741 research outputs found

    A 64mW DNN-based Visual Navigation Engine for Autonomous Nano-Drones

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    Fully-autonomous miniaturized robots (e.g., drones), with artificial intelligence (AI) based visual navigation capabilities are extremely challenging drivers of Internet-of-Things edge intelligence capabilities. Visual navigation based on AI approaches, such as deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming pervasive for standard-size drones, but are considered out of reach for nanodrones with size of a few cm2{}^\mathrm{2}. In this work, we present the first (to the best of our knowledge) demonstration of a navigation engine for autonomous nano-drones capable of closed-loop end-to-end DNN-based visual navigation. To achieve this goal we developed a complete methodology for parallel execution of complex DNNs directly on-bard of resource-constrained milliwatt-scale nodes. Our system is based on GAP8, a novel parallel ultra-low-power computing platform, and a 27 g commercial, open-source CrazyFlie 2.0 nano-quadrotor. As part of our general methodology we discuss the software mapping techniques that enable the state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network presented in [1] to be fully executed on-board within a strict 6 fps real-time constraint with no compromise in terms of flight results, while all processing is done with only 64 mW on average. Our navigation engine is flexible and can be used to span a wide performance range: at its peak performance corner it achieves 18 fps while still consuming on average just 3.5% of the power envelope of the deployed nano-aircraft.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, 2 listings, accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IEEE IOTJ

    Quadcopter drone formation control via onboard visual perception

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    Quadcopter drone formation control is an important capability for fields like area surveillance, search and rescue, agriculture, and reconnaissance. Of particular interest is formation control in environments where radio communications and/or GPS may be either denied or not sufficiently accurate for the desired application. To address this, we focus on vision as the sensing modality. We train an Hourglass Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to discriminate between quadcopter pixels and non-quadcopter pixels in a live video feed and use it to guide a formation of quadcopters. The CNN outputs "heatmaps" - pixel-by-pixel likelihood estimates of the presence of a quadcopter. These heatmaps suffer from short-lived false detections. To mitigate these, we apply a version of the Siamese networks technique on consecutive frames for clutter mitigation and to promote temporal smoothness in the heatmaps. The heatmaps give an estimate of the range and bearing to the other quadcopter(s), which we use to calculate flight control commands and maintain the desired formation. We implement the algorithm on a single-board computer (ODROID XU4) with a standard webcam mounted to a quadcopter drone. Flight tests in a motion capture volume demonstrate successful formation control with two quadcopters in a leader-follower setup

    Effective image enhancement and fast object detection for improved UAV applications

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    As an emerging field, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) feature from interdisciplinary techniques in science, engineering and industrial sectors. The massive applications span from remote sensing, precision agriculture, marine inspection, coast guarding, environmental monitoring, natural resources monitoring, e.g. forest, land and river, and disaster assessment, to smart city, intelligent transportation and logistics and delivery. With the fast growing demands from a wide range of application sectors, there is always a bottleneck how to improve the efficiency and efficacy of UAV in operation. Often, smart decision making is needed from the captured footages in a real-time manner, yet this is severely affected by the poor image quality, ineffective object detection and recognition models, and lack of robust and light models for supporting the edge computing and real deployment. In this thesis, several innovative works have been focused and developed to tackle some of the above issues. First of all, considering the quality requirements of the UAV images, various approaches and models have been proposed, yet they focus on different aspects and produce inconsistent results. As such, the work in this thesis has been categorised into denoising and dehazing focused, followed by comprehensive evaluation in terms of both qualitative and quantitative assessment. These will provide valuable insights and useful guidance to help the end user and research community. For fast and effective object detection and recognition, deep learning based models, especially the YOLO series, are popularly used. However, taking the YOLOv7 as the baseline, the performance is very much affected by a few factors, such as the low quality of the UAV images and the high-level of demanding of resources, leading to unsatisfactory performance in accuracy and processing speed. As a result, three major improvements, namely transformer, CIoULoss and the GhostBottleneck module, are introduced in this work to improve feature extraction, decision making in detection and recognition, and running efficiency. Comprehensive experiments on both publicly available and self-collected datasets have validated the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In addition, to facilitate the real deployment such as edge computing scenarios, embedded implementation of the key algorithm modules is introduced. These include the creative implementation on the Xavier NX platform, in comparison to the standard workstation settings with the NVIDIA GPUs. As a result, it has demonstrated promising results with improved performance in reduced resources consumption of the CPU/GPU usage and enhanced frame rate of real-time processing to benefit the real-time deployment with the uncompromised edge computing. Through these innovative investigation and development, a better understanding has been established on key challenges associated with UAV and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) based applications, and possible solutions are presented. Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV); Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM); denoising; dehazing; object detection; object recognition; deep learning; YOLOv7; transformer; GhostBottleneck; scene matching; embedded implementation; Xavier NX; edge computing.As an emerging field, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) feature from interdisciplinary techniques in science, engineering and industrial sectors. The massive applications span from remote sensing, precision agriculture, marine inspection, coast guarding, environmental monitoring, natural resources monitoring, e.g. forest, land and river, and disaster assessment, to smart city, intelligent transportation and logistics and delivery. With the fast growing demands from a wide range of application sectors, there is always a bottleneck how to improve the efficiency and efficacy of UAV in operation. Often, smart decision making is needed from the captured footages in a real-time manner, yet this is severely affected by the poor image quality, ineffective object detection and recognition models, and lack of robust and light models for supporting the edge computing and real deployment. In this thesis, several innovative works have been focused and developed to tackle some of the above issues. First of all, considering the quality requirements of the UAV images, various approaches and models have been proposed, yet they focus on different aspects and produce inconsistent results. As such, the work in this thesis has been categorised into denoising and dehazing focused, followed by comprehensive evaluation in terms of both qualitative and quantitative assessment. These will provide valuable insights and useful guidance to help the end user and research community. For fast and effective object detection and recognition, deep learning based models, especially the YOLO series, are popularly used. However, taking the YOLOv7 as the baseline, the performance is very much affected by a few factors, such as the low quality of the UAV images and the high-level of demanding of resources, leading to unsatisfactory performance in accuracy and processing speed. As a result, three major improvements, namely transformer, CIoULoss and the GhostBottleneck module, are introduced in this work to improve feature extraction, decision making in detection and recognition, and running efficiency. Comprehensive experiments on both publicly available and self-collected datasets have validated the efficiency and efficacy of the proposed algorithm. In addition, to facilitate the real deployment such as edge computing scenarios, embedded implementation of the key algorithm modules is introduced. These include the creative implementation on the Xavier NX platform, in comparison to the standard workstation settings with the NVIDIA GPUs. As a result, it has demonstrated promising results with improved performance in reduced resources consumption of the CPU/GPU usage and enhanced frame rate of real-time processing to benefit the real-time deployment with the uncompromised edge computing. Through these innovative investigation and development, a better understanding has been established on key challenges associated with UAV and Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) based applications, and possible solutions are presented. Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV); Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM); denoising; dehazing; object detection; object recognition; deep learning; YOLOv7; transformer; GhostBottleneck; scene matching; embedded implementation; Xavier NX; edge computing

    An Open Source and Open Hardware Deep Learning-Powered Visual Navigation Engine for Autonomous Nano-UAVs

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    Nano-size unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with few centimeters of diameter and sub-10 Watts of total power budget, have so far been considered incapable of running sophisticated visual-based autonomous navigation software without external aid from base-stations, ad-hoc local positioning infrastructure, and powerful external computation servers. In this work, we present what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first 27g nano-UAV system able to run aboard an end-to-end, closed-loop visual pipeline for autonomous navigation based on a state-of-the-art deep-learning algorithm, built upon the open-source CrazyFlie 2.0 nano-quadrotor. Our visual navigation engine is enabled by the combination of an ultra-low power computing device (the GAP8 system-on-chip) with a novel methodology for the deployment of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We enable onboard real-time execution of a state-of-the-art deep CNN at up to 18Hz. Field experiments demonstrate that the system's high responsiveness prevents collisions with unexpected dynamic obstacles up to a flight speed of 1.5m/s. In addition, we also demonstrate the capability of our visual navigation engine of fully autonomous indoor navigation on a 113m previously unseen path. To share our key findings with the embedded and robotics communities and foster further developments in autonomous nano-UAVs, we publicly release all our code, datasets, and trained networks
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