110 research outputs found

    An Economist's Guide to Digital Music

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    In this guide, we discuss the impact of digitalization on the music industry. We rely on market and survey data at the international level as well as expert statements from the industry. The guide investigates recent developments in legal and technological protection of digital music and describes new business models as well as consumers' attitude towards music downloads. We conclude the guide by a discussion of the evolution of the music industry

    An Economist's Guide to Digital Music

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    In this guide, we discuss the impact of digitalization on the music industry. We rely on market and survey data at the international level as well as expert statements from the industry. The guide investigates recent developments in legal and technological protection of digital music and describes new business models as well as consumers' attitude towards music downloads. We conclude the guide by a discussion of the evolution of the music industry.Music; Internet; File-sharing; Peer-to-peer; Piracy; Digital Rights Management; Copyright; E-commerce

    Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music,

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    Rockonomics, concerts, superstars

    Rockonomics: The Economics of Popular Music

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    This paper considers economic issues and trends in the rock and roll industry, broadly defined. The analysis focuses on concert revenues, the main source of performers ' income. Issues considered include: price measurement; concert price acceleration in the 1990s; the increased concentration of revenue among performers; reasons for the secondary ticket market; methods for ranking performers; copyright protection; and technological change.

    L’impact d’Internet et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication sur l’industrie de la musique enregistrĂ©e

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    Dans cet article, nous analysons les transformations de l’industrie de la musique enregistrĂ©e induites par le dĂ©veloppement d’Internet et des TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication). Nous montrons que l’industrie du disque est affectĂ©e principalement sur trois plans. En premier lieu, les coĂ»ts de production et de distribution des Ɠuvres diminuent fortement sous l’effet des progrĂšs rĂ©alisĂ©s dans les TIC, ce qui rĂ©duit les barriĂšres Ă  l’entrĂ©e pour la crĂ©ation musicale. D’autre part, les informations nĂ©cessaires pour faire connaĂźtre une Ɠuvre, les « mĂ©ta-informations », peuvent dĂ©sormais ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es et autoproduites par les consommateurs pour des coĂ»ts rĂ©duits. Enfin, la numĂ©risation de l’information entraĂźne sa non-rivalitĂ© au plan technique ; les Ɠuvres s’échangent sous forme de fichiers numĂ©riques et non plus sous forme de disques et de CD ; ces fichiers peuvent ĂȘtre copiĂ©s et diffusĂ©s sur des rĂ©seaux d’échange. Le progrĂšs technique va donc faire Ă©voluer la chaĂźne de valeur de l’industrie de la musique selon deux mouvements : (i) : migration progressive de la valeur contenue dans les Ɠuvres vers les informations nĂ©cessaires Ă  la crĂ©ation et Ă  la consommation de ces Ɠuvres (la mĂ©ta-information) ; (ii) : migration de la gestion de cette mĂ©ta-information du systĂšme des mĂ©dias de masse vers Internet, qu’il s’agisse de sites d’amateurs (Blogs), de sites de distributeurs en ligne, ou de sites d’auteurs.The effect of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies on the Record IndustryIn this paper, we analyze how the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and of the Internet affects the record industry. We show that the record industry is impacted in three different ways. Firstly, production and distribution costs of music have decreased sharply due to the progress made in ICTs, which has lowered the barriers to entry for music creation. Secondly, the information which is needed for the diffusion of music titles, which will call “meta-information”, can now be used and produced by end consumers at low costs. Thirdly, the digitization of music makes it non rival from a technical point of view; a consequence is that music can be distributed on digital files and does not need discs or CDs as a vehicle any longer; finally, digital music files can be copied and shared on file-sharing networks. This analysis leads us to the conclusion that technical progress will modify the record industry in two respects; (i) the value which was contained in the music content will migrate towards the information needed to create and consume music (the meta-information); (ii) the management of meta-information will migrate from the mass media to the Internet (e.g., on amateur blogs, online retailers platforms, or websites of music creators)

    What triggers digital employee advocacy behavior?

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    As companies increasingly move towards remote/hybrid workplace settings for both sustenance and growth motives, they face people-centric problems such as quiet quitting and organizational (dis)identification. As a way to mitigate these situations, empower employees, and improve well-being, they heavily invest in people-centric digital workplace platforms such as the employee advocacy (EA) platforms that promise both instrumental and humanistic outcomes, including encouraging digital employee advocacy behavior (DEA). However, no prior empirical research has conceptualized DEA nor have they shown the efficacy of the EA platform in encouraging DEA. Using a bricolage approach, we explore digital trace data (user reviews) to firstly conceptualize and then validate a grounded well-being led digital employee advocacy model. We contribute to EA and digital workplace literature by conceptualizing and providing measures to study DEA as well as identifying platform enabled social and psychological well-being as the key triggers to DEA. Practical implications are also discussed
