669 research outputs found

    Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Visual saliency patterns are the result of a variety of factors aside from the image being parsed, however existing approaches have ignored these. To address this limitation, we propose a novel saliency estimation model which leverages the semantic modelling power of conditional generative adversarial networks together with memory architectures which capture the subject's behavioural patterns and task dependent factors. We make contributions aiming to bridge the gap between bottom-up feature learning capabilities in modern deep learning architectures and traditional top-down hand-crafted features based methods for task specific saliency modelling. The conditional nature of the proposed framework enables us to learn contextual semantics and relationships among different tasks together, instead of learning them separately for each task. Our studies not only shed light on a novel application area for generative adversarial networks, but also emphasise the importance of task specific saliency modelling and demonstrate the plausibility of fully capturing this context via an augmented memory architecture.Comment: To appear in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    How is Gaze Influenced by Image Transformations? Dataset and Model

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    Data size is the bottleneck for developing deep saliency models, because collecting eye-movement data is very time consuming and expensive. Most of current studies on human attention and saliency modeling have used high quality stereotype stimuli. In real world, however, captured images undergo various types of transformations. Can we use these transformations to augment existing saliency datasets? Here, we first create a novel saliency dataset including fixations of 10 observers over 1900 images degraded by 19 types of transformations. Second, by analyzing eye movements, we find that observers look at different locations over transformed versus original images. Third, we utilize the new data over transformed images, called data augmentation transformation (DAT), to train deep saliency models. We find that label preserving DATs with negligible impact on human gaze boost saliency prediction, whereas some other DATs that severely impact human gaze degrade the performance. These label preserving valid augmentation transformations provide a solution to enlarge existing saliency datasets. Finally, we introduce a novel saliency model based on generative adversarial network (dubbed GazeGAN). A modified UNet is proposed as the generator of the GazeGAN, which combines classic skip connections with a novel center-surround connection (CSC), in order to leverage multi level features. We also propose a histogram loss based on Alternative Chi Square Distance (ACS HistLoss) to refine the saliency map in terms of luminance distribution. Extensive experiments and comparisons over 3 datasets indicate that GazeGAN achieves the best performance in terms of popular saliency evaluation metrics, and is more robust to various perturbations. Our code and data are available at: https://github.com/CZHQuality/Sal-CFS-GAN

    Machine Learning Methods for Image Analysis in Medical Applications, from Alzheimer\u27s Disease, Brain Tumors, to Assisted Living

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    Healthcare has progressed greatly nowadays owing to technological advances, where machine learning plays an important role in processing and analyzing a large amount of medical data. This thesis investigates four healthcare-related issues (Alzheimer\u27s disease detection, glioma classification, human fall detection, and obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision), where the underlying methodologies are associated with machine learning and computer vision. For Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis, apart from symptoms of patients, Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) also play an important role. Inspired by the success of deep learning, a new multi-stream multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is proposed for AD detection from MRIs, where AD features are characterized in both the tissue level and the scale level for improved feature learning. Good classification performance is obtained for AD/NC (normal control) classification with test accuracy 94.74%. In glioma subtype classification, biopsies are usually needed for determining different molecular-based glioma subtypes. We investigate non-invasive glioma subtype prediction from MRIs by using deep learning. A 2D multi-stream CNN architecture is used to learn the features of gliomas from multi-modal MRIs, where the training dataset is enlarged with synthetic brain MRIs generated by pairwise Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Test accuracy 88.82% has been achieved for IDH mutation (a molecular-based subtype) prediction. A new deep semi-supervised learning method is also proposed to tackle the problem of missing molecular-related labels in training datasets for improving the performance of glioma classification. In other two applications, we also address video-based human fall detection by using co-saliency-enhanced Recurrent Convolutional Networks (RCNs), as well as obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision by characterizing obstacle-related video features using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN). These investigations can benefit future research, where artificial intelligence/deep learning may open a new way for real medical applications

    A New Approach to Synthetic Image Evaluation

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    This study is dedicated to enhancing the effectiveness of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems, with a special emphasis on Arabic handwritten digit recognition. The choice to focus on Arabic handwritten digits is twofold: first, there has been relatively less research conducted in this area compared to its English counterparts; second, the recognition of Arabic handwritten digits presents more challenges due to the inherent similarities between different Arabic digits.OCR systems, engineered to decipher both printed and handwritten text, often face difficulties in accurately identifying low-quality or distorted handwritten text. The quality of the input image and the complexity of the text significantly influence their performance. However, data augmentation strategies can notably improve these systems\u27 performance. These strategies generate new images that closely resemble the original ones, albeit with minor variations, thereby enriching the model\u27s learning and enhancing its adaptability. The research found Conditional Variational Autoencoders (C-VAE) and Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (C-GAN) to be particularly effective in this context. These two generative models stand out due to their superior image generation and feature extraction capabilities. A significant contribution of the study has been the formulation of the Synthetic Image Evaluation Procedure, a systematic approach designed to evaluate and amplify the generative models\u27 image generation abilities. This procedure facilitates the extraction of meaningful features, computation of the Fréchet Inception Distance (LFID) score, and supports hyper-parameter optimization and model modifications

    Advances in deep learning with limited supervision and computational resources

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    Les réseaux de neurones profonds sont la pierre angulaire des systèmes à la fine pointe de la technologie pour une vaste gamme de tâches, comme la reconnaissance d'objets, la modélisation du langage et la traduction automatique. Mis à part le progrès important établi dans les architectures et les procédures de formation des réseaux de neurones profonds, deux facteurs ont été la clé du succès remarquable de l'apprentissage profond : la disponibilité de grandes quantités de données étiquetées et la puissance de calcul massive. Cette thèse par articles apporte plusieurs contributions à l'avancement de l'apprentissage profond, en particulier dans les problèmes avec très peu ou pas de données étiquetées, ou avec des ressources informatiques limitées. Le premier article aborde la question de la rareté des données dans les systèmes de recommandation, en apprenant les représentations distribuées des produits à partir des commentaires d'évaluation de produits en langage naturel. Plus précisément, nous proposons un cadre d'apprentissage multitâches dans lequel nous utilisons des méthodes basées sur les réseaux de neurones pour apprendre les représentations de produits à partir de textes de critiques de produits et de données d'évaluation. Nous démontrons que la méthode proposée peut améliorer la généralisation dans les systèmes de recommandation et atteindre une performance de pointe sur l'ensemble de données Amazon Reviews. Le deuxième article s'attaque aux défis computationnels qui existent dans l'entraînement des réseaux de neurones profonds à grande échelle. Nous proposons une nouvelle architecture de réseaux de neurones conditionnels permettant d'attribuer la capacité du réseau de façon adaptative, et donc des calculs, dans les différentes régions des entrées. Nous démontrons l'efficacité de notre modèle sur les tâches de reconnaissance visuelle où les objets d'intérêt sont localisés à la couche d'entrée, tout en maintenant une surcharge de calcul beaucoup plus faible que les architectures standards des réseaux de neurones. Le troisième article contribue au domaine de l'apprentissage non supervisé, avec l'aide du paradigme des réseaux antagoniste génératifs. Nous introduisons un cadre fléxible pour l'entraînement des réseaux antagonistes génératifs, qui non seulement assure que le générateur estime la véritable distribution des données, mais permet également au discriminateur de conserver l'information sur la densité des données à l'optimum global. Nous validons notre cadre empiriquement en montrant que le discriminateur est capable de récupérer l'énergie de la distribution des données et d'obtenir une qualité d'échantillons à la fine pointe de la technologie. Enfin, dans le quatrième article, nous nous attaquons au problème de l'apprentissage non supervisé à travers différents domaines. Nous proposons un modèle qui permet d'apprendre des transformations plusieurs à plusieurs à travers deux domaines, et ce, à partir des données non appariées. Nous validons notre approche sur plusieurs ensembles de données se rapportant à l'imagerie, et nous montrons que notre méthode peut être appliquée efficacement dans des situations d'apprentissage semi-supervisé.Deep neural networks are the cornerstone of state-of-the-art systems for a wide range of tasks, including object recognition, language modelling and machine translation. In the last decade, research in the field of deep learning has led to numerous key advances in designing novel architectures and training algorithms for neural networks. However, most success stories in deep learning heavily relied on two main factors: the availability of large amounts of labelled data and massive computational resources. This thesis by articles makes several contributions to advancing deep learning, specifically in problems with limited or no labelled data, or with constrained computational resources. The first article addresses sparsity of labelled data that emerges in the application field of recommender systems. We propose a multi-task learning framework that leverages natural language reviews in improving recommendation. Specifically, we apply neural-network-based methods for learning representations of products from review text, while learning from rating data. We demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Amazon Reviews dataset. The second article tackles computational challenges in training large-scale deep neural networks. We propose a conditional computation network architecture which can adaptively assign its capacity, and hence computations, across different regions of the input. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on visual recognition tasks where objects are spatially localized within the input, while maintaining much lower computational overhead than standard network architectures. The third article contributes to the domain of unsupervised learning with the generative adversarial networks paradigm. We introduce a flexible adversarial training framework, in which not only the generator converges to the true data distribution, but also the discriminator recovers the relative density of the data at the optimum. We validate our framework empirically by showing that the discriminator is able to accurately estimate the true energy of data while obtaining state-of-the-art quality of samples. Finally, in the fourth article, we address the problem of unsupervised domain translation. We propose a model which can learn flexible, many-to-many mappings across domains from unpaired data. We validate our approach on several image datasets, and we show that it can be effectively applied in semi-supervised learning settings

    Salience Models: A Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Review

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    The seminal model by Laurent Itti and Cristoph Koch demonstrated that we can compute the entire flow of visual processing from input to resulting fixations. Despite many replications and follow-ups, few have matched the impact of the original model—so what made this model so groundbreaking? We have selected five key contributions that distinguish the original salience model by Itti and Koch; namely, its contribution to our theoretical, neural, and computational understanding of visual processing, as well as the spatial and temporal predictions for fixation distributions. During the last 20 years, advances in the field have brought up various techniques and approaches to salience modelling, many of which tried to improve or add to the initial Itti and Koch model. One of the most recent trends has been to adopt the computational power of deep learning neural networks; however, this has also shifted their primary focus to spatial classification. We present a review of recent approaches to modelling salience, starting from direct variations of the Itti and Koch salience model to sophisticated deep-learning architectures, and discuss the models from the point of view of their contribution to computational cognitive neuroscience
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