29 research outputs found

    Dependent Pairs

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    We prove that certain pairs of ordered structures are dependent. Among these structures are dense and tame pairs of o-minimal structures and further the real field with a multiplicative subgroup with the Mann property, regardless of whether it is dense or discrete

    Definable choice for a class of weakly o-minimal theories

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    Given an o-minimal structure M{\mathcal M} with a group operation, we show that for a properly convex subset UU, the theory of the expanded structure M′=(M,U){\mathcal M}'=({\mathcal M},U) has definable Skolem functions precisely when M′{\mathcal M}' is valuational. As a corollary, we get an elementary proof that the theory of any such M′{\mathcal M}' does not satisfy definable choice.Comment: 11 page

    The structure on the real field generated by the standard part map on an o-minimal expansion of a real closed field

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    Let R be a sufficiently saturated o-minimal expansion of a real closed field, let O be the convex hull of the rationals in R, and let st: O^n \to \mathbb{R}^n be the standard part map. For X \subseteq R^n define st(X):=st(X \cap O^n). We let \mathbb{R}_{\ind} be the structure with underlying set \mathbb{R} and expanded by all sets of the form st(X), where X \subseteq R^{n} is definable in R and n=1,2,.... We show that the subsets of \mathbb{R}^n that are definable in \mathbb{R}_{\ind} are exactly the finite unions of sets of the form st(X) \setminus st(Y), where X,Y \subseteq R^n are definable in R. A consequence of the proof is a partial answer to a question by Hrushovski, Peterzil and Pillay about the existence of measures with certain invariance properties on the lattice of bounded definable sets in R^n

    Stratifications of tangent cones in real closed (valued) fields

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    We introduce tangent cones of subsets of cartesian powers of a real closed field, generalising the notion of the classical tangent cones of subsets of Euclidean space. We then study the impact of non-archimedean stratifications (t-stratifications) on these tangent cones. Our main result is that a t-stratification induces stratifications of the same nature on the tangent cones of a definable set. As a consequence, we show that the archimedean counterpart of a t-stratification induces Whitney stratifications on the tangent cones of a semi-algebraic set. The latter statement is achieved by working with the natural valuative structure of non-standard models of the real field.Comment: 15 page

    The elementary theory of Dedekind cuts in polynomially bounded structures

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    Let M be a polynomially bounded, o-minimal structure with archimedean prime model, for example if M is a real closed field. Let C be a convex and unbounded subset of M. We determine the first order theory of the structure M expanded by the set C. We do this also over any given set of parameters from M, which yields a description of all subsets of M^n, definable in the expanded structure.Comment: 16 pages. The paper is a sequel to http://www-nw.uni-regensburg.de/~.trm22116.mathematik.uni-regensburg.de/paper s/cutsa.p

    Model completeness of o-minimal fields with convex valuations

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    We let R be an o-minimal expansion of a field, V a convex subring, and (R0,V0)(R_0, V_{0}) an elementary substructure of (R,V). We let L be the language consisting of a language for R, in which R has elimination of quantifiers, and a predicate for V, and we let LR0L_{R_{0}} be the language L expanded by constants for all elements of R0R_0. Our main result is that (R,V) considered as an LR0L_{R_{0}}-structure is model complete provided that kRk_R, the corresponding residue field with structure induced from R, is o-minimal. Along the way we show that o-minimality of kRk_R implies that the sets definable in kRk_R are the same as the sets definable in k with structure induced from (R,V). We also give a criterion for a superstructure of (R,V) being an elementary extension of (R,V)

    The exponential rank of non-Archimedean exponential fields

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    Based on the work of Hahn, Baer, Ostrowski, Krull, Kaplansky and the Artin-Schreier theory, and stimulated by a paper of S. Lang in 1953, the theory of real places and convex valuations has witnessed a remarkable development and has become a basic tool in the theory of ordered fields and real algebraic geometry. In this paper, we take a further step by adding an exponential function to the ordered field

    O-minimal spectrum

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    Let X be a definable sub-set of some o-minimal structure. We study the spectrum of X, in relation with the definability of types

    Topological groups, \mu-types and their stabilizers

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    We consider an arbitrary topological group GG definable in a structure M\mathcal M, such that some basis for the topology of GG consists of sets definable in M\mathcal M. To each such group GG we associate a compact GG-space of partial types SGμ(M)={pμ:p∈SG(M)}S^\mu_G(M)=\{p_\mu:p\in S_G(M)\} which is the quotient of the usual type space SG(M)S_G(M) by the relation of two types being "infinitesimally close to each other". In the o-minimal setting, if pp is a definable type then it has a corresponding definable subgroup Stabμ(p)Stab_\mu(p), which is the stabilizer of pμp_\mu. This group is nontrivial when pp is unbounded in the sense of M\mathcal M; in fact it is a torsion-free solvable group. Along the way, we analyze the general construction of SGμ(M)S^\mu_G(M) and its connection to the Samuel compactification of topological groups

    O-minimal fields with standard part map

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    Let R be an o-minimal field and V a proper convex subring with residue field k and standard part (residue) map st: V \to k. Let k_{ind} be the expansion of k by the standard parts of the definable relations in R. We investigate the definable sets in k_{ind} and conditions on (R,V) which imply o-minimality of k_{ind}. We also show that if R is omega-saturated and V is the convex hull of the rationals in R, then the sets definable in k_{ind} are exactly the standard parts of the sets definable in (R,V)