7 research outputs found

    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem is for- mulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved using an tabu search algorithm. Only gates on the critical sensitizable paths are consid- ered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlier approaches, the presented technique produces circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small increase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%). Keywords: Tabu Search, Circuit Optimization, Search Algorithms, CMOS/BiCMOS, Mixed Technologies, Critical Path, False Path

    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem is for- mulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved using an tabu search algorithm. Only gates on the critical sensitizable paths are consid- ered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlier approaches, the presented technique produces circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small increase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%). Keywords: Tabu Search, Circuit Optimization, Search Algorithms, CMOS/BiCMOS, Mixed Technologies, Critical Path, False Path

    Tabu search based circuit optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem is formulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem and solved using an tabu search algorithm. Only gates on the critical sensitizable paths are considered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlier approaches, the presented technique produces circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small increase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%

    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem, formulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem is addressed using a tabu search algorithm. Initially a random approach is adopted for selecting among available solutions. Further, as an alternative competing solution the concepts of simulated evolution are applied to classical tabu search. This allows for a stochastic criterion for selecting among available solutions as compared to the random approach of classical tabu search. Only gates on the critical sesitizable paths are considered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizeable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlair approaches, the presented techniques produce circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small incerase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%

    Tabu Search Based Circuit Optimization

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    In this paper we address the problem of optimizing mixed CMOS/BiCMOS circuits. The problem, formulated as a constrained combinatorial optimization problem is addressed using a tabu search algorithm. Initially a random approach is adopted for selecting among available solutions. Further, as an alternative competing solution the concepts of simulated evolution are applied to classical tabu search. This allows for a stochastic criterion for selecting among available solutions as compared to the random approach of classical tabu search. Only gates on the critical sesitizable paths are considered for optimization. Such a strategy leads to sizeable circuit speed improvement with minimum increase in the overall circuit capacitance. Compared to earlair approaches, the presented techniques produce circuits with remarkable increase in speed (greater than 20%) for very small incerase in overall circuit capacitance (less than 3%