7,903 research outputs found

    Classical and neoclassical roots of the theory of optimum tariffs

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    Despite their image as free traders, six leading British classical and neoclassical economists formulated a valid theoretical argument for tariffs. They showed that a suitably small tariff could, under certain conditions, benefit the levying country by improving its terms of trade. They also stressed the insuperable practical difficulties of implementing such optimum tariffs. These difficulties plus the likelihood of foreign retaliation convinced them that free trade was the best policy after all.Tariff ; Free trade ; Economists ; Economic history

    A Theory of Dynamic Tariff and Quota Retaliation

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    This paper characterizes, under the most general conditions to date, the steady-state equilibria of a symmetric, two-country trade model in which countries move in alternating-move, dynamic either tariffsetting or quota-setting games in Markov Perfect strategies, and compares the respective equilibrium level of tariffs and quotas with the corresponding pairs in the equilibria of static games. Our results imply that the alleged non-equivalence of the outcomes of tariff-retaliation (neither free trade nor autarky) and quota-retaliation (asymptotic autarky) games in the literature depends crucially on complete myopia, and can be dismissed altogether once dynamic considerations are introduced in an operationally significant manner.Foreign trade policy; Tariff; Quota; Retaliation; Dynamic Game; Markov perfect equilibrium; Supermodular games

    A theory of dynamic tariff and quota retaliation

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    This paper establishes relationships between static Nash equilibria and dynamic Markov perfect equilibria of tariff and quota retaliation games. In supermodular games where tariffs are strategic complements, the steady state of every, symmetric Markov perfect equilibrium must have lower tariffs than in the static equilibrium. If tariffs are strategic substitutes, tariffs in the dynamic game are higher than in the static equilibrium. The supermodular case is extended to quota competition. Instead of the well-known non-equivalence between tariff and quota retaliation outcomes under complete myopia, in some circumstances, free trade can be supported in the steady state of a Markov perfect equilibrium, regardless of whether policies employed are quotas or tariffs. We reach the conclusion that the effect of introducing dynamics crucially depends on whether the policy instruments employed by the countries are strategic substitutes or complements irrespective of whether they are tariffs or quotas.Foreign trade policy; Tariff; Quota; Retaliation; Dynamic Game; Markov perfect equilibrium; Supermodular games

    Strategic trade policy : how new? how sensible?

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    This paper reviews some recent developments in the theory of trade policy that have to do with imperfect competition, strategic interactions as a result of oligopoly, and economies of scale. All these developments have been described as the"new international economics."In the view of some they represent major breakthroughs. One purpose of this paper is to examine how new some of this is and how it relates to the orthodox theory. The paper will focus on one major aspect of these developments, namely"Brander-Spencer profit sharing"and its policy implications. The conclusion is that it relates closely to the existing framework of the orthodox theory of trade policy.Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Trade Policy,General Technology

    An introduction to the WTO and GATT

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    This article reviews the history of GATT and the WTO. It discusses the founding principles of the post-WW II world trading system--reciprocity and nondiscrimination. Lastly, the article reviews the economics literature on regional trade agreements and administered protection, two important exceptions to GATT's requirement in trade policy.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) ; World Trade Organization

    External Balance Correction: Depreciation or Protection

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    macroeconomics, external balance, depreciation

    Protection and Retaliation: Changing the "Rules of the Game"

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    macroeconomics, trade protection, trade policy