundlage deklarativer Musterbeschreibungen arbeitet. Die Möglichkeiten und Eignung des Ansatzes werden anhand von drei Beispielszenarien demonstriert, fĂŒr die verschiedenartige, pĂ€dagogisch relevante Muster innerhalb der entwickelten Softwarekomponente definiert wurden. Der Ansatz erweist sich insbesondere als nĂŒtzlich fĂŒr Muster eingeschrĂ€nkter KomplexitĂ€t in Szenarien, fĂŒr die Expertenwissen in ausreichendem Umfang verfĂŒgbar ist. Der datenbasierte Ansatz wurde mittels maschineller Lernverfahren umgesetzt. Mit deren Hilfe wurden Klassifikationsroutinen zur Analyse zentraler Aspekte von Onlinediskussionen, wie beispielsweise themenfremde BeitrĂ€ge, begrĂŒndete Aussagen und Frage-Antwort-Interaktionen, algorithmisch hergeleitet. Validierungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich dieser Ansatz selbst fĂŒr komplexe Klassifikationsprobleme eignet, welche die BerĂŒcksichtigung natĂŒrlicher Sprache erfordern. Dies ist die erste Arbeit zum Einsatz maschineller Lernverfahren zur Analyse von diagrammbasierten Lerndiskussionen. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer Diskussion des aktuellen Forschungsstands hinsichtlich der vier Fragestellungen im breiteren Kontext existierender Theorien und empirischer Befunde. Die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Optionen fĂŒr die Gestaltung von Lernsystemen fĂŒr Argumentation werden gegenĂŒbergestellt und zukĂŒnftige Forschungsfelder vorgeschlagen. Dieser letzte Teil der Arbeit bietet Forschern und Anwendern einen umfassenden Überblick des aktuellen Forschungsstands bezĂŒglich des Designs computerbasierter Argumentationslernsysteme und den zugrunde liegenden lehr- und lerntheoretischen Erkenntnissen. Insbesondere wird auf Fragestellung (4) vertiefend eingegangen und bisherige AdaptionsansĂ€tze einschließlich entsprechender empirischer Befunde erörtert

    Reasoning And Decision Making: The Development Of A Short Text For The Adult Learner

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    Adult learners (from high school through the late adult years) have a need for dialogical reasoning in active decision maKing Therefore, it was the purpose of this developmental study to write and test a short text (a primer using an innovative design) which infused the seven steps of decision making with elements from Aristotle\u27s rhetoric/reasoning and from informal logic. The text introduced learners to critical thinking methods in creating alternatives in arguments for decisions impacting the future; Search of the literature included historical, political, sociological, educational, philosophical theory as it has influenced the teaching of reasoning in schools and colleges. Adult learning theory, developmental psychology, and a review of current rhetoric/reasoning/informal logic texts and theory also shaped the methods, content, and design of the text. A case-study protagonist and plot throughout the book encouraged reader participation in critical/creative thinking; A preliminary draft was taught to two English 102 classes in six fifty-minute meetings over three weeks. (Eleven students from this group had graduated high school in the 70s, 60s, or 50s, or were juniors or seniors in college.) In posttest, all students increased their decision-making steps; however, twenty-two of the total thirty-four students (65 percent) increased their decision-making steps (inquiry, evidence evaluation, creation of lines of arguments pro and con, causal reasoning in contingencies) by over one hundred percent. In a final 15-minute timed test of two complex argument paragraphs, eighty-three percent of the students identified at least four reasoning mistakes--e.g., faulty assumptions, premises, inference, distorted evidence--in one of the argument paragraphs using correct argumentation terminology. Forty-two percent of the students identified at least four errors in both paragraphs; Evaluations of the text from students and two instructors of adults guided the revision of the text. The final draft was validated by an English professor of rhetoric and a philosophy professor of practical reasoning. Implications from the study suggest further testing of the text, Reasoning in Decision Making, in high school and college classes (those requiring dialogical reasoning skills), in non-credit classes for the adult learner, and in current developmental psychology and critical thinking studies

    Meditation Matters: Replies to the Anti-McMindfulness Bandwagon!

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    A critical reply to the anti-mindfulness critics in the collection, who oppose the popular secularized adoption of mindfulness on various grounds (it is not Buddhism, it is Buddhism, it is a tool of neo-capitalist exploitation, etc.), I argue that mindfulness is a quality of consciousness, opposite mindlessness, that may be cultivated through practice, and is almost always beneficial to those who cultivate it

    An Approach to Teaching for Critical Thinking in a Community College Health Science Curriculum

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    During a recent seminar on critical thinking at the University of Massachusetts/Boston, I described a workshop I had developed for faculty in a community college dental hygiene program. Later that same evening one of the seminar participants asked me, ... couldn\u27t one assume that by the time a student reaches the college level -- specifically a dental hygiene program -- there would not be a need to teach critical thinking? Having worked with dental hygiene students for five years, I knew that this assumption could not be made

    "Walking the Line Between Structure and Freedom": A Case Study of Teachers' Responses to Curriculum Change using Complexity Theory

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    This thesis uses complexity theory to explore education in the context of a changing curriculum called ‘Opening Minds’. This new curriculum was introduced in the case study school in response to a wider curriculum change which emphasised ‘learning to learn’ and the development of ‘skills for the 21st Century’. In this study, a ‘complexity thinking’ theoretical framework was adopted, drawing especially on the work of Osberg and Biesta (Osberg et al., 2008, Osberg and Biesta, 2007, Biesta and Osberg, 2007) and Davis and Sumara (2006; 2007), paying particular attention to concepts of emergence and complexity reduction. Complexity theory, through the ‘logic of emergence’ offers a challenge to mechanistic approaches to understanding the world which, despite the work of postmodern and poststructural scholars in education, remains dominant in educational practice. The Opening Minds curriculum that is the focus of this case study demonstrated the potential to challenge this mechanistic approach, as the teachers expressed a desire to work in different, flexible and creative ways: this thesis therefore explores complexity theory’s challenge to a mechanistic approach in this particular case. It also addresses the relationship between Opening Minds and science education using complexity thinking. To facilitate exploration and analysis of the case, concepts of temporal and relational emergence and complexity reduction to develop a ‘complexity thinking’ understanding of concepts of agency/structure, power, identity and reflexivity. This entailed reconceptualisation of these ideas in a temporal-relational sense that explicitly incorporates a sensitivity to emergence. Specifically, an additional dimension to Emirbayer and Mische’s (1998) construction of multidimensional agency was added: that of creative agency. The research was conducted as a case study in which a ‘bricolage’ approach to data collection and analysis was used as part of an explicitly ‘complex’ methodology, addressing questions of the challenge of complexity reduction and ethics in research drawing on complexity theory. The findings indicated a challenge for teachers in negotiating tensions as they attempted to adopt approaches that could be considered ‘emergent’ alongside other ‘mechanistic’ practices. These tensions were explored in detail in relation to the concept of ‘reflection’, and in the interaction between science and Opening Minds. Bringing together the empirical and theoretical work in this study, it is suggested that mechanistic and emergent aspects may helpfully be viewed as a ‘vital simultaneity’ within the educational relationship (Davis, 2008) with the interaction between them facilitated by creative agency within a ‘pedagogy of interruption’ (Biesta, 2006). It was further argued that reflection could be used in responsive and flexible ways to support both learning and assessment as a crucial aspect of a pedagogy of interruption. Such a ‘contingently responsive and creative pedagogy’ may support the interaction between science and Opening Minds productively. It is suggested that complex approach to a pedagogy of interruption could support teachers in engaging with the creative and diverse elements of science or learning to learn curricula whilst maintaining the mechanistic aspects of teaching that support students in learning key concepts and skills
