3 research outputs found

    Fault-Tolerant Multiparty Session Types (Technical Report)

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    Multiparty session types are designed to abstractly capture the structure of communication protocols and verify behavioural properties. One important such property is progress, i.e., the absence of deadlock. Distributed algorithms often resemble multiparty communication protocols. But proving their properties, in particular termination that is closely related to progress, can be elaborate. Since distributed algorithms are often designed to cope with faults, a first step towards using session types to verify distributed algorithms is to integrate fault-tolerance. We extend multiparty session types to cope with system failures such as unreliable communication and process crashes. Moreover, we augment the semantics of processes by failure patterns that can be used to represent system requirements (as, e.g., failure detectors). To illustrate our approach we analyse a variant of the well-known rotating coordinator algorithm by Chandra and Toueg. This technical report presents the proofs and some additional material to extend [30]

    Taming concurrency for verification using multiparty session types

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