4 research outputs found

    Visualisation of Collage Grammar to CellWorks: ET0L Mode and Part Sensitive Mode

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    Images are an important aspect of human life as one remembers pictures better than words. Informally, a twodimensional string is called a picture. A two-dimensional language (or picture language) is a set of pictures. Picture generation and analysis has become a widely investigated field in Theoretical Computer Science and in Mathematics. Collage grammars are studied as devices that generate pictures by rewriting based on hyperedge replacement. A cell-work is a finite set of cells where each cell (being a three dimensional entity) is surrounded by one or more faces. This paper focuses on how cell work languages can be captured by collage grammar in ET0L and Part Sensitive modes

    Table-Driven And Context-Sensitive Collage Languages

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    . In this paper, we introduce the notions of context-sensitive and TOL collage grammars as generalizations of context-free collage grammars. Both kinds of picture generating devices are more powerful than the context-free case. Nevertheless, the sizes of collages in a TOL collage language can be shown to grow at most exponentially. In contrast to this, there are no such bounds for context-sensitive collage languages because suitable pictorial representations of recursively enumerable sets of strings can be generated. On the other hand, it is still a conjecture that TOL collage languages exist which are not context-sensitive. 1 Introduction Collage grammars are studied in [DHT96, Dre96, DK96, DK99, DKL97, HK91, HKT93] as picture-generating devices with a context-free mode of rewriting based on hyperedge replacement. A collage consists of a set of geometrical parts, a sequence of pin points, and a set of hyperedges each coming with a nonterminal label and a sequence of attachment points..


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