1 research outputs found

    A complexity dichotomy for hypergraph partition functions

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    We consider the complexity of counting homomorphisms from an rr-uniform hypergraph GG to a symmetric rr-ary relation HH. We give a dichotomy theorem for r>2r>2, showing for which HH this problem is in FP and for which HH it is #P-complete. This generalises a theorem of Dyer and Greenhill (2000) for the case r=2r=2, which corresponds to counting graph homomorphisms. Our dichotomy theorem extends to the case in which the relation HH is weighted, and the goal is to compute the \emph{partition function}, which is the sum of weights of the homomorphisms. This problem is motivated by statistical physics, where it arises as computing the partition function for particle models in which certain combinations of rr sites interact symmetrically. In the weighted case, our dichotomy theorem generalises a result of Bulatov and Grohe (2005) for graphs, where r=2r=2. When r=2r=2, the polynomial time cases of the dichotomy correspond simply to rank-1 weights. Surprisingly, for all r>2r>2 the polynomial time cases of the dichotomy have rather more structure. It turns out that the weights must be superimposed on a combinatorial structure defined by solutions of an equation over an Abelian group. Our result also gives a dichotomy for a closely related constraint satisfaction problem.Comment: 21 page